How To Fold A Baby Trend Stroller (Step By Step Guide)

Do you own a Baby Trend stroller or are considering buying one? Or you’re looking for the best way on how to fold a Baby Trend stroller? Well, this guide is for you.

Baby Trend, Inc. manufactures all kinds of strollers, including double and single jogging strollers, like the Baby Trend Expedition.

One thing that can make life difficult for any parent or caregiver is using a stroller that won’t fold or open easily. And if this has been your story and you want to save yourself from this experience, then worry not.

This article will help you get a very clear idea of how to fold your Baby Trend stroller. Knowing how to assemble and following a maintenance guide helps you take care of your stroller so you can safely use it for a long period.

Are Baby Trend Strollers Easy To Use?

Yes, the Baby Trend strollers are quite easy to use and also very easy to fold and unfold.

Even though they come in all kinds of models with different closing and opening mechanisms, they usually use the one-button or one-hand fold mechanism, which is quite easy to operate.

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How To Fold A Baby Trend Stroller (Step By Step Guide)

1. How to fold the Baby Trend Tri-Fold Mini Stroller

  • Firstly, push the footrest down.
  • There’s a button in the middle of the handlebar, hold the button and push it towards you.
  • Finally, push the stroller forward and the stroller will close.

Here is a video showing you how to fold baby Trend Tri-Fold Mini Stroller

2. How to fold the Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller

  • Firstly, you need to hold red buttons located on both sides of the handlebar.
  • Then press it and unlatch the buttons, afterward push it upwards towards you.
  • After you’ve done this, at the same time begin pulling the stroller towards you. You’ll notice the stroller will start to fold up and will close easily as you do so.
  • Once this is done, you can easily balance it on its wheels or store it away properly.

Here is a video showing you how to fold baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller

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3. How to fold the Baby Trend Sit N Stand Double Stroller

This double stroller is quite easy to open or fold because it has one button one hand fold technique. To fold this Baby Trend stroller

  • Firstly, you need to press the button that is located in the middle area of the handlebar. Twist it and at the same time push the stroller towards the outer side.
  • Once this is done, you’ll notice the stroller folding up easily.
  • Alternatively, you can also hold the front of the stroller with your other hand then bring it closer to collapse and finally fold the stroller fully.

Here is a video showing you how to fold baby Trend Sit N Double Stroller

4. How to fold the Baby Trend Expedition ELX Stroller

  • Firstly, you have to push the button located in the middle of the handlebar, while doing this hold the stroller in the front area.
  • Then use your two hands to fold in the stroller as it starts to collapse.
  • Once this is done, store it away properly.

Here is a video showing you how to fold baby Trend Expedition ELX Stroller

Baby Trend Strollers: 3 Best Features

If you’re still thinking about whether to buy a Baby Trend stroller to carry your baby in and about, well, here are three unique features to look out for to help you make that decision.

 1. Special wheels for better grip 

Some Baby Trend Stroller wheels use bicycle wheels which makes it very easy for you to move the stroller on any type of surface, unlike most other baby strollers. This is very helpful especially if you are looking forward to walking or jog along as you take your baby in the baby stroller.

2. Keep or remove the tray

Sometimes, you may or may not need the child tray, and fortunately, this stroller allows you to remove or put back the tray as and when needed.

3. Works for both younger and older kids

If you have an older toddler at home and are looking for a stroller that can work for both kids. The good news is you can use something from this brand that can help you carry both your older and younger kids at the same time.

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Their advanced Sit N Stand stroller allows the younger to babysit while the older one stands on the stroller, while you move them.

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Stroller Tips and Maintenance

Helpful Tips:

  1. Do not allow your stroller to sit in the hot sun for extended periods. This could cause its parts to become extremely hot, which can burn your baby.
  2. Do not hang bulky bags from the stroller’s handle. This can make the stroller tip over. Instead, always put your stuff safely in the basket.
  3. Always clean your stroller regularly with a mild detergent or gentle dish soap and warm water.

Stroller Maintenance:

  1. Always check your Baby Trend stroller regularly. According to Baby Trend, you should look out for worn parts, loose screws, and torn stitching or material.
  2. If you have a broken or damaged stroller in any way, you should stop using it. Get in touch with the customer service hotline at 1-800-328-7363 to discuss repairs or order parts.
  3. Make sure your stroller tires are properly inflated, with 20 to 25 pounds of air pressure. Use a hand-operated bicycle air pump to inflate your tires.
  4. Do not forget to return the warranty card that your stroller came with so you’ll be notified if it’s ever recalled. Visit the Baby Trend or U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission websites to check for recalls.

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Wind Up

We hope this article has given in-depth discussion to answer the question of how to fold a Baby Trend Stroller.

With a simple folding mechanism, most baby strollers no matter the brand or model can be managed within one to two movements at most and fold down within a matter of seconds.

If you are someone that loves traveling a lot, being able to handle your baby stroller with one hand is exceptionally easy.