How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need

Many mothers, especially first-time ones might wonder to themselves “How many burp cloths do I need?” The answer may differ from mother to mother, but they all agree that having more is better than not having enough.

In the early months of pregnancy, it’s normal to feel nervous and excited. Building a baby registry is an amazing way to take a task off your to-do list and feel more fulfilling.

As you search through your favorite apps and websites for the best brands, you’ll find that you need to register for popular baby essentials such as newborn clothes, diapers, and burp clothes.

Burp cloths are one of the most overlooked items on an expecting mother’s to-do list. Most first-time moms miscalculate how many they will need, especially in the first year of a baby’s life.

In this guide for new moms and expecting mothers, we’ll answer your question “how many burp cloths do I need?” and the best material you should use.

What Is Burp Cloth?

Burp cloths are small pieces of materials that parents typically drape over their shoulders during a feeding session. They’re versatile and functional and can be used for various things since they absorb liquids well.

They protect the shoulders from baby vomits, spills, and spit during feeding or while the child is burped over the shoulder.

Also, burp cloths are known as burp rags and should fit snugly on the parent’s shoulder without falling off. Some burp cloths have a pocket lining on one side to catch anything that your baby throws up, but it’s not necessary.

Burping cloths are thicker than normal towels and are often several towels thick to prevent any liquid from soaking through and staining the feeder’s shoulder.

Aside from being used in this manner, burp cloths can also be used to clean the baby’s mouth and also wipe off any mess during feeding.

How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need?

Burp cloths are essential tools for caring for your baby. The number of baby burp cloths you need depends on the behavior of your baby.

Some babies tend to drool or have more spit so more burp cloths will be needed. Remember that a burp cloth should be used up until the baby starts eating baby solid foods, at which time bibs should be introduced.

If you are wondering ‘how many burp cloths do I need?’ Well, the short answer is that you would need at least 10-12 burp cloths in various patterns or colors at home, divided into two batches so that while one is in use, the other is been washed.

Here’s a helpful video showing you how you can burp your baby

How Many Burp Cloths For Newborn Babies?

For newborns, the number of burp cloths you need should be around 10-12. This is because newborn babies tend to vomit a lot more than older babies, especially when fed with spoiled formula milk or suffering from an irritated digestive system.

Therefore, you should at least make preparation for one burp cloth for every feeding session, just to be safe, even if you are using slow flow bottles for newborns to reduce the chances of them from over-gulping milk and vomiting.

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Usually, most first-time moms are ok with 5-7 burp cloths, however, it is best advised you double that amount since you’ll need some more on standby while doing your laundry.

Read Also: 13 Best Ways To Burp A Baby

How Many Burp Cloths For A Baby Twins?

Generally, the average number of burp cloths to get going for twins is about 20-30 cloths. However, more often than not, you don’t have to double the number of burp clothes if you have twins. If you’re feeding your babies one after the other, you can decide to reuse the burp cloth if it’s clean.

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The Best Material To Use For Burp Cloths?

best burp cloths material

Burp cloths need to be functional and convenient to launder. It should also be made from a piece of breathable and cooling fabric so that you and your baby don’t feel too hot and uncomfortable during feeding.

Generally, burp cloths that are made from Terry and cotton knits are the best choice for summer months since they’re breathable and easy to wash.

For the colder periods of the year, you can use a flannel. All these materials are hypoallergenic and won’t cause any problems to your baby’s skin (like skin irritation) or breathing difficulty.

Whatever material you decide to go with, always bear in mind that quality should come first, as these burp cloths have to be washed always. Therefore, they should be able to withstand being in the washing machine and not fray easily.

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The Best Size For A Burp Cloth?

Burp cloths are usually rectangular and have one side much longer than its width. Normally, burp cloth should measure between 10- 15 inches in width and 15-22 inches in length.

The reason why it’s so long is so that this cloth can be comfortably draped over your shoulder without falling off.

Long burp cloths are also able to protect your entire back more effectively, so you don’t want a burp cloth that’s too short. The same thing goes for burp cloth that is too long, moms who know how to use burp cloths also know that the cloth might get tangled or stuck in other things as you walk around when nursing your baby.

For a smooth feeding, you’ll want a burp cloth that sits snugly on your shoulder and tapers off your arm for a bit. In addition to simple rectangle-shaped burp cloths, there are several other cloth designs that you can choose from.

During my days of nursing, I personally liked the ones with a cut-off portion at the neck as it doesn’t tickle or disturb my skin when being used.

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What Are The Best Baby Burp Cloths?

While your baby deserves the softest material against her skin, you need good quality and long-lasting infant supplies. A good brand of baby burp cloth should be durable and also affordable. Here are our top 5 best burp cloths in the market:

  • Burt’s Bees Baby Burp Cloth: This is a super absorbent burp cloth that comes in a 3-panel design for easy folding and storage. It is made of 100% organic cotton knit fabric.
  • Gerber Baby Flannel Burp Cloth: The flannel burp cloths measure 20” by 14” made of 100% cotton flannel. Their edges are neatly finished to prevent fraying.
  • Green Sprouts Muslin Burp Cloth: The green sprouts muslin burp cloths are made from four layers of breathable muslin which is designed to be narrower in the center, so you can drape it closer to your neck area more conveniently.
  • Modern Burlap Organic Burp Cloth: This burp cloth is highly absorbent with an open weave that’s lightweight and breathable. The material is very easy to wash and free from harmful materials since it’s made from organic fabric.
  • MEBIE BABY Sand Rainbow Burp Cloth: This burp cloth versatile and thick yet breathable designed to absorb spills and clean up any mess in a jiffy.
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How To Wash Burp Cloths

How To Wash burp cloths

Stains from formula, breast milk, and baby food will quickly change the color of your burp cloths. To keep your burp cloths fresh, vibrant, and clean use this three-step process.

  1. Before you place the material in your washing machine, spray them with stain removal. Find a product specially made for babies. Apply enough amount of the spray to the blemish and then rub the material back and forth to remove the stain out.
  2. Once the discoloration disappears a bit, allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Fill your washing machine with warm water on a delicate cycle. Use mild detergent like dreft then add the burp cloth with the remaining stain removal still on it.
  3. Once the laundry cycle is completed, allow the material to hang outside or pop them in the dryer. If you use a washing machine, make sure the heat is set on a low. This prevents the material from shrinking. Fold them in half or quarters and put them in a cool spot, such as on your diaper changing shelf or by your breast pump station.

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Now you’ve known the answer to the question “how many burp cloths do I need?” You can move on to more important duties like how to properly swaddle a baby.

Remember, when you’re preparing for a new baby or buying for your child, it’s vital to plan. Generally, you’d be needing10 -12 burp cloths if you’re expecting a newborn and 20-30 burp cloths if you’re having twins.

If you are unsure about which brand of baby burp cloths to buy, I recommend the Green Sprouts Muslin Burp Cloth for the simple reason that I love its hourglass design and lightweight muslin fabric that’s absorbent.

There are many brands of burp cloths out there, but at the end of the day, the bottom line is to pick something easy to use, easy to wash, and comfortable for your baby.