How Much Pedialyte For 1 Year Old (Explained)

Sometimes you may get jittery if your baby is losing fluids, he or she is too little to replenish with water.

You may be wondering what to use to curb dehydration as there are several remedies to use and then your mind comes to Pedialyte, which prompts you to ask how much Pedialyte for 1 year old.

Pedialyte is an oral rehydration solution (ORS) used medically for the prevention of dehydration in children.

Its constituents include water, sugar, and minerals and the constituting ingredients make it a more preferred option by medics than water at replacing fluids lost due to illness or excessive sweating.

In this article, we answer your question of how much Pedialyte for 1 year old, tips to follow, and a lot more.

What is Pedialyte?

Pedialyte is a rehydrating product (oral rehydration solution (ORS) manufactured with the sole intention of dealing with dehydration during sickness, travel, heat, or strenuous exercise.

The manufacturing formula contains a balance of electrolytes and sugar, which helps to rebuild the body’s balance. Its effect on babies following, or during, a bout of vomiting or diarrhea is magical.

Pedialyte comes in all kinds of forms and flavors and these are:

  • Pedialyte Classic: This is the type of Pedialyte that comes in liquid form and is available in all kinds of flavors. This Pedialyte works effectively in restoring lost zinc and electrolytes. You can also get it as a powder.
  • Pedialyte AdvancedCare: This type of Pedialyte works in such a way that it helps to prevent dehydration during sickness. It is made with PreActiv Prebiotics, which plays a huge role in promoting healthy balance in the digestive system. You can also get it both in liquid and powder form.
  • Pedialyte AdvancedCare Plus: This type of Pedialyte contains the same PreActiv Prebiotics just as the AdvancedCare but with 33 percent more electrolytes. This unique feature makes it more efficient than the two above.
  • Pedialyte Sparkling Rush Powder: This type of Pedialyte contains no coloring, only flavors. It contains an optimal balance of sugar and electrolytes to fight dehydration effectively.
  • Pedialyte Freezer Pops: This type of Pedialyte is the type you freeze and eat like a Popsicle. However, you do not recommend them for infants.

When is it Safe to Use?

There are different opinions as to when to start using it but some medics believe that it is safe for a baby from 3 months but with the approval of your pediatrician.

It is safe for a child of 1 year but should be used with moderation; remember it is a kind of first aid.

Dehydration in Babies

Dehydration is a situation where the body has lost a significant amount of fluids or water.

During this period, the person vital loses essential minerals, which can turn up to be too serious, especially for young babies.

Using Pedialyte is effective at treating dehydration because the constituting ingredients can replenish the electrolytes as sodium, potassium, and chloride lost through diarrhea, vomiting, or sweat.

Pedialyte is manufactured with a specific concentration of sugar that accelerates the absorption of fluid and electrolytes in the gut.

When Should I Consider Giving Pedialyte To My Child?

Pedialyte should be given to children as soon as vomiting or diarrhea sets in as first aid in a bid to help prevent hospitalization due to dehydration.

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For babies that are still breastfed, Pedialyte is best administered alongside breast milk or formula and not as a replacement.

For children who have been weaned, Pedialyte should replace water or other fluids once the child is dehydrated and it should never be diluted.

But remember that Pedialyte is effective for moderate dehydration, or a less severe case of dehydration.

Symptoms and levels of dehydration in babies and young infant can be difficult to detect. They include

Mild dehydration Moderate dehydration Severe dehydration
Bodyweight loss 3–5% 6–10% More than 10%
Heart rate Normal Increased Increased
Breathing Normal Rapid Rapid
Eyes Normal Sunken, fewer tears when crying Sunken, cries with no tears
Fontanelle — soft spot on a baby’s head Normal Sunken Sunken
Urine output Normal Less than 4 wet diapers in 24 hours Less than 1–2 wet diapers in 24 hours

Once diarrhea or vomiting becomes very serious, then seek the attention of your baby’s pediatrician.

How Much Pedialyte For 1 Year Old

When dealing with a 1-year-old then give your child small sips of Pedialyte every 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can use a syringe or spoon.

If you are tempted to administer more probably because of consistent dehydration then you need to consult your baby’s pediatrician

For formula-fed babies, it’s ideal to halt the formula until your baby can retain fluids, offer Pedialyte, in small quantities of 0.15 to 0.3 fluid ounces, using a teaspoon or syringe every five minutes. Once your baby can hold liquid, continue with the formula.

You can switch to soy formula during diarrheal if your baby takes cow’s milk-based formula.

Give formula to your baby with a spoon and give it in small quantities so that your baby’s tummy can hold it.

For breastfed babies, do not stop breastfeeding while using Pedialyte as it helps provide the needed nutrition and helps comfort your little one.

Mother’s milk is enriched with essential antibodies, which can help combat sickness. It also helps the rehydration treatment, hence speeding up the recovery process.

While using Pedialyte for your 1-year baby, nurse your baby in shorter intervals and then try sticking to a schedule of every two hours or as your baby needs.

During each feeding session, offer your child between 0.15 to 0.3 fluid ounces (5 to 10 milliliters) of Pedialyte using a clean teaspoon or syringe every five minutes.

If your baby is throwing up, try to wait until they’ve stopped for approximately 8 hours then resume a normal feeding schedule.

Even when your baby is still having vomiting incidents, continue to offer the Pedialyte every five minutes.

Dosage Instructions

Pedialyte is best given every 15minutes but it is advised to start with small sips then increase the amount gradually as much as your baby’s body can tolerate it.

Recommended dosages can be found on the products package or manufacturer’s website but do not forget to consult your baby’s pediatrician for advice before using this ORS.

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Safety Tips                                                                                                                   

Generally, Pedialyte is said to be safe for babies over the age of 1. Though, a small population of children may be allergic to some of its ingredients.

Do not hesitate to contact your baby’s pediatrician once you notice allergic reactions that may include a rash, hives, itching, redness, swelling, or trouble breathing.

It is important to know that drinking a wrongly mixed ORS can lead to ingestion of too much salt, causing a condition known as hypernatremia 

Hypernatremia is associated with excessively high blood levels of sodium and if left untreated, it can cause your child to initially become irritable and agitated, and eventually drowsy and unresponsive.

In severe cases, it can lead to coma or death, so always ensure proper mixing of your Pedialyte to avoid complications resulting from a wrong mixture.

Read Also: What To Eat When Breastfeeding a Sick Baby

Other FAQ’s

Are there any side effects to Pedialyte?

Of course, Pedialyte comes with its side effects. Fortunately, most infants who take Pedialyte don’t experience severe reactions.

The most common side effect that comes with Pedialyte is vomiting and nausea. Fortunately, you can limit this by offering your baby small amounts at a time — not more than two teaspoons.

Other severe side effects that can result from using Pedialyte include:

  • Dizziness (not easy to notice in infants)
  • Swelling in feet and ankles
  • Mood changes
  • The baby may become restless
  • Seizures

For allergic reactions (even though they are rare), here are the signs you should look out for:

  • The baby may experience itching or swelling (tongue, face, or throat)
  • Rashes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe dizziness

What can I do about Pedialyte’s side effects?

If you notice any side effects, you should stop administering Pedialyte and consult your pediatrician to know the next course of action.

If your little one shows adverse signs or an allergic reaction, do not hesitate to seek immediate care.

Can I Mix Pedialyte with Other Drinks?

For infants over the age of one, if they don’t like the taste of Pedialyte, you may be tempted to mix it with soda or juice to enhance the taste. This is not recommended.

Wind Up

Pedialyte is an oral rehydration solution (ORS) used to cushion the effect of dehydration or treat dehydration caused by vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, or poor fluid intake due to illness.

Giving it to your baby alongside breastfeeding or formula feeding is healthy and also effective in treating mild to moderate levels of dehydration and preventing hospitalization.

When thinking about how much Pedialyte for 1 year old, start by giving the child small sips of Pedialyte every 15 minutes. Alternatively, use a syringe or spoon.

For formula-fed babies, it’s ideal to halt the formula until your baby can retain fluids, offer Pedialyte, in small quantities of 0.15 to 0.3 fluid ounces, using a teaspoon or syringe every five minutes. Once your baby can hold liquid, continue with the formula.

For breastfed babies between each session, offer 0.15 to 0.3 fluid ounces (5 to 10 milliliters) of Pedialyte using a teaspoon or syringe every five minutes.