When Is Baby Too Big For A Bassinet

Are you wondering when to make that switch?  Your little one is getting bigger by the day, your probably wondering when is baby too big for a bassinet? Knowing when to switch your little one sleeping arrangement can be difficult.

As a new mom, I enjoyed having my baby sleep next to me, especially at night not until after 6 months I saw him sitting up in his bassinet. I was stunned and that was I knew its time to start thinking about another sleeping arrangement for him.

Bassinets are beds made specifically for babies from birth to four months old. These beds are wonderful as they offer a safe and comfortable sleeping environment. Also, they provide a baby with a safe and cozy sleeping space which has proven to help him sleep longer.

In this article, we will be talking about when is baby too big for a bassinet? Signs that suggest that your baby might be too big for bassinet, bassinet safety tips to consider, and benefit of using a bassinet.

When Is Baby Too Big For A Bassinet?

When Is Baby Too Big For A Bassinet

Bassinets are an ideal sleeping spot for a young infant and to some first-time parents, knowing when your little one is too big for the bassinet can be difficult. Bassinets are typically made of wood wicker, plastic, or metal and sit atop fixed free-standing legs.

Most bassinets are quite portable, allowing you to keep the baby close to you as you go about your daily activities. Over the years features like light, sound, and rocking have been added to bassinets to make it more interesting.

One of the first things to look for is the weight limit on your baby’s bassinet. Every manufacturer has a particular guideline on the appropriate weight your bassinet was built to accommodate.

It is explained that bassinets can usually accommodate babies between 10 and 20 pounds but if your baby is heading past the 15-pound mark, it’s time to start transitioning to another sleeping arrangement.

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3 Signs That Suggest That Your Baby Might Be Too Big For Bassinet


Has the size of your baby increased drastically? Are your baby’s head and feet touching the ends of the bassinet? Sometimes, the baby will physically outgrow their bassinet at just a couple of months old.

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Nevertheless, if one or both is touching, then it’s time to upgrade them to crib beside your bed so your baby can sleep comfortably.


Does your baby weigh more than average? Always check to see if your bassinet has a recommended weight limit because every bassinet is designed for maximum allowable weight, so make sure you check your specific model and ensure your baby is still below the limit.

Remember the average bassinet is designed for babies up to 18 lbs or for those who start to sit up on their own. Although likely, your baby will likely outgrow the bassinet in other ways, it is still imperative to know the maximum allowed model for the bassinet at home.

Although it’s unlikely that the weight of your baby can cause the Bassinet to break, it is safe to say “Respect the weight limit to ensure the utmost safety for your baby”.


Can your baby move or roll over on its own? If so he should be moved to a crib for their safety. The crib has deeper sides than bassinets which make it a safer choice once your baby starts moving freely on its own.

When Is Baby Too Big For A Bassinet: Safety Tips To Consider

Bassinets are one of, if not the safest places to put your baby down for a nap or sleep but you must remember that they are almost always designed for small, newborn babies that don’t yet move much and sleep on their backs.

The following tips are to be considered before you put your baby inside a bassinet

  • Never face down your Baby, always lay down on their back.
  • Always share a room with your baby until at least 6 months of age.
  • Do not share a bed with your Baby (No co-sleeping together).
  • Always remember to read the instruction manual for the bassinet you choose to see the product’s weight limits.
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Benefits Of Using A Bassinets

When Is Baby Too Big For A Bassinet

The main reason most parents prefer using bassinet over the crib is simply because of its size.

  • A bassinet is more potable than a crib. This makes it easier for parents to get on with their daily chores while carrying their baby and move around the house.
  • It is easier to soothe your baby in the middle of the night when he wakes up while in his bassinet.
  • Babies tend to sleep easier in a bassinet than in a huge crib. This is due to the womb-like size of a bassinet which makes them feel safer and cozier.
  • The shallow side of a bassinet makes it easier to lift your baby out and put them back to sleep.

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As a parent, it is your responsibility to provide the best care for your baby. Therefore, knowing the right bassinet to get for your baby and knowing when your baby is too big for a bassinet?” is a valuable question to ask as a concerned parent.

However, if you want to pick the best bassinet on the market, to ensure that you need to check out the must-have features listed below.

Storage: Your bassinet should have storage because a baby needs a lot of things at a time. It normally includes a basket at the bottom and some side pockets for toys.

Canopy: A bassinet that has canopy is great if you intend to use it in the day or a room full of light. The canopy shields the baby from lights.
Bedding: A good bassinet is bound to have a mattress, fitted sheets for the bed.

Noise: Babies love noise, choosing a bassinet that has noise option is great for your baby
Movement: Bassinets that can rock and vibrate help stimulate your baby to sleep.