Enfamil Gentlease Vs Similac (A Complete Buying Guide 2023)

Formulas are great substitutes for breast milk. Whether taken alongside breast milk or independently, they contain all the nutrients babies need to grow.

Considering the variety of products available, deciding on a brand for your baby can be difficult.

Fortunately, we have researched two popular brands, Enfamil Gentlease Vs Similac. We have compiled their features, pros, and cons to help narrow your search for a quality brand.

Table of Contents

Enfamil Gentlease Vs Similac

Breastfeeding is the natural method of feeding babies from birth. That way, the babies get the nutrition they need to grow and develop in the recommended composition.

Mothers who cannot follow this natural method use a formula to feed their babies. 

Formula brands may vary in packaging and other minor details, but often, their aim is the same; to provide adequate nutrition for babies.

As much as many brands may provide the same nutritional value, babies respond to products differently. 

What one baby may enjoy, another may not. We must critically evaluate all these brands based on their features, nutritional information, pros, and cons.

Enfamil Gentlease

Enfamil Gentlease is an infant milk-based baby formula formulated to meet the nutritional needs of babies through the first 12 months and to reduce fussiness in babies. 

Backed up by decades of research, Enfamil is recognized as a pediatrician-recommended infant formula brand.

It is gentle for babies with sensitive tummies and contains iron and Omega-3 DHA, both found in breast milk and are necessary for cognitive brain development. 

It also contains 30 other nutrients that aid growth, and dual prebiotics blend to support the immune system.


  • It contains DHA and choline to support brain development.
  • It contains a blend of dual prebiotics to support the digestive and immune systems.
  • It exists in both powdered and concentrated forms.
  • It has MFGM (milk fat globule membrane), a component in human breast milk that supports your baby’s cognitive development.
  • High levels of linoleic acid content and higher levels of inositol 


  • Enfamil is globally recognized and can be easily sourced from around the world.
  • It offers a variety of options that can cover babies with unique needs and attention.
  • Considering how popular it is and how much it offers, the prices are fair and easy to keep up with.
  • Great for babies suffering from colic


  • It has an awful smell and can be discouraging for some babies.
  • It makes some babies spit up. This may result from a bad smell or an ingredient in the formula.
  • Contains corn syrup


Similac baby formula is a nutritionally complete formula to nourish babies from birth. 

It contains 2′-FL and a blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E. It is palm oil free and does not contain any GMOs.


  • It is made from cow’s milk but contains 2’FL, which makes it similar to breast milk.
  • It exists in both powdered and concentrated liquids.
  • It contains luteine for healthy eye sight.
  • It contains RRR-alpha-tocopherol, the most bioactive form of vitamin E.


  • It offers a wide range of products that cover babies with sensitive tummies, allergies, fussiness, reflux, spit-up, or other feeding issues.
  • All their products are within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommendation.
  • No artificial growth hormones
  • No added sugar
  • Non-GMO formulas
  • Contains probiotics


  • Not all of the products contain probiotics.
  • There may be little difference between organic and inorganic products. Some of their products are non-organic. Still, some parents specifically request organic formulas because they are known to prevent some health challenges like obesity, eczema in infants, and other types of cancer.
  • Most of their products are made with soy oil. Even though the oil is highly refined, it is still extracted from soy and can be a trigger for babies who are allergic to this ingredient.

Enfamil Gentlease Vs Similac – Similarities & Differences

Generally, these two formulas have similar content and can provide complete nutrition for your baby. They also have nearly identical similarities and differences. 

Here are the similarities and differences between Enfamil Gentlease vs Similac. 


  • Products from both brands are FDA-approved, meaning they contain DHA, choline, lutein, and vitamin E, and they have complete nutrients to support infant growth and development.
  • Both have soy and dairy ingredients.
  • Both have corn syrup.
  • They both do not include added sugar or artificial growth hormones.
  • They have both powdered and concentrated liquid options for your convenience.
  • They do not contain any Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 
  • They’re palm oil free. The presence of palm oil in baby foods can reduce calcium absorption and lead to bone weakness.


  • They have different sources of protein and carbohydrates.
  • Similac contains the prebiotic 2’-FL HMO, while Enfamil does not.
  • Similac, like the Similac Pro-Sensitive, costs slightly less ($29 for a 20.1 oz tub) than the Enfamil Neuropro Gentlease ($29 for a 19.5 oz tub). You can buy this product here on Amazon.
  • Enfamil has MFGM (milk fat globule membrane), a component in breast milk that supports your baby’s cognitive development, while Similac does not.
  • Parents noticed that their babies spit up when taking Enfamil. Even though pediatricians say there’s no cause for alarm, spit-up can be embarrassing and inconvenient for the parents. Similac contains rice starch that thickens liquids and reduces spit-up in infants.
  • Similac is completely lactose-free, while the Enfamil formula uses broken-down lactose proteins for a gentler formula.
  • There hasn’t been a recall for this formula, but Enfamil Gentlease was recalled in 2006 due to potential metal contamination. 

Best Formula Between Enfamil Gentlease Vs Similac: Verdict

The most important thing to note when choosing between two popular brands is to ensure that the brand you choose meets the FDA recommendation, supports healthy development, and is affordable.

Apart from this, consider other factors that can affect your choice of the baby formula;


Most formulas are suitable for babies from birth up to 12 months. However, other products are only meant for babies below 6 months. 

As babies grow, their nutritional needs change, and they may need to switch from one product of the same brand to another. Or to switch brands.


There’s no doubting how much food babies consume. If you use a brand that is difficult to get, you may starve your baby.


Some babies are lactose intolerant or allergic to soy milk, the primary ingredient in some products. 

If you realize that your baby reacts to any of the ingredients in a product, you should avoid the product entirely.

Read Also: Formulas That Taste Closest To Breast Milk


Is It Okay to switch from Enfamil Gentlease to Similac?

Before you decide to switch between brands, consult your pediatrician. 

However, experts have ensured that unless your baby requires specialized formula, you should be able to switch between brands without any issues.

Can I Use a Microwave To Prepare a Formula?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discourages using microwaves to prepare baby formula because it may heat the food unevenly, causing hotspots that can scald your baby’s tongue.

What If My Baby Doesn’t Like Formula?

Spit-ups are normal but frequent vomiting after meals is a cause for concern, and you should visit the pediatricians to make complaints. 

While sourcing other food types for your baby, there are other organic foods your baby will enjoy.

Is corn syrup harmful?

Breast milk naturally contains lactose, replaced with corn syrup in some formulas. Note that corn syrup is not the same as high fructose corn syrup.

In baby formulas, corn syrup is often used as it is easy to digest and provides babies with energy. It is made from corn and consists of long chains of glucose linked together.

Some mothers still prefer to avoid corn syrup. Some formulas do not contain corn syrup, so check the ingredient list.

At what age do babies grow out of gassiness and fussiness?

Each baby is different, so it’s difficult to predict accurately. However, around 4-6 months, most babies will grow out of colic or gassiness.

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There’s no way to conclude which brand is best between Enfamil Gentlease Vs Similac. 

Both brands are designed to meet the needs of babies at different levels. Choosing a product based on public validation may not be the best since everyone speaks from their personal experience, so the best way to know a product is to try it out.

However, the choice of a product has to meet your baby’s needs at every point in time.

See also  Enfamil vs Similac vs Gerber (A Complete Buying Guide)