How To Use a First Signal Pregnancy Test (Easy Steps)

If you’re thinking of how to use a first signal pregnancy test, take off the lid of the test stick and hold it under your urine stream for a minute, then put it on a flat surface.

Within a few minutes, two lines will appear to indicate that you’re pregnant, but if it’s just a single line. It means negative.

You need to know some things about using a first signal test and when to use it.

How Pregnant Test Kits Work

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that is present in the urine of pregnant women.

This test stick detects this hormone in the early days of conception. Just a one-step pregnancy test gives a result of over 99% accuracy, which many other pregnancy test options fail to give.

There is an expiry date of up to two years from the date of purchase on all first-signal pregnancy test sticks packaged in aluminum packaging.

What is HCG

HCG is a hormone produced by the syncytiotrophoblastic cells of the placenta during pregnancy.

The hormone stimulates the corpus luteum( a temporary organ that supports the luteal phase in fertility) to produce progesterone to maintain the pregnancy.

How To Use a First Signal Pregnancy Test Kit

Different brands design their pregnancy test kits differently, but all serve the same purpose. Read the instructions provided by the brand you purchased.

Collect Your Urine Sample

Collect your first-morning urine in a clean, dry, and clear container. The first urine contains a higher concentration of HCG which the kit will detect. But you can use any urine sample during the day if you miss your morning urine.

Unpack the testing Kit

Remove the stick from the pack. Be cautious not to touch the absorbent tip in order not to contaminate it and tamper with the results since it is the part that touches the urine.

Run The Test

You can run this test; by dipping the tip into your urine sample or holding the tip to your urine stream.

Dipping Method

Dip the absorbent tip of the stick in the collected urine sample for a few seconds. Ensure the tip is fully immersed in the urine but avoid exceeding the maximum dip line usually indicated on the stick.

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Stream Method

Hold the absorbent tip of the test stick in your urine stream for a few seconds until it becomes saturated.

Avoid messing up the rest of the stick with urine. Place the stick on a flat, dry surface and wait for the results in a few minutes.

Wait For the Results

After the testing procedure, place the test stick on a flat surface with the result window facing up. Wait for the results according to the indicated waiting time.

Check Results

Check the result window for the signal lines; if the signal has two lines, the result is positive, but if it’s just one line, it means the result is negative, and you’re not pregnant.


Read the result according to the specified time. Reading it too early or too late can be misleading and give you an inaccurate result.

The best way to use a test kit is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

When To Use a First Signal Pregnancy Test Kit

The usual early indication of pregnancy is a missed period which isn’t always accurate because there are many reasons why your period may delay.

Carrying out a proper pregnancy test with reliable testing equipment, like a first signal test kit, is a better way to get an accurate result.

But just like many man-made tools, a test kit can sometimes give false results even with a rating of 99% accuracy.

You might get a false result because of timing, either when you took the test or read the results.

To get an accurate reading, take the test from the first day of a missed period. Or 21 days after having unprotected sex. But some test kits are very sensitive and can give an accurate result even before you miss a period.

You can run a pregnancy test at home, the hospital, or the drugstore when you suspect you might be pregnant or have a missed period.

However, the accuracy of the results may vary due to a few reasons, like timing or your test kit. Here are some tips for when to run a pregnancy test.

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Missed Periods

This is easily the commonest sign of pregnancy, especially if you have a regular cycle.

But it is still not guaranteed that you’re pregnant when you miss a period because many other factors can cause a delay in your period, for instance, poor feeding, stress, and illness.

Early Testing

Some test kits have been proven to detect HCG in pregnant women in their early pregnancy stages.

However, early testing increases your chance of getting a negative result since HCG levels are relatively lower in the early stages of pregnancy.

Running a follow-up test a few wells or days later for a more accurate result is advisable if you conduct early testing.

Waiting Period

If your periods are irregular, take a test at least a week after a missed period. During this waiting period, the HCG levels rise and give higher chances of getting an accurate result.


If you experience irregular menstruation, finding a perfect time for a pregnancy test can be challenging.

In such a case, a home test isn’t the best option. Visit a healthcare facility to get assistance on when to take a test.

Can a First Signal Test Work If You Take The Pill?


Even though some contraceptive methods, like the pill, contain hormones, they cannot stop a pregnancy test from working. Taking pills to prevent pregnancy leads to hormonal changes.

However, they’re not 100% reliable, and sometimes mistakes happen ( like not taking the pill on time).

You must run a test when you have unprotected sex or miss your period since some contraceptives can sometimes delay periods.

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You’re not alone if you suspect you might be pregnant and have wondered how to use a first signal pregnancy test kit. Many women have not had a first-time experience using a pregnancy test kit.

Fortunately, using a pregnancy test kit isn’t rocket science, and all you need to know is included in the instructions for you to follow. In just a few easy steps, you’ll have an accurate result of your status in the comfort of your home.