When Do Babies Sit Without Support (Explained)

The developmental stages of babies are one of the most interesting things to watch. From watching your baby learn how to latch on your breasts perfectly to sitting up propped by his hands.

All these are wonderful processes every parent would love to experience. Sometimes, parents become very anxious when their baby’s development is a little different from the norm.

Some begin to think that their babies are not normal simply because they cannot sit on their own without support when they expect them to.

This brings us to the question, when do babies sit without support? We’ll answer this question in this article. Read on!

The Stages before Sitting

Before we talk about when babies sit without support, we would first love you to know that it is a gradual process. Yes, babies do not begin to sit all of a sudden.

They go through a series of steps before they eventually get to sit without support. We will take you through these steps.

At Two Months:                                             

Most babies begin to gain control of their bodies at two months. Mind you, it is not their entire baby. It begins with the head.

Do you remember how babies’ heads tilt towards different angles at random at the initial stage of their lives? This happens because babies are tender and have little or no control over their head movements.

When babies get to two months, they gradually begin to hold their heads and exercise a certain amount of control over it.

At Four-Five Months:

It is at this stage that babies extend their control of movement from their head down their necks, upper body, and back muscles.

These parts of their bodies begin to develop more and they gain more control. Some babies are early bloomers, they might begin to support themselves by propping themselves with their hands for balance.

But we do not advise you to try to make your baby sit or exercise great balance at this stage if your child can’t take it.

If you apply force, you might end up getting your baby injured. So, let your baby be. Remember that every child is different from the other. Your baby is unique.

When Do Babies Sit Without Support

Finally, we’ve gotten to this question. When do babies sit without support? Before we go on to give you a definite answer to this question, we would love to remind you that not every child would follow this pattern.

Some children sit earlier while some may sit later. But we’re dealing with the majority in this case, aren’t we?

Most babies sit without support by the time they are six months old. They begin the preparation in two months.

You remember babies begin to gain control of their head movement when they are two months old. Some babies might need a little support sitting properly at the beginning of their sixth month.

Towards the end of the month, they master the art of sitting all by themselves. Isn’t that fascinating?

Interestingly, this is not the only thing that occurs at six months. A lot of wonderful things begin to happen with babies’ movements when they are six months old. Sitting without support is one of them.

Also at six months, babies begin to sit up from a sleeping position by themselves. By the time they’re seven months old, they begin to change their sleeping and sitting positions with ease.

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What to Do When Babies Still Need Support To Sit

We’ve been going on and on about babies sitting without support. But we won’t neglect the fact that there is a time when they can’t do without support while sitting.

So, what should one do while a baby prepares to sit and eventually do it with no support? Find some helpful tips below!

1. Keep the Baby Engaged

Some babies find it difficult to sit as long as they should because they get distracted easily.

This distraction would make them seek the attention of a parent or caregiver sooner than later.

To avoid this, sit the baby down, give it the support it needs and keep it engaged by allowing access to an age-appropriate toy or anything capable of holding the baby’s interest.

For example, you can roll a ball and play catch while the two of you are sitting, or hold your baby’s hands and sing a sweet song while swaying to the rhythm gently.

2. Prop the Baby Up

We are all aware of the fact that not everyone can deal with the stress of minding a sitting baby every single minute.

You can make things easier for you and the baby by propping the baby up. You could use a pillow (like a Boppy pillow) for this purpose.

It isn’t a must that you use a pillow ; you can improvise and make use of anything that suits you the best.

3. Make Use of Baby Strollers

Baby strollers can also help you keep your baby in position while it sits. They are one of the greatest options ever!

You could make sitting fun and super comfy for your baby by taking walks while you carry your baby in a stroller. Always go for strollers that suit you and your baby.

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What If My Baby Doesn’t Sit At Six Months Without Support?

This is yet another thing that a lot of parents seem to worry about. But there’s no cause for alarm.

Provided you have a healthy baby, there’s no need to panic. Your baby will sit in its own time when he or she is ready. But if you suspect any abnormality, do not hesitate to see the doctor.

Also, don’t try to put pressure on your baby by making it sit while it is not yet ready for it. We believe you do not want to get your baby injured. So, don’t do it!

Safety Tips for sitting babies

Once you notice your baby can properly without support, ensure to make some adjustments to their room.

At month 6, babies can grab anything in sight, so always check the area where the crib is situated and remove any dangerous items out of reach such as mobiles and any other dangling accessories.

Always keep an eye on them so they don’t fall off of their chairs, couches, and other pieces of furniture.

The Importance of Sitting Up

1. It Helps Baby to Be More Independent

Sitting up can help your become more independent and also be able to learn new things about your environment.

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It helps navigate the baby through other important milestones in life, like learning how to start eating solid foods, crawling, standing, and walking. Read on to learn more about when babies start rolling over and crawling.

2. It Helps Baby Development Process

Learning how to sit up helps your baby develop gross motor skills. For a baby to sit up properly, they need to have strong muscles in the neck, shoulders, stomach, back, and hips.

As your baby becomes conversant at using his hands to explore with their environment while sitting up, fine motor skill development sets in.

When do babies start rolling over?

Babies begin to roll over as early as 4 months old. During this period, babies rock from side to side, a motion that is the base for rolling over. They may also be able to roll over from tummy to back.

As your clocks month 6, he will typically be able to roll over in both directions. It is usually common for babies to roll over from their tummy to back for about a month or two before being able to roll over from their back to front.

If you want to see your baby roll over, place him or her on a blanket on the floor with a toy or book to one side near to him to reach toward with his arms.

When do babies start crawling?

At the age of 6 months, babies can rock back and forth on hands and knees. This is a stepping stone to crawling.

As your child rocks, she may begin to crawl backward before moving forward. As soon as the baby clocks 9 months old, he or she can typically creep and crawl.

Funny enough, during this period some babies can do a commando form of crawl, by pulling themselves along the floor by their arms.

If you want to witness your baby’s crawling development, allow him or her to play on the floor in a more secured area away from the stairs.

Place her favorite toys away from her to see her rock back and forth to play with them. You should always encourage your baby to reach for his/her toy once there are in a secure environment.

Always childproof your home, and ensure you lock up household cleaning, laundry, lawn care, and car care products. Also, make sure your outside gates and basement doors are always locked.

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We believe this article has been able to answer your question of when to do babies sit without support. Don’t be too bothered if your baby isn’t sitting up by the 6-month mark.

Every baby develops at a different pace and there’s a wide range of “normal” when it comes to reaching certain milestones in babies.

With a little more practice and patience, your little one will likely sit up in good time. But if by any chance you notice that your child isn’t able to sit up for at least a few minutes by the time they’re 9 months, you should consult your doctor.