When Do Babies Hold Their Bottle (10 Helpful Tips)

As a new mom, you enjoy every moment you get to hold your little one. Then as months go by you begin to wonder “When do babies hold their bottle?”

Will I ever have a free hand again? This question must have crossed your mind or is likely to cross now that you are reading this article!

As babies grow, so do their skills and the only way to tell if your baby can hold his/her bottle is to hand the baby one, and watch what happens.

The average age at which a baby starts holding his bottle is from four months up to ten months of age

Read on to learn when this achievement can occur, and how you can help your little one safely drink their bottle!

When Do Babies Hold Their Bottle?

formula milk in advance

Well, this depends on when his fine motor skills begin to develop. However, the average age at which a baby starts holding his bottle is from four months up to ten months of age.

The best way to tell if your baby is ready is by practicing with the baby, you will know quickly if he is ready or not. Keep in mind that if he takes longer to hold his bottle, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong with him.

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My Baby Is Not Holding A Bottle Should I be Worried?

As a new mom, it’s okay to always be mindful whenever they’ve not reached a certain milestone. Remember that every baby is different, and do not be worried when you see some of his peers already doing that.

For me, I had no idea when babies hold their bottle when they should start rolling over, stop being swaddled, take his first steps, say his first words, and eat his first solid foods.

I was so absorbed trying to stay in the know, that I noticed that out of the blue one day; he started holding his bottle. I couldn’t believe my eyes like he took it right out of my hands and gulped it down like an expert.

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I was happy and sad at the same time because I know soon, I’ll miss the days when he’d let me do all the work.

Remember do not compare your baby to your friend’s baby who might have mastered holding his bottle earlier than your little guy. Every child is different, patience and support is the key.

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10 Practical Tips to Make a Baby Hold Their Bottle

  1. Cuddle your baby, holding the baby in your arms will make it easy for her to adapt to the bottle.
  2. Introduce your baby to the bottle during the feeding session, by making her get a sense of size and shape of the bottle
  3. Practice using an empty bottle by putting the baby hands on it to hold
  4. Teach with patience and don’t force your baby to hold the bottle. Allow your baby to develop that connection with her bottle when feeding
  5. Fill the bottle in installments – quarter, half and then full, then monitor your baby
  6. Always consider the weight of the bottle, in order not to discourage your baby from lifting it
  7. Feed-in a quiet and peaceful environment, to avoid your baby getting distracted. This can make her gulp more air than milk making her not to feed to her satisfaction.
  8. Move the bottle in her hands near her mouth slowly.
  9. You have done it right when she holds the nipple to her mouth and suckles.
  10. Finally, support the bottle at the other end.

When Do Babies Hold Their Bottle? Precautions to Take

Just because your baby can hold her bottle doesn’t mean you should leave the room while she is eating. It’s important to always supervise any feeding.

Here are some precautions to take while she feeds herself:

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Pay Attention

Make sure the nipple is placed properly in her mouth. Your baby can make too much noise when she sucks in too much air.

When this happens to check the nipple of the bottle for any blockage, and also the position of the bottle in her hand

Never Allow Your Baby To Go To Bed With The Bottle

Because your baby can hold her bottle doesn’t mean you should send them to bed with it.

Allowing your baby to go to bed with milk on his teeth and gums can also cause a condition called Bottle Rot, which affects the mouth and oral hygiene drastically.

Help Your Baby To Remove The Nipple From The Mouth

Having gotten used to holding her bottle, your baby will need help in removing the nipple from her mouth to avoid having cavities in her mouth.

Always Place Your Baby In The Right Position

Remember, the best position for your baby to feed on the bottle is the breastfeeding position. Do not allow your baby to hold the bottle vertically straight or tip it over into her mouth. This could choke him or result in infection if the contents flow out into his ears.

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Holding a bottle is a not a difficult task for your baby and as a concerned mom you’re right to wonder when babies can start holding their bottle.

Have patience, your baby will learn it in no time. Just make sure she loves the content in the bottle she’s drinking. I hope these tips will help your baby in building a connection between bottle and hunger. Kindly, share your experience with us by leaving a comment below.