What To Eat When Breastfeeding Sick Baby (3 Best Foods)

Babies tend to come down with a cold, virus, or infection within the early stage of their life. During the stage, your little one may be fussier at the breast.

However, it’s important to continue breastfeeding since breast milk may be the best medicine for your little one.

In this article we will be sharing with you other things you can do that will naturally help you when thinking of what to eat when breastfeeding sick baby that has a sore throat, diarrhea, and nasal congestion. Read On…

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What To Eat When Breastfeeding Sick Baby: 3 Best Foods

Breastfeeding sick baby

1. Vitamin C & Zinc Supplements

If you are wondering what to eat when breastfeeding a sick baby, it is best advised to start taking extra vitamin C and Zinc.

Research says that adequate intakes of vitamin C and zinc help cure symptoms and shorten the time of respiratory tract infections including the common cold.

More so, adequate intake of vitamin C and zinc ensures that you are passing the right nutrients to your baby as it reduces the incidence and improves the outcome of pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhea infections, especially in children in developing countries.

2. Vitamin C & Zinc Foods

A lot of foods are rich in vitamin C. If you thinking about what to eat when breastfeeding sick baby, the best foods rich in vitamin are guava, red bell peppers, kiwi, strawberries, kale, and of course oranges.

I sometimes add dried herbs too. My favorites are Rosehips and Hibiscus because they are both very high in vitamin C and taste good together as tea, mixed with honey and lemon.

Additionally, honey is a virus killer, and lemon adds a bit of extra vitamin C.

If you want to make vitamin C tea, simply mix equal parts of your Hibiscus and Rosehips, and let brew for 15 minutes. I make a large pot of it, put it in a pitcher, and drink on it all day long.

Furthermore, foods like seafood, beef, and leafy greens are highly rich in zinc. Adding these foods to your list of foods helps too.

3. Breastmilk

You can use breast milk to decongest your baby’s nose by simply squirting your breast milk into your baby’s nose? Did you know?

The antiviral property of the milk help to soothe irritated tissues inside the nose and help soften any hardened mucus. You can use it very similarly to what you would use saline drops.

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What Not to Eat When Breastfeeding Baby

1. Spicy Foods

As a nursing mother, if you’re into spicy foods, it’s fine to continue eating them while you’re breastfeeding.

However, be aware that some infants fuss or cry if their mom has had something spicy (like a curry), or “gassy” such as cabbage, onions, or broccoli.

Typically fussiness only lasts a few hours. You may need to play around with your diet to figure out the foods to avoid when breastfeeding.

2. Alcohol

You can drink alcohol, but not habitually, make one drink your max. Be aware that alcohol does get passed to your baby via breast milk.

And there’s no benefit; tales about beer increasing your milk supply are false, and alcohol won’t necessarily help your baby sleep.

It is best advised to take one drink (a 12-ounce beer, 5-ounce wine, or an ounce of hard liquor) two hours or more before your next breastfeeding session. This helps reduce how much your baby receives.

3. Caffeine And Sugary Drinks

To cut back on liquid calories, limit the number of sweetened beverages you drink.

Nursing mothers can also have a little bit of caffeine, but stick to less than 5 ounces per day so Baby doesn’t become jittery or irritable.

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Breastfeeding a sick baby can take a lot out of you. This nursing stage can be quite stressful but regardless of the reason your baby is unwell, it’s always important to seek medical advice. While he recovers, breastfeeding continues to be important and can help him get better faster.

Have you breastfed a sick baby before? Do you have any other tricks on what to eat when breastfeeding sick baby? Kindly share with us in the comments below! Still, need to know more? Learn When To Introduce Solid Foods To Baby

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