200+ Unique American Baby Boy Names (With Meanings)

Are you looking for good American baby boy names and their meanings to select which one to give your blue jet?

Here is a list of American baby boy names, meanings, and origins in alphabetical order.

American Baby Boy Names and Their Meanings

The list of names for boy children below will help you look for proper American baby boy names and their meanings for your little prince.


Aace: Derived from Latin, which means unity, luck, and excellence

Aaron: This is a Hebrew name that means one who is exalted or strong

Abe: Means father of all nation

Abraham: This is a biblical name that is still very common today. It is originally Hebrew and means exalted father.

Adam: Adam is a popular English name that means Man of Earth.

Addisyn: Meaning the son of Adam

Adler: This means an eagle that is brave and majestic.

Adley: Meaning a man who always wants to do the right thing.

Aedus: A Gaelic word that means fire.

Aiden: To be fiery. A strong-willed man who is very ambitious

AJ: Derived from letters A and J, meaning powerful and complete

Alan: A Gaelic word for Noble.

Albern: Of Noble valour

Alexander: A Greek name that means protector of men

Alfred: A supernaturally wise man

Almanzo: An Arabian name meaning the victorious

Alvin: A Noble friend who is trustworthy.

Ambrose: Meaning immortal.

Amery: An industrious man

Amos: A Hebrew name that means to be carried by God.

Andrew: This is another very popular name that is still trendy and classic for your baby boy, it means to be manly or brave.

Angelos: Means charming angels of God sent from heaven

Angus: Meaning one who is uniquely strong and special

Anthony: Derived from the Roman word Antoni, it means one who is praiseworthy.

Ariel: A unique Hebrew name that means lion of God

Arnold: Someone who is as strong as an eagle

Arthur: Means a brave champion

Asher: Asher is an English name that means to be happy and blessed.

Aubrey: Fair ruler of the people

Austin: A helpful and kind person

Axel: A peaceful man


Bailei: A warrant officer of a judge

Baird: A talented man

Bardo: Means son of the Earth

Barnett: A Nobel man

Barin: A Noble fighter

Barnaby: A wise true, and godly man

Barnett: An English name that means one who is a leader

Baruch: A Hebrew name that means to be blessed.

Beal: Attractive, good looking

Benedict: The name of one who is blessed.

Benon: Meaning industrious

Benjamin: A biblical name that means a favorite son.

Berel: Refers to the forest animal called a bear. It means to be strong and brave.

Berwin: A Welsh name that means to be blessed

Blac: A dark-skinned man

Blake: A fair-complexioned boy.

Boris: A warrior. Someone brave and reliable

Bostyn: A boy who is named after the city of Boston, Massachusetts

Brandon: Meaning a broom or weed-covered hill

Brayan: Meaning noble and virtuous

Brendan: An adventurous person.

Bryant: Someone who ascends to a height


Caleb: means to be wholehearted

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Calev: Meaning like a heart. This name originated from the bible

Carroll: A champion

Cayden: One who is a fighter and a warrior

Cedric: A Welsh name that means war leader

Chad: A saint, one who protects and defend

Chanan: A gracious man

Chauncey: A gambler

Chaz: A free person

Che: God will multiply

Christopher: Meaning son of God

Christian: A believer that Jesus is the son of God

Cimarron: Someone who cannot be tanned or controlled. Wild and free-spirited

Cody: A helper, someone who loves to help.

Colin: Gaelic word for a cub

Connor: Of Celtic origin, it means a lover of dogs

Conrad: A good adviser

Craig: A Gaelic name for Rocky.

Crispin: Means a curly-headed person

Cullen: A cute boy


Damarion: Someone who is of the sea

Daniel: Means God is my judge

Dandre: A powerful man

Darold: An army ruler

Darrick: A strong one

Daryle: Transparent person

David: a biblical name that means beloved or the one after God’s heart.

Davin: A precious boy

Dedrik: A gifted and a powerful ruler

Denny: A wealthy God of wine

Dietrich: Of German origin, it means the leader of the people

Dillian: A worthy man

Dinella: A softhearted person

Dionte: A king of mercy

Doron: Hebrew name, it means “gift”

Dorwin: Meaning beloved

Dudeman: A cool hearted person

Dylan: Welsh word which means the great tide

Dylen: Someone who leaves an influence


Eadward: A German name meaning a strong personality

Eadwyn: Meaning a valued friend

Earl: Means a king or warrior

Edrian: Meaning a wise counselor of the battle

Ehud: A biblical name which means beloved

Eilad: Means God is forever

Elemer: An honorable person

Elgin: Meaning a white noble person

Eli: Means to ascend or be uplifted

Eliyahu: To look towards God

Eljah: Meaning God is powerful and mighty

Elmer: Someone who is noble and famous

Emmanuel: God is with us

Emory: A German name that means leader

Elvis: Meaning a wise friend

Emile: Means excellence

Eric: Everlasting ruler

Ethan: Steadfast, solid, or enduring

Evans: God is good

Ezekiel: Strength of God

Ezra: The Hebrew name for helper


Finn: A strong and brave man

Frank: A free man

Fred: Peaceful ruler


Gabriel: Hero of God

Gad: Good luck

Garrett: A defender

Gavriel: This is not a common name which means God is my strength

George: Tiller of soil

Gideon: a Hebrew name meaning mighty warrior

Gil: A Hebrew name that means Joy

Grayson: A hard-working person


Harding: To be brave and resilient

Harry: Home ruler

Harvey: Blazing

Helmer: The wrath of a warrior

Henry: This is an alternative to Harry

Hunter: A popular name that means a seeker


Indivar: A Sanskrit name that means blessing

Isaac: Meaning laughter

Isiah: Meaning God is salvation

Ivor: A warrior and Archer


Jack: means a rebel. Someone who is strong-willed and brave

Jackson: God is gracious

Jaice: My salvation is in the lord

Jaiden: God has heard him

Jajaun: God-loving person

Jamaar: The handsome one

Jamaun: The right hand of favor

James: An English name which means supplanter

Jamari: A good-looking man

Jasper: A bearer of treasure

Jordan: Meaning to flow

Joss: Middle English shortened from the word Jocelyn, it means Lord

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Jonah: Meaning dove

Jonathan: A giver or gift from God

Juan: God is gracious

Judah: A Hebrew word for Praise or to be praised.

Jude: Shortened form of Judah

Justin: A just and kind man


Kaden: Meaning fighter

Kalman: A Hungarian name that means to be merciful

Karamat: A miracle

Karsey: A vigilant person

Kelly: A true warrior

Ken: A healthy, strong, and handsome man

Kendal: someone who is loved and worshipped

Kevan: A gentle child

Khalon: A strong warrior

Killian: Meaning little warrior


Lance: Meaning servant

Leon: Greek name meaning lion

Leonard: Strong as a lion

Levar: Soft-spoken person

Levi: A biblical name for the descendants of the Levites.

Liam: Greek and shortened from William, meaning the defender of people

Lowell: Fierce and brave


Malachi: A messenger of God

Malcolm: of royal descent

Mannie: God is with us

Marcus: A strong and noble warrior

Markel: The god of war

Marlon: Means a falcon, for someone who is swift and brave

Martyn: A warrior

Matthew: a gift from the Lord

Max: The greatest

Medad: A true friend

Mendel: A kind and comforting person

Murray: A seaman


Nathan: This is a popular name which means he gave.

Neal: Champion

Neron: strong and brave

Nicholas: Meaning people triumph

Nika: Ferocious but great

Noach: someone who is quiet and peaceful

Noah: means to rest

Norris: A caretaker


Oliver: Gotten from the Olive tree, could mean peace

Oscar: Spear of God

Oswin: God’s friend

Orvil: Someone who is powerful

Owen: Gaelic name for wellborn


Percy: One who pierces the valley

Pete: Someone who is as strong as a strong

Philip: Greek name for a lover of horses

Phoenix: Symbolises immortality with the mythological Phoenix bird


Qeshaun: God is merciful

Quinton: The fifth born


Raekwon: Someone who is gifted with words

Rafael: Meaning God heals

Reegan: A little king

Remo: The strong one

Reuben: A Greek word which means behold a son

Rex: A mighty ruler

Roman: A person from Rome

Ryan: Gaelic name for a little king

Ryder: An English word meaning knight or mounted warrior

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Saul: A wise and fair man.

Seth: A Hebrew name meaning appointed, also the son of the biblical Adam.

Shaun: means to be favored by God

Solomon: A calm and loving man

Stephen: Greek word for crown means a nobleman.


Thomas: A biblical name that means Twin

Timothy: God’s honor

Tiger: A powerful and energetic man

Toby: God is good


Uriel: Meaning angel of life


William: Of German origin, it means protector

Wyatt: meaning little warrior


Yona: Means dove

Yoram: A Hebrew name that means God will raise him.


Zachary:  Remembering God

Zane: Means God is gracious

Zion: A Hebrew name meaning Israel

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If you’re looking for a suitable name to give your newborn baby boy, this article has listed out some American baby boy names and their meanings in alphabetical order to make your search easier.