How To Clean Upholstery With Oxiclean (7 Practical Steps)

As a parent, there’s a period of your life when your children are young where you realize that you really can’t have anything nice. I could remember replacing our beautiful leather couch a year ago due to massive rips in the upholstery from our little ones constantly climbing all over it.

I knew we had to go get a brand new couch, so we searched for a gently used one, knowing well enough that it would likely need to be replaced within 4 years, as well. If we have to get a new couch again in 4 years, then I would rather spend $250 on it instead of $1250.

The couch we bought on Amazon has washable covers but the challenge was that I found it difficult to take the upholstery off the side of the couch, where I found these berry stains last week.

So I had to figure out how to fix the problem. Thankfully, a simple solution was out there, courtesy of OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover. This product has shown great results in getting many things clean, including upholstery.

So, in this article, we will share with you practical steps on how to clean upholstery with OxiClean.

How To Clean Upholstery With Oxiclean: 7 Practical Steps

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup water
  • Oxi-Clean scoop (to the “B” line)
  • Funnel
  • Steam Cleaner
  • Spray bottle

Step 1

First of all vacuum furniture. Remove any sand, dirt, or other loose material before you start cleaning the upholstery with OxiClean. Else, you’ll just push the loose dirt deeper into the upholstery and make the task of cleaning that much difficult.

Step 2

Get a steam cleaner with upholstery attachments. Usually, you can find them at your local grocery store or Amazon. Also, you can buy a canister of OxiClean at these same places.

If you’re dealing with stained spots on the upholstery, buy a bottle of the premixed OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover Spray.

Step 3 

Connect the upholstery cleaning attachments to the steam cleaner according to the instructions. Take off any cushions from the couch or chair, since they’ll be cleaned differently from the furniture.

Move the furniture away from the wall, in other to get the backside with the cleaning unit. If there are spots that need to be treated, spray the stained area with the OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover solution and work in with a damp cloth.

Allow the OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover treatment to sit approximately 10 to 15 minutes before you start cleaning with the steam cleaner.

Step 4

Now mix a spoonful of OxiClean into the steam cleaner’s water-holding unit with warm water. Stir the OxiClean until it’s dissolved in the water Using a long spoon or stick.

Step 5

Join the water holding unit onto the steam cleaner and start cleaning the upholstery with the upholstery attachments. As you’re cleaning, suck up as much water as possible. If you found a spot still dirty, you may have to go over it again.

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Step 6

Preferably, fill the holding tank with clean water and go through the upholstery one last time to remove any OxiClean that might be stuck in the fabric.

Step 7

Allow the upholstery to dry completely. Move any cushions off to the side so they can also dry completely. It is best advised not to place them directly on the furniture, or the underside as this will take longer to dry and you may create another task for yourself.

Once your furniture dries, you’ll love how good your upholstery looks and the incredible job OxiClean did.

Here is a video showing how to clean your couch with Oxiclean

12 Things You Shouldn’t Do With OxiClean

OxiClean was manufactured in 1992, and since then has advanced into household laundry arsenals all over the world. While the universal cleaner can be used in a lot of applications than just laundry, OxiClean isn’t a fix for all.

Here are the 12 things you shouldn’t do with Oxiclean

1. Avoid Storing Oxiclean In A Humid Environment

If you allow moisture to get into your container of OxiClean, you’ll end up with a brick of powder that is not conducive to being scooped.

This is particularly common when you’re storing OxiClean that came packaged in a cardboard box. To avoid the trouble of having to break your OxiClean up into a usable form, make sure you store it in a sealed container.  Move it from the cardboard if you have to.

2. Don’t Use It Without Spot Testing First

OxiClean can remove stains from carpets and upholstery, but it can work excessively well if not used carefully.

When you’re spot cleaning a generally dirty carpet or upholstered piece, the area you cleaned thoroughly could end up looking completely different than the surrounding area.

Testing in a subtle area is additionally important for making sure OxiClean won’t react badly with the fabric composition of your carpet or upholstery.

3. Avoid Storing It In A Spray Bottle

OxiClean can be mixed and sprayed for various cleaning applications; however, you shouldn’t keep the solution around.

As indicated by the product page on Amazon: “Avoid storing solutions for more than 6 hours, because pressure can build up and the container may crack which can injury.”

4. Avoid Mixing Oxiclean With Other Chemicals

Just like ammonia, chlorine bleach, and other household chemicals. When it comes to mixing any cleaning chemicals, it’s best advised to be sure if they can be mixed.

If you’re not completely sure if the two can be mixed; That is, the label on the container says it’s OK – don’t mix.

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5. Don’t Give Up If Your First Soak In Oxiclean Didn’t Work

It’s normal to expect that “some stains require repeated or longer treatments.” Be patient and try again. Just rinse your material or surface with clean water, then apply another OxiClean soak and see if the stain goes off.

6. Avoid Drying Oxiclean-Soaked Garments Without Rinsing Or Washing First

Avoid putting materials that have been soaked in OxiClean in the dryer without thoroughly rinsing them first. A run through the washer after soaking deals with this issue.

7. Avoid Soaking Metals In Oxiclean

Although, you can use Oxiclean to clean some metals, rinse the item immediately after cleaning. Soaking metal in an OxiClean solution can harm or damage some metal materials.

This implies that you should never use metal bowls or containers to mix or apply OxiClean to other things. Bar Keeper’s Friend is a wonderful metal cleaner! You can get it on Amazon.

8. Don’t Use It To Clean Rust

As recommended, OxiClean should not be used on rust. Oxygen is the main ingredient in OxiClean and an essential contributor to rust. Alternatively, go with a product like Whink Rust Stain Remover to clean rust from metals and rust stains from materials.

9. Avoid Using Oxiclean Without Gloves On

Always put on gloves when cleaning with OxiClean to avoid prolonged skin contact. This is one great tip for any cleaning solution.

10. Don’t Use More Than Directed

Using more OxiClean than required can result in discoloration of your clothes and materials.

11. Avoid Using Oxiclean On Wool, Silk, Or Other Off-Limits Fabrics

OxiClean’s manufacturer advises that Oxiclean should not be used on the following fabrics: wool, wool blends, silk, silk blends, leather, or on fabrics labeled dry clean only.

12. Avoid Using It On Jewelry, Wicker, Or Other Non-Suggested Materials And Surfaces

Do not use OxiClean to clean the following materials: jewelry, latex paints, woven baskets, unpainted wicker, jute, teak, or finished woods.

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I hope this article on how to clean upholstery with Oxiclean helps you extend the life of your couch a little bit longer.

We may be in a period of our lives where we can’t have our dream couches, but that doesn’t mean we have to be comfortable with all those stains on them!

Do you have any other steps or ideas that have worked for you? Tell us in the comment below so other parents can benefit from your ideas, too!