How To Make A Diaper Out Of A Shirt (2 Easy Methods)

Are you looking for what to turn an old T-shirt into instead of wasting it by disposing of it inside the trash bin? Then this article is for you.

You can recycle your old clothes instead of discarding them by making diapers and cutting down on your expenses.

Things are skyrocketing, and sure the world is still recovering from the effects of COVID, and I am pretty sure that you wouldn’t mind cutting off things that strain your budget, like diapers, by making your own.

Learning how to make a diaper out of a shirt will greatly help you whenever you are caught unprepared or in an emergency.

Making your baby’s diapers helps avoid rashes because you will be changing diapers frequently, leaving your baby’s buttocks fresh.

The Type of Shirt Material to Use When Making Diapers

When choosing the kind of shirt to use, try using a shirt that is 100% cotton or a bamboo/cotton, hemp/cotton, or hemp/bamboo blend.

Do not use a shirt containing polyester because polyester does have difficulty absorbing.

Also, you can use any size or shape of a shirt. Whether new or old or worn out, there is no issue.

You can also decide whether you want to cut your material or not it depends on you, and it will give you what you want.

What other materials do I need? 

Apart from your shirt, you will need a waterproof diaper cover that helps to keep clothes dry and hold the diaper in place. You can either use a PUL cover, a pocket diaper, or DIY a fleece cover.

How to Make a Diaper Out Of A Shirt

There are two ways of making your baby’s diaper out of a shirt, and in this article, we will be giving you the methods while you go ahead and choose the method that catches your fancy.

The first method involves folding a T-shirt Diaper, while the second one involves making a Receiving Blanket Diaper.

Method 1: Folding a T-Shirt Diaper

1. Select Your Cloth or Shirt

In choosing the clothes to use, try using a shirt that is 100% cotton because cotton tends to absorb more than synthetic fibers.

The choice of a short sleeve or three-quarter-length sleeve is encouraged for best results because a three-quarter length sleeve may make it easier to pin the diaper on larger babies and toddlers,

The size of the cloth should be dependent on your baby’s size of your child.

2. Lay the Shirt Flat

This can be done on the floor or any other large working surface. While laying it, do it so that the sleeves are at the top.

3. Fold One Side of the Shirt Over

Fold the bottom of the shirt over about 1/3 of the way, and then you seam where the sleeve meets the shirt’s body just below the center of the neckline while keeping the sleeve of the shirt’s outward.

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4. Fold the Other Side of the Shirt Over

The folding of the other side should be the same as the fold made on the first side so that the shirt is folded into thirds.

Keep the sleeve pointed outwards. This should leave you with a “t” or cross shape.

5. Fold the Top of the Shirt Down

Bring the part of the t-shirt extending above the sleeves down over the sleeves. The upper part of the lowercase “t” shape should be folded over, creating a capital “T” shape.

6. Fold the Bottom Of The Shirt In Half

Take the bottom side of the t-shirt and draw it up to the bottom sleeve line. This will shorten the length of the shirt by half thereby leaving you with a capital “T” shape but a shorter one.

7. Wrap the Diaper around Your Baby

Sit your baby on the part of the shirt that starts just below the sleeves. The bottom portion of the diaper should be brought up and over the front of your baby, and the sleeves should be wrapped around the back and to the front.

The sleeves can be secured to the front using diaper pins or Velcro closures.

8. Place a Diaper Cover over the Diaper

A waterproof diaper cover should be placed over the diaper to prevent leaks and increase the absorbency of the diaper.

Method 2: Making a Receiving Blanket Diaper

1. Use A 100% Cotton Receiving Blanket

Receiving blankets is cheap, and cotton should be chosen because cotton is fairly absorbent.

You can also make use of fabric made from terry cloth, flannel, or other absorbent materials.

Ensure that you use a square receiving blanket or a square 34–36 inches (86–91 cm) of another material other than a receiving blanket.

2. Spread the Blanket out Flat

Use the floor or another large surface for this. Ensure no wrinkles are found in the blanket. If there is, smooth it out.

3. Fold the Blanket in Half

Fold the blankets in half by taking the two right-hand corners of the blanket and bringing them to the two left-hand corners.

4. Fold the Blanket in Half Again

Take the two top corners and bring them to the two bottom corners to fold the blanket in half again. This will give you a square shape again and smooth out any wrinkles in the blanket after you’re done folding it.

5. Fold One Corner to Make a Triangle Shape

Take the top part of the bottom left corner and draw it towards the right. This should lie to the right side of the rest of the blanket and form a triangle shape.

6. Flip It Over

The bottom right and the top corner of the triangle shape should be grabbed, and the entire blanket flipped over so that the triangle points down instead of up. Flatten it smooth again.

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7. Fold the Square Part Of The Blanket

Grab the two edges on the left of the cover that make up the square shape. Fold this into a rectangle shape that lies in the center of the triangle by folding it over multiple times. This is your diaper shape.

8. Use the Diaper

Make use of the diaper by laying your baby so that the wide edge of the triangle is lined up with their waist. Fold the lower part of the diaper up the baby’s front side. Fold the two sides of the triangle in to meet the front of the diaper and pin them all together over the baby’s waist.

9. Put a Diaper Cover over the Blanket

The essence is to prevent leaks, and a waterproof diaper cover should be used. Try changing the diaper frequently.

Read Also: How To Make a Diaper Out Of a Plastic Bag

Reasons Why T-Shirts Are Amazing Diapers

They are very easy to access

Finding the right cloth material is as easy as opening the closet. You can easily buy from your nearby stores or source them through friends or relatives.

They are easy to wash

Single-layer natural fibers can be easily washed using little water and laundry detergent. They can be easily hand washed and can easily dry as well.


Cotton is absorbent. Half T-shirt diapers can easily hold up to 6-8 ounces, similar to many microfibers. This may vary depending on the size of the shirt.

Custom-fit to baby – One size

You should fold the T-shirt to the best size that suits your baby. You can even cut the shirt to get the best fit for your baby. There is no manual to folding a T-shirt, you just need to make sure it fits and absorbs liquid.

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I hope this article has provided you with in-depth knowledge to answer the question of how to make a diaper out of a shirt.

Remember, when choosing a shirt to use, try using a shirt that is 100% cotton or a bamboo/cotton, hemp/cotton, or hemp/bamboo blend.

Do not use a shirt containing polyester because it does have difficulty absorbing.

Also apart from your shirt, you will need a waterproof diaper cover which helps to keep clothes dry and hold the diaper in place.

There are two ways of making your baby’s diaper out of a shirt, the first method involves folding a T-shirt Diaper while the second one involves making a Receiving Blanket Diaper, and you can sure use the method that catches your fancy.