Your toddler’s health should be every parent’s priority. In choosing food for your child, special attention should be paid to the age of the child and in this case your toddler.
Milk is good for the development of children especially toddlers as it supplies them with a wide range of essential nutrients that their body needs at that stage.
This range of essential nutrients comes from the fortification of these kinds of milk at the point of production.
With so many milk options available commercially, this article will provide you with insights on the best full cream milk for toddlers. Read On…
What Does Full Cream Milk Mean?
Full cream milk refers to milk from which cream and fat have not been removed thereby leaving it high in nutrient content and essential for the body’s growth and development.
Creamy milk has its origin in the mammary gland of mammals and when consumed moderately the chances of getting fat which most people dread can be avoided.
When is the Best Time to Switch to Full Cream Milk?
You should only make the switch after your toddler has reached the age of one. There is a reason why you must wait until your toddler is one before switching to full cream (cow/goat) milk into his or her diet.
Full cream milk is not digested as easily and completely by newborns as breast milk and formula, which is why it is not recommended for babies under the age of one.
The high concentrations of protein and minerals present in full cream milk may be too much for a newborn’s kidneys to process, resulting in dehydration.
Furthermore, full cream milk contains less iron and vitamin C than breast milk. Babies may be malnourished if their mothers switch to full cream milk too soon.
Switching too soon may cause iron deficiency anemia in some babies, a condition caused by proteins irritating the lining of the stomach and intestines.
Before introducing full cream milk to your toddler, consult with your doctor. Some babies are allergic to milk. Others have specific dietary needs.
Best Full Cream Milk For Toddlers
There are lots of full cream milk for toddlers that you can buy for your baby and harness the beauty lying therein and these milk fall under the following categories
Grass-Fed Dairy
Grass-fed dairy refers to milk coming from cows that were fed with grasses alone all year round.
Their diet was mainly grassed and they never tasted processed diet as a result of this feeding on grass alone.
This kind of milk is made up of Omega-3 fats, Vitamin E, beta-carotene, and a beneficial fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid.
Linoleic acid has a lot of health benefits ranging from immune and inflammatory system support, improved bone mass, improved blood sugar regulation, reduced body fat, and maintenance of lean body mass.
Best Grass-Fed Dairy: Maple Hill Organic 100% Grass-Fed Cow Milk
Organic Milk
Organic milk refers to milk coming from cows that were not given bovine growth hormone, didn’t eat feed that was treated with pesticides, were not given antibiotics, and met animal and welfare standards.
These kinds of milk are usually pasteurized and fortified with Vitamin D and can be a very beautiful source of calcium.
Best Organic Milk: Stonyfield Organic Milk
Goat’s Milk
Goat’s milk contains almost the same amount of protein, calcium, and vitamin A as cow’s milk.
The lactose content is comparable to that of a cow and when it is pasteurized and fortified with vitamin D and folic acid can be used as a substitute for cow’s milk for toddlers.
Best Goat Milk: Meyenberg Whole Goat Milk
Why Switch Your Child To Full Cream Milk?
Milk should be an integral part of the diet of your toddler because it is a good source of calcium and phosphorus which help in teeth and bone development.
Your child should be getting the majority of his nutrients from solid food by the age of one.
While milk is still an important source of nutrition, after one year of age, your toddler should be getting the majority of his calories from a variety of solid foods.
Growing up or fortified formula milk may contain more energy than full cream cow’s milk, potentially displacing your child’s appetite for a healthy, well-balanced diet.
Full cream milk, including fresh milk, UHT, and powder form, is an easily accessible and convenient source of calcium, protein, vitamin D, and riboflavin for moms.
Riboflavin is a B vitamin that is necessary for the growth and development of your baby’s bones, muscles, and nerves.
A nutritious diet supplemented with full cream milk provides your toddler with the nutrition he requires for healthy growth.
Difference between Cow’s Milk and Goat’s Milk
Cow’ milk simply means milk from the mammary gland of a cow and it is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and many other key nutrients.
Pasteurized cow milk can be introduced when a baby is about 9-12 months of age. The energy content in cow’s milk can serve babies at such an age bracket, this is why it is encouraged that full cream cow milk is given till two years.
Goat milk on the other hand is almost the same in composition as cow’s milk.
Its lactose content is almost the same but goat milk is not recommended for infants younger than nine months of age and when pasteurized and fortified with vitamin D and folic acid, it can serve as a substitute for cow’s milk.
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Toddler and Full Cream Milk
Health professionals recommend the giving of full cream milk to toddlers that have clocked the age of one because it’s best suited for their body system and provides them with the essential nutrients.
Medical experts recommend that toddler needs the fat for nerve and brain development. A full glass of full cream milk provides your toddler with vitamins A and B, carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and proteins.
The calcium obtained from full cream milk can help the playful nature of children because it will aid in providing strong bones for support during recreation and also strong teeth which improve facial structures.
It also increases the red blood count because it contains vitamin B12, potassium that helps regulate proper nerve function and magnesium that helps in muscular function.
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How To Introduce Full Cream Milk To A Toddler

Many first-time mothers are unsure how to go about offering full cream milk to their toddlers. Here are a few examples.
Mix full cream milk with breast milk or formula
Mix full cream milk with breast milk or formula milk to introduce it to your toddler.
Increase the proportion of full cream milk in the mixture gradually. Begin with one-quarter full cream milk and three-quarters breast milk or formula milk.
Use full cream milk as an ingredient
Is your child a fan of oatmeal? Instead of water, use milk to cook your oatmeal. Is he a fan of smoothies? Pour in the milk. Find foods that he already enjoys and combine them with milk.
Both methods will gradually accustom your child to the taste. This allows his digestive system to adjust to the increased concentrations of milk protein and minerals.
What To Do If Your Toddler Doesn’t Like Full Cream Milk
Every child is unique and sometimes your child may not be comfortable with the consumption of full cream milk.
This might make you think of the best possible way to remedy the situation so that he/she can start drinking full cream milk and harness the benefit from the consumption of full cream milk like his peers and contemporaries.
You can decide to cook your toddler’s oatmeal with full cream milk if your toddler likes oatmeal instead of water.
If your toddler is a lover of smoothies you can add full cream milk and not only this you can also add it to other food that your toddler likes with time your toddler can start to get used to the taste.
If your toddler is uncomfortable with the method above then you can try alternating full cream milk, by trying out alternatives that contain the same composition as full cream milk like yogurt, cheese, and other high-calcium foods.
Read Also: Alternatives To Brushing Toddlers Teeth
I hope this article has given in-depth discussion to answer the question of the best full cream milk for toddlers and that full cream milk from cows remains the best but can be substituted with goat’s milk after your child is nine months old.
If your toddler is uncomfortable with drinking full cream milk you can decide to cook your toddler’s oatmeal with full cream milk if your toddler likes oatmeal instead of water.
If your toddler likes smoothies you can add full cream milk and not only this you can also add it to other food that your toddler likes with time your toddler can start to get used to the taste.
If your toddler is uncomfortable with the method above then you can try alternating full cream milk with other alternatives that contain the same composition as full cream milk like yogurt, Cheese, and other high-calcium foods.