Lactose free toddler formula is a name used for cow-based formula specially manufactured for infants or toddlers that may be experiencing lactose intolerance.
This type of formula for toddlers is essential for toddlers who experience difficulty digesting milk sugar called lactose.
Some toddlers may experience life-threatening situations when exposed to lactose-containing formulas, especially those suffering from galactosemia.
There are many varieties of toddler formulas in the market that may be free from lactose; hence, they are the ones you should get for your child with lactose intolerance.
In this article, we discuss the various lactose free toddler formula and other necessary information you need to know about lactose intolerance.
What is Lactose-Free Formula?
This is a type of formula made from cow’s milk that undergoes additional refining that involves the removal of lactose and having it replaced with a different form of sugar.
Sometimes instead of utilizing lactose as a source of sugar, the lactose-free formula will utilize a corn-based source.
Before discussing lactose free toddler formula, let’s first discuss lactose intolerance.
Lactose Intolerance: What Does It Mean?
Lactose intolerance is the inability of a body system to digest a type of sugar found in milk called lactose, otherwise christened milk sugar because of its origin in milk.
This digestive problem results from the inability of the body to produce the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the digestion of the milk sugar lactose.
Enzymes are specific in action, implying that only the enzyme lactase can digest lactose. Some toddlers do not produce this enzyme in large quantities resulting in lactose intolerance.
The inability of a body system to produce lactose at all is very rare, but production in little quantities is more common than the inability to produce lactase at all.
Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance
The commonest symptoms of lactose intolerance include the following
- Bloating, cramping
- Diarrhea or looses stool
- Gas
- Nausea, abdominal pain
Types of Lactase Deficiency
There are mainly two types of lactase deficiency they include Primary lactase deficiency and secondary lactase deficiency.
Primary Lactase Deficiency
Primary lactase deficiency is a type of lactase deficiency characterized by the inability of a baby to produce the enzyme lactase in the long term, and this type could also be congenital in nature.
In this type of lactase deficiency, babies are born without the enzyme lactase that aids in the digestion of milk sugar lactose. It is a hereditary condition because it results from the inheritance of a gene from each parent.
This type is scarce, and babies having this condition usually require specialized formulae such as soy or lactose-free formula.
Secondary Lactase Deficiency
This type of lactase deficiency is characterized by a temporary reduction in the presence or availability of lactase in the body system.
It is usually evident after bouts of diarrhea capable of damaging the lining of the intestines, and this can be caused mainly by two organisms, Rotavirus and Giardia. Crohn’s disease and Celiac disease can also be responsible for this.
Babies born prematurely can have developmental lactose intolerance, and it does last for a short time after their birth, and later on, they can tolerate lactose.
This type of lactose intolerance doesn’t usually require a switch; instead, the treatment of the underlying cause can take it, and the intolerance will disappear.
Common Digestive Problems Confused With Lactose Intolerance
Often, the digestive issues experienced by babies may not be a result of lactose intolerance but may be a result of allergies, colic, and reflux.
So it requires special observance of your baby to detect the particular cause of the problem experienced by your baby.
Some of the cause of the problems experienced by your baby aside from lactose intolerance includes
1. Cow’s Milk Allergy
This is one of the top allergens in children, and it is a problem for your child’s digestive system with the protein content of milk and not lactose. Your child’s digestive system is allergic to the protein content of cow milk.
Its presence could be from birth or developed later on as your baby matures or grows.
The symptoms of this include the following
- Diarrhea
- Hives
- Irritability
- Runny nose
- Vomiting
- Swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat
The symptom of this issue is usually confused by parents with those of colic, gas, or other digestive issues.
2. Reflux
This is a digestive issue characterized by spitting up a small amount of milk by babies when they drink milk.
It is prevalent amongst infants, and sometimes when it happens, it is not accompanied by pains and crying though it may be severe in some cases.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs in less than 1% of infants, it is caused by a weak valve at the upper end of the stomach, and sometimes it is triggered by overfeeding.
The symptoms of this condition are as follows
- Choking on spit-up
- Heartburn
- Discomfort and crying
- Poor weight gain
3. Colic
This refers to bouts of inconsolable crying in babies, and it does last longer than three hours a day and more than three days a week and can last longer than three weeks.
The cause of this is still unknown though it affects 10% to 40% of infants worldwide.
Read: Best Formula For Acid Reflux & Gas
Lactose Free Toddler Formula

There are lots of wonderful lactose free toddler formulas in the market out there that can help with controlling the lactose intolerance experienced by your toddler, and they include
1. Enfamil ProSobee
Some of the features of this lactose free formula include the following
- It was designed for babies with milk allergies
- It was also formulated to suit the needs of babies with galactosemia
- Made with lactose-free soy proteins
- It can be used as an alternative formula for babies with sensitive tummies
- It was manufactured using corn syrup
- It is handy for busy moms and also for late feedings
- It supports cognitive brain development
- It aids in easing fussiness and gas colic
2. Enfamil Nutramigen Infant Formula
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- Specially formulated for babies with hypersensitivity or allergies to formulas made from cow’s milk.
- There is a presence of casein hydrolysate in both
- Manufactured using corn syrup
- Contains linoleic acid content
- It uses modified corn starch for a thicker formula
- Its mode of action and relief is high-speed
- It aids to ease colic
Read: Enfamil Vs Aptamil – A Complete Buying Guide
3. Gerber Good Start Baby Formula Powder, Soy, Lactose-Free
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- This Lactose-Free Formula Provides Plant-Based Protein Along With Calcium & Vitamin D For proper bones, teeth, and Dha For Brain & Eye Development
- It is designed For Babies Who Need Non Dairy Milk Solutions
- It offers wholesome options
- Provides baby with essential nutrients for growth
4. Similac Pro-Sensitive
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- The formula is gentle to suit the need of fussy babies
- Good carbohydrate, vitamins, proteins, fat, and water content
- Presence of corn syrup solids
- It is manufactured using easy-to-digest milk protein isolate, and they are capable of inducing allergies or indigestion in some babies
- It contains higher linoleic acid content, and it supports a healthy heart
- Suitable for sensitive tummies
5. Similac Soy Isomil
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- It was designed for babies with milk allergies
- It was also formulated to suit the needs of babies with galactosemia
- Made with lactose-free soy proteins
- They can be used as alternative formulas for babies with sensitive tummies
- Manufactured using corn syrup
- Adequate vitamin, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrate content
- High sugar content
- Higher level of linoleic acids
6. Burt’s Bees Baby Organic Baby Formula
This formula was specifically formulated for babies with lactose sensitivity
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- The formula is an easy-to-digest milk-based formula. It is 74 percent less lactose as compared to our organic infant milk dairy formula products
- This baby formula reduces fussiness, gas, and crying;
- Gluten-free and safe breast milk alternative
- It is fortified with iron and vitamin D, E, K, calcium for bones, and DHA for brain and eye development. It also contains prebiotics for immune support
- Usda Certified Organic And Non-Gmo Baby Formula. It has no added hormone, no preservatives or antibiotics
7. Baby’s Only Organic LactoRelief Formula
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- It is made from natural sources, and the DHA and ARA are hexane-free
- It is the first Organic milk-based formula intended for children with sensitivity to lactose
- It contains Organic Canola Oil as a fat source
8. Earth’s Best Plant-Based Baby Formula, Soy-Based Powder Infant Formula with Iron, Lactose-Free
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- This formula is fortified with high-quality protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals & essential fatty acids (DHA & ara) to help support the baby’s brain & eye development
- It is easy to digest and nutritionally complete for a baby’s first year
- It has no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, or potentially harmful synthetic pesticides/herbicides
- Lactose-Free
- Kosher & Non-Gmo (No Genetically Modified Ingredients)
9. Mama Bear Soy-Based Powder Infant Formula WITH Iron
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- This formula helps reduce fussiness and gas so your lactose-sensitive baby can be more comfortable
- It is nutritionally complete for a baby’s first year
- It is lactose-free and gluten-free
- It is enriched with prebiotics which helps support healthy bacteria in the digestive system and boost immune support system development
10. Gerber Good Start Baby Formula Powder
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following
- The formula is lactose-free and made with soy proteins to ease digestion for baby tummies that are milk or lactose intolerant
- Non-Gmo (No Genetically Engineered Ingredients
- Expert-Recommended Dha
11. Similac Pro-Advance Infant Formula with Iron
This is the first leading infant formula brand with no artificial growth hormones.
Some of the features of this lactose-free toddler formula include the following.
- It tastes similar to breast milk.
- It is enriched with DHA, Lutein, And Vitamin E nutrients found in breast milk, which help support the baby’s overall growth, brain, and eye development.
If you are unsure of the best brand to use for your baby, you can seek the advice of your child’s pediatrician and also remember that the effect may not be immediate but may take up to one to two weeks.
12. SMA LF Lactose-Free Infant Milk
SMA LF is lactose-free infant milk best suited for lactose intolerant babies or those who suffer from temporary lactose intolerance symptoms, such as diarrhea, tummy aches, and wind.
Some of the features of this lactose free toddler formula include the following.
- It is enriched with omega 3 DHA
- Forever recyclable steel tin
- Easy scoop, easy to recycle
- The protective lid is also recyclable
- It is nutritionally complete and suitable as the sole source of nutrition for infants from birth.
- Older babies can use it as part of a mixed diet.
- It is best-suited babies up to 18 months of age
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What are the ingredients in the lactose-free formula?
Most lactose-free formulas are made from cow’s milk that has been refined to remove the lactose and replace it with a different form of sugar. Formulas that are lactose-free use corn as a carbohydrate source.
How do I know if my Toddler is lactose intolerant?
Your baby is likely lactose intolerant when you notice loose stools and gas, especially when feeding your child dairy products.
Can lactose-free formula cause constipation?
Unlike breastmilk, the formula is thicker and more difficult to digest. It is normal to notice your baby’s stools are firmer when switching from breastmilk to lactose-free formula.
When you switch to a lactose-free formula, you may also notice firmer stools if your baby has loose stools due to milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance. The presence of firm stools is not the same as constipation.
Are lactose-free formulas dairy-free?
In most cases, the lactose-free formula is made from cow’s milk unless you choose soy formula. This product is not dairy-free, but the lactose is removed from cow’s milk.
Can you test a toddler for lactose intolerance?
Yes, a pediatric gastroenterologist can diagnose lactose intolerance in children by performing a test known as a hydrogen breath test.
Dr. Ramirez explains that GI doctors can perform hydrogen breath tests in the lab. High hydrogen levels on test after consumption of lactose-containing products indicate lactose intolerance.
I am sure that your question about lactose free toddler formula has been answered. Remember that it is easier to confuse other digestive problems with lactose intolerance; hence, it is necessary to figure out the particular cause of your baby’s discomfort.
There are lots of brands out there in the market. If you are experiencing difficulty choosing one, seek the help of your pediatrician.
When switching from cow’s milk to lactose free toddler formula, remember that the effect is not immediate; it may take two weeks.