Is It Ok To Use Fabric Softener On Baby Clothes (All You Need to Know)

Parenthood comes with many stressors, but learning how to wash baby clothes or use fabric softeners on baby clothes shouldn’t be one. Baby laundry requires the same care as your regular clothes and linens.

And, since baby clothing tends to gather more stains than adult clothing, it’s a good idea to brush up on your knowledge of using fabric softeners on your baby clothes.

With a few must-know tips and a little practice, washing baby clothing will soon become second nature. So if you’re buried in baby laundry and worrying about if it’s ok to use fabric softeners on baby clothes, don’t fret.

In this article, we answer your question is it ok to use fabric softener on baby clothes, how to choose the best baby laundry detergent, treating common baby clothing stains, and developing a laundry routine that will help reduce the stress of washing baby clothes as you take on new parenthood. Read on…

Table of Contents

How To Wash Baby Clothes: Do’s And Don’t

Before you wriggle your little one into every one of those cute new duds, run onesies, sleepers, and clothes through the washing machine. The material used in baby clothing is usually cotton, cotton-polyester blends, fleece, and even cashmere.

All of these should be washed before you use them. Babies, especially newborns, have sensitive skin, and proper clothing washing removes residues and other irritants. To learn how to wash baby clothes properly, it’s important to follow certain basic dos-and-don’ts.


  1. Follow the guideline as mentioned on the clothes’ tag.
  2. Make sure you disinfect cloth nappies after they are washed.
  3. Choose a mild laundry detergent in every wash. Make sure that you run the clothes through the rinse circle twice.


  1. Don’t delay in cleaning stains from your baby clothes. Make sure you soak the stained clothes right away so that the stains become easier to remove.
  2. Don’t use bleach to whiten your baby’s clothes.
  3. Don’t mix up your baby’s clothes and the rest of your family’s dirty laundry in the washing machine, unless you’re using a mild detergent.
  4. Don’t dress your baby in new clothes unless they’ve been washed first. Dust and dirt could easily settle on it from storing them in boxes for days together.
  5. Similarly, baby clothes are often sprayed with chemicals to preserve their freshness, and since baby skin is sensitive, you don’t want your baby’s skin exposed to such chemicals! Pre-washing clothes are essential to avoid this situation.

How To Wash Baby Clothes

Firstly, place socks and other little items in a mesh laundry bag during washing and drying. If adult socks are lost regularly, your tiny baby socks are even more prone to disappearing; luckily, a mesh bag helps contain them.

Fasten all hook-and-loop fabric latches to keep clothing from getting caught and possibly damaged. Also, when you’re folding and putting baby clothes away, give items a once-over

to make sure no buttons, snaps, or embellishments come

loose during washing.

Make sure there aren’t any fraying seams or edges that could cause your baby’s skin to become irritated.

Read Also: How To Organize Baby Clothes Without A Closet

Is It Ok To Use Fabric Softener On Baby Clothes

We all know that fabric softeners leave our clothing soft and smelling fresh. Still, Deyan Dimitrov, CEO of Laundryheap

, has warned parents about the danger of washing their babies’ clothes with fabric softener. According to him, this can irritate a baby’s sensitive skin, as well as drastically reduce

the flame resistance of the clothing.

Deyan explained baby clothes are normally treated with flame-resistant chemicals for safety reasons. Still, fabric softener reduces its efficacy and makes the material more susceptible to catching fire in the case of an accident or emergency.

Hence, he proposed alternative advice to follow instead. Parents should avoid using fabric softener on baby and children’s clothing and sleepwear or fabrics such as velour, chenille, terry cloth, fleece, or any clothing labeled as flame resistant.

Parents should always check the material care label if unsure.” If you want to keep your baby’s clothing soft and avoid compromising its flame resistance, Deyan suggests using a more gentle setting on the washer, such as delicate or wool, to make it less vigorous.

Wash baby clothing at low temperature with a mild non-bio detergent, and do not use a tumble dryer and allow the clothing to dry naturally.

To check if your baby’s clothing has been treated with flame-resistant chemicals, you can check the care label on your baby’s material, and if they have been, Deyan recommends not to wash the clothing at high temperature as “50 degrees or more too hot”

Deyan also advises parents not to soak baby clothing for a long period as it can cause the flame-resistant chemicals to break down, and they should never bleach the clothing for the same reasons.

Laundryheap said the Flammable Fabrics Act introduced in the United States in 1953 states that it discovered fabric softener could lessen the flame resistance of fabrics due to the build-up of chemicals, and that the actual products themselves contain emulsifiers and alcohol ethoxylates – both of which are flammable.

Read Also: Can I Put Fabric Softener in the Bleach Dispenser?

Best Laundry Detergents For Baby Clothes

 Wash Baby Clothes With Oxiclean

Some parents might feel constrained to seek out the best baby laundry detergent specifically for their children’s clothes.

However, health specialists suggest that isn’t necessary; so far, your baby doesn’t have allergies or very sensitive skin. If you have any concerns, talk to your baby’s doctor. Washing your baby’s clothes in regular laundry detergent along with the rest of your family’s laundry shouldn’t be an issue.


A Liquid detergent might be desirable to powder formulas. Liquid detergents normally rinse out more completely than powder formulas, which can leave behind flakes that might irritate the baby’s skin.

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What Happens If The Baby’s Clothes Are Not Washed Properly?

As tiny as your baby is, his clothes may be the ones that pile up fastest in your laundry basket. If your baby’s laundry is not done properly, his clothes and his skin will make it visible. Therefore, you must make the right choices, whether it’s the way his clothes are washed or what they are washed with.

Using a laundry detergent with bleach and chemicals can affect your baby’s skin, which can be severe in some cases. Similarly, washing cloth diapers with the rest of his clothes is not safe or hygienic.

An itchy and rough texture that comes up as a result of careless washing is a complete no-no because it can irritate your baby’s delicate skin.

I hope this article has given an in-depth discussion to answer the question, Is it ok to use fabric softener on baby clothes. However, having the right information will help you to determine what’s best for you and your baby during laundry. Still need to know more? Learn How To Fold Baby Clothes

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