How Many Swaddling Blankets Do I Need (4 Factors To Considers)

As a new parent, one of the questions I asked other parents when expecting our son was how many swaddling blankets do I need?

It was difficult knowing what these different blankets were meant for but even harder deciding how many to have.

Fortunately, there is no need to crack the nut on how many swaddling blankets you need because this depends on the purpose you use them for and the type or design you get.

Generally, you’ll need three to six swaddles. That is at least one or two to wear, wash, and spare.

With that being said, there are a few factors to have in mind when deciding how many you need, such as:

  • How frequently do you plan to launder?
  • If you are dealing with twins or triplets (doubling or even tripling the numbers will be required in this situation!).
  • What you’re using the blankets for.
  • If you’re starting with swaddle blankets designed for your newborn’s first two months.

This article will answer everything you need about babies and swaddling blankets. Read On…

What is a Swaddle?

When you hear the word swaddle, you may think it is a kind of expensive apparel for babies.

A swaddle is a thin blanket used to wrap newborns, they do not wriggle out, and the aim is to prevent the baby from wriggling out and to continue to sleep without abrupt awakening.

The working mechanism is that the swaddle imitates the warmth of the womb, making the baby still feel that they are still in the womb, and also it mitigates the effects of the startle reflex.

Is Swaddling A Recent Practice?

A parent who hasn’t heard about swaddling would be wondering if swaddling is a recent practice, but the answer is no.

It is an ancient practice that has existed for hundreds of years.

It has been used across different civilizations as a substitute for replacing the warmth of the womb with soothing newborns and making it easy for the newborn to fall asleep for long hours.

Why Should I Swaddle?

Swaddling is good for your baby because of the following reasons

  • Swaddling prevents your baby from being woken up by the newborn startle reflex since swaddling keeps your baby’s arms tight to their sides when they sleep.
  • Swaddling also helps your baby feel comforted and calm since it offers the same warmth as the womb, and the swaddling wrap womb-like.
  • Swaddling also offers great warmth to your baby while he or she sleeps.
  • Swaddling your baby helps to maintain your baby’s back sleeping position.
  • Swaddles mimic a mother’s touch, which is vital to keep your baby calm when your baby suddenly wakes up at night.
  • Swaddles help in soothing babies with colic a great deal.
  • Swaddles help mom and dad get a great deal of a good night’s rest as their baby is not disturbed by crying and screaming.

How Many Swaddling Blankets Do I Need?

How Many Swaddling Blankets Do I Need for newborn

How many swaddling blankets you need depends on the purpose you use them for and the type or design you get.

Research using surveys was conducted on new mothers; the consensus was that a newborn’s wardrobe should have three to six swaddles. That is at least one or two to wear, wash, and spare.

However, depending on a list of different factors, you can have as many swaddles as you wish in your baby’s wardrobe.

Here, we will discuss different situations and the corresponding numbers of swaddles that you would need for your baby.

Different Swaddles For Different Time Of The Day

The sack-style swaddles are a good option during the nighttime because they ensure a firm yet soft wrap that remains intact even if the baby wakes up and gets fuzzy while you are asleep.

Swaddle sacks also comes in handy when you go out with your baby.

On the other hand, traditional (muslin) swaddles are awesome during nappy hours throughout the day. If you prefer the above minimum swaddle equation, you would probably need six swaddles (three each).

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Laundry Frequency

How many swaddles you need also depends on how often you launder. If you launder one or two times a week, you may need to double your swaddles.

If you use other types of swaddles for different times of the day, you should probably need to get 12 swaddles for your baby.

Swaddles And Spitting Up

Normally spitting up is common among newborns. According to research, almost half of all healthy babies spit up in their first three months due to infant gastroesophageal reflux.

If your baby is among those infants, not only will the baby bibs be affected by the spit-ups and vomits, but your baby swaddles will all be messed up too.

In this case, you have to double the number of the minimum swaddles you initially purchased. These additional swaddles will save you from getting strapped into the laundry every time.

Read Also: How To Swaddle Baby In Summer

What Are The Types Of Swaddles

There are essentially two types of swaddles that are in the market and they are traditional and swaddle sacks.

Traditional Swaddles

The traditional swaddles are the swaddle that has been available for hundreds of years. It is just a large piece of thin blanket that can be used for swaddling as well as a burp cloth and regular blanket.

Swaddle Sacks

Swaddle sacks are innovative for parents who haven’t learned the art of wrapping babies like a burrito.

It is usually manufactured and sold with features like zippers, rings, snaps, and Velcro to help swaddle your baby easier.

They have an adjustable closure with hook and loop patches that can help you adjust the sack in line with the size and comfort of the baby.

The manufacturing materials are also soft and breathable to prevent overheating of the swaddle’s internal environment, irrespective of the outside temperature.

Read Also: 13 Best Ways To Burp A Baby

Can All Babies Be Swaddled?

Generally speaking, swaddling is good and safe for every newborn, but there are some exceptions.

Suppose your baby is having hip dysplasia or other hip issues.

In that case, swaddling may tend to aggravate that, so if your baby has any hip-related issues like hip dysplasia, then consult your baby’s pediatrician before attempting swaddling.

Remember also that everyone is unique. Some babies may be uncomfortable in a swaddle or at home with their torso being swaddled while their arms are free.

How Long Should I Swaddle My Baby

According to the recommendations, you stop swaddling your baby at 2 months old, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

If you continue swaddling your baby beyond this age, your baby may battle certain developmental issues.

Once you notice that your baby has started rolling over around, swaddling at this stage could be dangerous since babies shouldn’t lie on their stomachs without being able to use their arms.

Once your baby is over this age, sleep sacks or blankets that don’t constrict your baby’s movements, especially when rolling over, can be used.

This brings us to the question of how many receiving and muslin blankets do you need.

How Many Receiving Blankets Do I Need?

The number of receiving blankets you need varies depending on whether you’re using them for swaddling your newborn.

As mentioned above, if you’re using a specially designed swaddle blanket, then you’re good to go with 3 to 4 receiving blankets.

However, if you’re swaddling your newborn, more than less is okay. Some mothers say a minimum of 5, but up to 20 (when you’re swaddling your newborn) saves you time and energy at the washing machine. Receiving blankets is quite soft and cozy.

They’re versatile, so you may not need to have too many.

Why Are Receiving Blankets Useful?

If you’re getting over the shock at the idea of getting so many receiving blankets, be rest assured they won’t go to waste!

A good quality receiving blanket like the Luvable Friends Unisex Baby Cotton Flannel Receiving Blankets will last you for many years once your baby outgrows swaddling.

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Receiving blankets can be used to:

  • Clean up your baby’s burps and spit-ups while protecting your baby’s clothes against spills during nursing.
  • Make your baby’s tummy time more comfortable.
  • Cover yourself while nursing your baby in public.
  • Place your baby on while doing a diaper change.
  • Cover your baby while traveling in the car seat or the stroller.
  • Give your baby a place to lie or play when you’re visiting families or spending an afternoon in the park.
  • Reassure your child when they’re transitioning to their cot or room. Infants love to have their own “security blanket”.
  • With that being said, having more than fewer receiving blankets can’t be a waste!

What is the Difference Between Swaddles and Receiving Blankets?

For many new parents, the argument between swaddle blankets vs receiving blankets remains confusing.

Both swaddling and receiving blankets are necessarily thin, lightweight baby wraps used during the baby’s first year.

To avoid confusion between the two blankets once and for all, remember this: you can use receiving blankets as swaddles, but you can’t use all types of swaddles as receiving blankets.

However, the main difference between swaddles and receiving blankets is that the former may come with different features.

A swaddle blanket is designed with zippers, Velcro straps, wings, pockets, and other features. While a receiving blanket is a simple no-frill rectangular or square blanket.

This simple design of a receiving blanket makes it a versatile baby accessory. You can use it as a regular blanket to cover your baby or a makeshift baby bed sheet on top of a crib sheet.

Another difference between swaddles and receiving blankets is a swaddle is generally bigger than a receiving blanket.

TIP: If you’re unsure and can’t distinguish between the two, go for the options that are categorically sold as swaddle blankets. Since they are solely designed for swaddling, you won’t need to struggle to use them.

Watch this video which talks about the difference between swaddle and receiving blankets.

How Many Muslin Blankets Do I Need?

Knowing how many muslin blankets you need gets easier when you decide what you will use them for.

A U.K. company that manufactures muslin blankets surveyed mothers, and the number of muslin blankets mothers needed ranged between 5 and 15, with 35% of respondents saying you can never have too many!

Why Do I Need So Many Muslin Blankets?

The BaeBae Goods Muslin Swaddle Blankets are a great choice since their lightweight options for swaddling, covering your baby while outside, cleaning up spills, wiping away baby spit-ups, and covering up during nursing.

Muslin blankets are versatile as receiving blankets, but they’re not as warm and cozy. Therefore, whether you opt for 5, 7, or even 20, you can never have too many, especially if you only do laundry once or twice a week.

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Wind Up

You may realize by now that there’s no definitive answer to the question “how many swaddling blankets do I need”?

My research has been based on what other parents have recommended and what I have experienced myself. With that being said, there are a few factors to have in mind when deciding how many you need, such as:

  • How frequently do you plan to launder?
  • If you are dealing with twins or triplets (doubling or even tripling the numbers will be required in this situation!).
  • What you’re using the blankets for.
  • If you’re starting with swaddle blankets designed for your newborn’s first two months.

However, as a parent having the right information helps you determine what’s best for you and your baby. So why not add a few different blankets to your registry?

I am convinced you’ll feel good about receiving and using them, notwithstanding how many you get. Kindly share this article with your mom’s friends if you found it helpful, or comment below if you have any suggestions.