Can Blueberries Make Baby Poop Black (6 Health Benefits)

Motherhood isn’t an easy journey, especially when one is a first-time mother because lots of things might cause you to be jittery, causing you to ask different questions.

But can blueberries make baby poop black? The answer is yes. Different foods, including blueberry, can change the color and texture of your baby’s poops.

Sometimes your baby could pass out poops, which may worry you, especially when your baby consumes a particular diet.

Blueberries can give your babies poop different shades of color. It could be black, green, or even blue, especially when your baby consumes much of it.

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Black Poop In A Baby: Is It Normal?

Your baby passing out black poop and the normalcy of it depends on the prevailing circumstances at that particular time. So it could be normal or abnormal.

If your baby consumed what should trigger black poop, it is normal, but if it didn’t consume what should make them pass out black poop, it should be a source of worry and concern.

Also, the first few poops from your baby after delivery are usually a sticky, black poop-like substance that may resemble tar. 

It is called meconium, something that gradually occupies your baby’s system while in the womb, and its removal is normal and is even a sign of functioning bowels. 

If there is no predisposing factor to your baby passing out black poop and you notice it, you should seek medical help. 

What Can Cause Babies’ Black Poop?

Many factors can cause black poop for your baby, and one of them is drinking an iron-fortified formula

Another one could be the consumption of blueberries in large quantities. When your baby feeds on any of these, there is no cause for worry, but if not, consult your baby’s pediatrician.

Can My Baby Eat Blueberries?

Your baby can eat blueberries, if not for anything, but for their health benefits.

Offering your baby blueberries during weaning is a great and beautiful decision; at this time, fruits must form part of your baby’s diet.

However, the CDC is against babies less than 12 months of whole blueberries as it could predispose your baby to choke.

To err on caution, you may still wish to cut blueberries in half after your baby’s first birthday. 

Many health experts advise cutting up small fruits like blueberries and grapes until your child is four years old.

How To Safely Give Your Baby Blueberries

Here are some safe ways to feed blueberries to your baby before they turn one:

Cut them up small

When trying baby-led weaning, try cutting up some squishy blueberries. Eating small foods like peas, sweetcorn, and raisins gives your baby a lot of practice using their pincer grip and getting used to chewing.

If you are concerned about choking, cut the blueberries up small and let your baby squish them in their fingers, hopefully eating one or two.

Puree them

Puree blueberries before feeding them to your baby if you are spoon-feeding or just starting with weaning.

Pureeing the blueberries reduces your baby’s risk of choking while providing all the health benefits of eating blueberries. 

Smush them up

If your baby is past the puree stage, you can smush blueberries, but you are still nervous about giving them whole (or even cut up).

The great thing about blueberries is that you can mash them up with a fork or spoon, making them easier for your baby to chew and reducing the risk of choking.

Always remember, no matter how you prepare your baby food, never leave them unattended while eating.

Staying present during mealtimes allows you to keep an eye on your baby and be immediately available if they choke or have trouble breathing.

Never feed your baby anything while in the car seat, stroller, or lying down. 

To keep your baby safe while eating, sit him upright, preferably in a highchair, and supervise the entire time.

How Many Blueberries Can a Baby Eat?

A one-year-old or six-month-old baby should take half a cup of blended blueberries. 

This is because blueberries have many health benefits, but if taken in excess, they can cause allergies.

Blueberries cause diarrhea in babies when consumed in large quantities. 

Adults also get diarrhea from blueberries when consumed in large quantities. Always stick with the recommended portion.

Can Blueberries Make Baby Poop Black?

Blueberries can change the color of your baby’s poop, depending on the quantity consumed.

If your baby is eating one of two blueberries, you may not notice any change in the color of their stools.

But if your baby eats plenty of blueberries consistently, there are high chances that you may start noticing black poops in your baby’s diaper. 

It is usually due to the natural dark blue hue, and blueberries spend little time in your baby’s digestive system.

Blueberries give black color to your baby’s poop, but sometimes you may notice your baby’s poop having a dark blue or dark green color.

There is usually no need for panic if you are sure that your baby consumed blueberries, and the beautiful thing is that after 48 hours, your baby’s poop will return to its normal color.

Undigested Blueberries in Baby Poop

It is not only the color of your baby’s poop that is affected by blueberries. It can cause a change in the texture and consistency of their stools.

It is because your baby’s digestive system is still developing, and sometimes it may not be able to process certain foods like blueberries. 

Blueberries have skin that can be difficult to break down due to the speed at which food passes through your baby’s intestines.

So it may cause blueberries to be partially digested. So when next you find whole blueberries or partially digested blueberries in baby’s poop, do not panic. It is completely normal.

As your baby grows, their digestive system will mature, and you will begin to notice less and less half-digested food in its poop. 

Read Also: Best Stain Remover For Baby Poop

Health Benefits Of Consuming Blueberries

Feeding your baby blueberries can generally affect your baby positively, especially their overall health. 

Although it can turn baby poop black, there are many health benefits.

Blueberries are a healthy snack, and when eaten in the right proportion, they have lots of health benefits for babies, including: 

1. Blueberries help babies’ bones get stronger

Blueberries are enriched with vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. 

These healthy nutrients are suitable for babies’ bone development. Vitamin K and calcium help with the synthesis of osteocalcin.

2. Improves Cardiovascular Health

It is best to feed your baby blueberry instead of sugar-coated pastries. Blueberries contain fiber and polyphenols, which play a significant role in protecting the Cardiovascular system. 

Often referred to as Cardio-protective nutrients, your baby will benefit more from consuming blueberries.

3. Blueberries help blood flow

One of the valuable contents of blueberries is vitamin K, which helps to regulate blood circulation, especially in babies. It removes anything that hinders blood flow.

Potassium, a component of blueberries, regulates how fast blood flows in the body system, preventing high blood pressure and low blood pressure.

4. Blueberries fight cancer

Cancer is among random life-threatening ailments. It affects adults, toddlers, and babies. 

Blueberry contains antioxidants. It can fight cancer. You can prevent the chances of cancer happening to your baby by feeding him the recommended quantity of blueberries daily.

5. Blueberries get rid of free radicals

In adults and children, free radicals are molecules with incomplete electrons that move around looking for other molecules to merge. Blueberries help get rid of these free radicals.

6. Blueberries help with eyesight

Your baby’s eyesight is essential. Babies need all their help, especially during the first six months. 

Blueberries can help improve it because it is rich in minerals and anthocyanin. So go ahead and replace your baby’s made snacks with natural foods like blueberries.

Can Blueberries Cause Diarrhea?

Eating blueberries can be beneficial to your baby’s overall health. 

However, when eaten excessively, blueberries can do more harm than good.

Moderation is the key word; anything taken in excess can cause issues for your baby, and blueberry isn’t an exception. When eaten in excess, blueberries can cause:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating 
  • Painful gas 
  • Stomach discomfort 

If your baby has an upset stomach after eating blueberries, don’t let them eat for a few days until they feel better again.

In the future, try to monitor how many blueberries your baby is eating and only offer them a small amount at a time to prevent them from eating enough to cause a stomach upset. 

Read Also: How To Remove Baby Poop Off Your Carpet

Can Babies Have Blueberry Allergy?

Blueberry allergies are rare. However, an allergy can develop when foods are introduced. 

That is why it is important to introduce one food at a time during weaning. 

Your baby will show the following signs once they are allergic to blueberries:

  • Hives
  • Itchy skin
  • Rashes
  • Swelling
  • Breathing problems
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Tightness in the throat
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Circulation symptoms
  • Pale skin
  • Light-headedness
  • Loss of consciousness

Once you notice any of these, contact your baby’s doctor for advice. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to remove blueberries from your baby’s diet.

Read Also: How To Get Yellow Poop Stain Out Of Baby Clothes


Does Blueberry Change Poop Color?

Yes. Consuming blueberries or other healthy foods can change the color of poop, anything from blue to black. Don’t panic. This is completely normal.

Are Blueberries Good for Constipation in Babies?

Blueberries contain fiber which helps in bowel movement. Taking an adequate quantity of blueberries daily can help your body keep running as it should.

Feed your baby blueberry if you notice signs like having difficulty defecating. It works effectively in babies. 

It will soften their poop, and your baby will be free shortly. But if constipation lasts longer than one day without signs of cure, consult a pediatrician.

Can Blueberries Cause Diaper Rash?

Like other healthy fruits, blueberries contain acidity that can irritate your child’s behind.

If your child already has diarrhea or other digestive issues, blueberries can cause diaper rash. 

Remember that the longer the stool is in contact with the behind, the worse the rash will be. So, if your child has diarrhea, try to avoid blueberries.

If the diaper rash worsens, see your pediatrician immediately and follow their instructions. 

You can also use an all-purpose balm to relieve irritation and diaper rash in your child.

Are Blueberries Hard For Babies To Digest?

The skin of blueberries, for example, can be difficult for your baby’s immature digestive system to digest, which is why you may find the skin in your baby’s diaper after eating blueberries.

Can Babies Have Blueberries?

Blueberries are a choking hazard and should only be served whole once your baby is at least 12 months old. 

Blueberries are an excellent addition to your baby’s diet and provide numerous health benefits.

Should I Be Worried About My Baby Blueberry Poop?

No, you don’t have to fear the worst just because your child’s poop is blue or contains blueberry skins. This bowel movement is quite normal in young children.

The only time you should be concerned about blueberries is if your child has an allergic reaction or digestive problems. 

The most common digestive problems associated with blueberries are diarrhea, gas, bloating, and stomach upset

Wind Up

Sure your answer to can blueberries make baby poop black has been answered. Blueberries are a tasty and healthy snack, but they can change the color of your baby’s poop to blue, green, and even black when eaten to excess.

When this happens, there is no cause for alarm, everything will normalize after 48 hours, but if you are not convinced, you can consult your baby’s doctor for professional advice.

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