7 Formula Milk That Has DHA

Feeding your baby with infant formula isn’t bad and hasn’t received criticism from health experts.

It is pertinent that the formula chosen by parents for their babies should have all the necessary ingredients incorporated into them.

DHA is the acronym for Docosahexaenoic acid. Because it is an integral part of breast milk which is nature’s authentic food for a baby, the formula used on infants must contain DHA.

DHA does play a role in brain development, and it wouldn’t be out of place if you, as a parent, go for formula milk that has DHA.

In this article, we will be providing you with some of the formula milk that has DHA.

DHA: All You Need To Know

DHA is the acronym for Docosahexaenoic acid, an integral part of breast milk.

It is essential for the development of the brain and not only the brain but also the development of the visual and central nervous system. It belongs to the class of fatty acids called omega-3-fatty acid.

Babies fed with breast milk tend to have higher IQs than babies fed with formula. This is a result of the presence of DHA found in breast milk, usually found wanting in a formula.

Because of the effects of DHA on infants, there has been a general clamoring that infant formulas should contain DHA.

The presence of DHA in a formula has shown beneficial effects on children as infants fed with DHA supplemented formula are at lower risks of developing skin and respiratory allergies.

Also, its presence in formula reduces the risk of asthma and wheezing in children whose mothers have these allergies.

Benefits of DHA

DHA contains a lot of benefits that aid in the general development and well-being of a child. Here are some of the healthy benefits of DHA, according to Healthline.

1. It Reduces the Risk Of Heart Disease

Omega-3 fatty acids are widely recommended for heart health. The majority of studies compare DHA and EPA together rather than separately.

The few clinical studies that have tested DHA alone suggest that it may be more effective than EPA in improving several heart health markers.

Daily doses of 2,700 mg of DHA for ten weeks increased the omega-3 index — a blood marker of omega-3 levels linked to a lower risk of sudden heart death — by 5.6 percent in one study of 154 obese adults.

2. May Improve ADHD

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), characterized by impulsive behaviors and difficulty concentrating, typically begins in childhood but can persist into adulthood.

As the primary omega-3 fat in the brain, it aids in the increase of blood flow during mental tasks. According to research, children and adults with ADHD frequently have lower DHA levels in their blood.

According to a recent review, seven of nine studies that tested the effects of DHA supplements on children with ADHD showed some improvement, such as behavior.

3. Reduces the Risk of Early Preterm Births

A baby born before 34 weeks of pregnancy is considered an early preterm birth, which increases the baby’s risk of health problems.

An analysis of two extensive studies found that women who consumed 600–800 mg of DHA daily during pregnancy reduced their risk of early preterm birth by more than 40% in the United States and 64% in Australia compared to those who took a placebo.

Therefore, it’s essential to ensure you get enough DHA when pregnant — either through diet, supplements, or both.

4. Helps Some Eye Disorders

It’s arguable to say whether DHA and other omega-3 fats aid age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but they may improve dry eyes and diabetic eye disease, also called (retinopathy).

Recent studies propose that DHA may reduce contact lens discomfort and glaucoma risk.

In one 12-week study in contact lens wearers, 600 mg of DHA and 900 mg of EPA daily improved eye discomfort by 42%, similar to improvements noticed with corticosteroid eye drops.

5. Fights Inflammation

DHA and other omega-3 fats have anti-inflammatory properties.

Increased DHA consumption can help balance the excess of inflammatory omega-6 fats found in Western diets high in soybean and corn oil.

DHA’s anti-inflammatory properties may lower your risk of chronic diseases associated with aging, such as heart and gum disease, and improve autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, which causes joint pain.

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6. Supports Muscle Recovery after Workout

A strenuous workout can initiate muscle inflammation and soreness.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, DHA, alone or combined with EPA, may help reduce muscle soreness and range of motion limitations after exercise.

In one study, 27 women who took 3,000 mg of DHA daily for a week experienced 23% less muscle soreness after performing bicep curls than the placebo group.

7. May Lower the Risk of Certain Cancers

Chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of cancer. Increased intake of omega-3 fats like DHA has been linked to a lower risk of several cancers, including colorectal, pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancer.

DHA’s anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce cancer risk. Cell studies indicate that it may also inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

8. Aids Healthy Brain and Eye Development in Babies

In babies, DHA is needed for their brain and eye development. These organs proliferate during a woman’s third trimester of pregnancy and the first few years of life.

Therefore, women need to get enough DHA during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

9. May Help Prevent or Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

DHA is the central omega-3 fat in the brain and vital for a functional nervous system that includes the brain.

Research has shown that people with Alzheimer’s disease have low levels of DHA in their brains than older adults with good brain function.

10. Lowers Blood Pressure and Supports Circulation

DHA promotes healthy blood flow or circulation and may improve endothelial function — your blood vessels’ ability to dilate.

A meta-analysis of 20 studies discovered that DHA and EPA might also help lower blood pressure, though each fat may affect different aspects.

DHA decreased diastolic blood pressure (the lowest number in a reading) by 3.1 mmHg.

On the other hand, EPA reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number of a reading) by an average of 3.8 mmHg.

Although elevated systolic blood pressure is a more significant risk factor for heart disease than elevated diastolic blood pressure in people over 50, high diastolic blood pressure also increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

11. May Help Protect Mental Health

DHA promotes healthy blood flow or circulation and may improve endothelial function — your blood vessels’ ability to dilate.

A meta-analysis of 20 studies discovered that DHA and EPA might also help lower blood pressure, though each fat may affect different aspects.

Up to 20% of Americans suffer from mild depression, while 2–7% suffer from major depression.

Getting enough DHA and EPA has been linked to a lower risk of depression.

In a study of approximately 22,000 adults in Norway, those who reported taking cod liver oil daily — which provided 300–600 mg of DHA and EPA — were 30% less likely to have depression symptoms than those who did not.

While this research does not prove cause and effect, other research shows that DHA and EPA may reduce the risk of depression.

DHA and EPA help serotonin, a nerve messenger that can help you maintain a positive mood. These omega-3 fats’ anti-inflammatory effects on nerve cells may also lower the risk of depression.

12. It Helps Men’s Reproductive Health

More or less 50 percent of all infertility cases are caused by factors in men’s reproductive health, and dietary fat consumption has been shown to affect sperm health.

Low DHA status is the most prevalent cause of poor sperm quality, and it is frequently found in men suffering from subfertility or infertility.

Getting enough DHA helps sperm vitality (the percentage of live, healthy sperm in sperm) and motility, affecting fertility.

Read: Baby Formula That Taste Closest To Breast Milk

Formula Milk That Has DHA

1. Enfamil Infant

This is an Enfamil product that is supplemented with DHA, and in addition, it has other unique features like

  • It is made from primary milk products with the aim of nutrition provision for babies from birth to their first year of existence.
  • It has almost the same level of milk-based ingredients
  • It contains nearly the same mix of oils
  • It contains prebiotics
  • It lacks sugars
  • There is also the presence of choline, DHA, and Vitamin K in it
  • It contains palm olein oil which is a fatty acid similar to breast milk while
  • Affordable. You can buy it here on Amazon
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2. Enfamil Neuro Pro

This is another formula from the Enfamil brand that also contains DHA, and in addition to this, it also contains

  • A good vitamin, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrate content
  • Ingredients are only found previously in breast milk
  • Enfamil uses MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane, a fatty substance for brain development) for formulation
  • It contains GMO or artificial growth hormones in its formula.

3. Similac 2’-FL HMO Pro Advance

This Similac brand product contains DHA and a good quantity of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

  • Similac uses 2ˈ- FL Human Milk Oligosaccharide (A prebiotic for boosting the immune system)
  • It also lacks GMO or artificial growth hormones.

4. Similac Advance

This is also a product from the Similac brand that contains DHA. It is made from basic milk products to provide healthy nutrients for babies from birth to their first year. The formula comprises other characteristics like

  • It includes a mix of oils
  • it contains prebiotics
  • it lacks sugars
  • There is a presence of choline and Vitamin K in it
  • It contains lutein which aids the development of the eyes and improves vision

5. Baby’s Only Organic

This baby formula is made of organic ingredients, and they do not cause any harm to your baby’s system.

  • It is also free of hormones, harmful pesticides, or even fertilizers.
  • It contains DHA from egg phospholipids that aid in brain and eye development in infants.
  • It is gluten-free
  • It contains Non-GMO Ingredients
  • Affordable. You can get it here on Amazon

6. Earth’s Best Organic Dairy Infant Powder Formula

This baby formula is organic and is gotten solely from cow’s milk. Its whey and casein protein content is almost equivalent to that of breast milk.

It contains all the necessary nutrients needed for your baby’s effective growth during its early stage of life.

It also contains Omega 3 DHA, essential for effective brain and eye development.

There are lots of other healthy features attached to your baby’s consumption of this milk, and they include

  • It is easy to digest
  • It contains Non-GMO Ingredients
  • It non-synthetic
  • It is devoid of growth hormones, pesticides, or even fertilizers
  • Affordable.

7. Similac Go and Grow

This is a toddler’s milk, and it is suitable for weaned babies. Its effects on toddlers are so profound due to the formula containing 25 vital nutrients.

It also contains DHA, essential for effective brain and eye development.

There are lots of other advantages attached to your baby’s consumption of this milk, and they include

  • It contains prebiotics to support digestion.
  • It contains vitamins found in fish, spinach, and broccoli
  • It is also good when switching formula from an infant’s own to a toddler’s formula
  • It doesn’t have growth hormone
  • It is gluten-free

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Wind Up

I hope this article has given an in-depth discussion to answer your question about formula milk that has DHA.

DHA is the acronym for Docosahexaenoic acid, an integral part of breast milk. It is essential for developing the brain, eye, and central nervous system.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that none of these formulas fortified with DHA and ARA are better than breast milk.

With all of the effort these companies put into making these products more similar to breast milk, it should send a clear message about how essential breastfeeding is for your baby.

Babies fed with breast milk tend to have higher IQs than babies fed with formula, and this is a result of the presence of DHA found in breast milk which is usually found wanting in a formula.

Interestingly, none of the research on DHA and ARA supplemented formulas showed such a significant benefit.

Suppose you’re having difficulties producing enough milk for your child. In that case, we recommend you go for formula milk that has DHA and ARA so that your child is not deprived of the health benefits derived from the consumption of formula with DHA.