10 Best Baby Pacifiers (Complete Buying Guide)

Every parent wants the best for his or her baby and of course, when thinking of the best baby pacifiers to introduce to your little bundle of joy you would want the best that is in vogue and can suits them perfectly.

The choice of a pacifier when standing before a wide range of pacifiers is extremely difficult probably because of the wide varieties of style, shapes, sizes, and colors that pacifiers come in.

Do not worry, there are lots of things to consider before settling for a particular brand of pacifiers and we shall be revealing all of them so that you make the best choice for your little cutie.

What Are Pacifiers?

A pacifier is a rubber, plastic, or silicone nipple baby item given to an infant to suck in between feedings to quiet its fussiness by satisfying the need to suck when it does not need to eat.

A pacifier usually comes in three parts, an elongated teat, a mouth shield, and a handle. The mouth shield is large enough to protect the baby from swallowing the pacifier into its mouth, and so forecloses the danger that the child will swallow then choke on it.

Why Use Pacifiers?

There are several reasons why many mothers would want to introduce their babies to pacifiers. Researchers have found that the use of a pacifier has reduced the burden of sudden infant death syndrome drastically.

During venipuncture, a pacifier has been of great relief as it helps to reduce infants’ crying during such procedures that cause pains to the baby. Some parents prefer using a pacifier to distract their baby from sucking their thumb or fingers.

According to a report, pacifier use among stimulant users helps to reduce bruxism and thus prevents tooth damage. It is also known to help babies sleep better and also keep the baby calm.

Things To Consider When Choosing A Pacifier

best pacifiers 2021

Sure there are lots of pacifiers and brands of pacifiers made available for use for your little cutie but remember that every baby is unique, hence there are lots of things you need to consider when choosing pacifiers so that you get the best pacifier for your baby.


The first to consider when making choices of pacifiers is the size. There are lots of sizes of pacifiers in the market so ensure that you get your baby’s exact size of a pacifier.

Usually, the breakdown is for 0-6 months, 6-18months, and 18+ months. For maximum effect, you should get the one recommended for your baby’s age bracket to prevent any hazard that could occur from your best intention and goodwill.


A choking hazard is likely to occur when you give a smaller pacifier to a bigger baby.

Nipple Materials

There are different pacifier materials so you need to pay close attention to your baby during early usage to find out if your baby is allergic to the pacifier material.

There are pacifiers made of silicone and some made of latex. Latex is generally softer but silicone is greatly preferred because of the risk of latex allergies and also because silicone-made pacifiers can also be washed in the dishwasher.

The Shield

Talking about the shield here, I am referring to what stops your baby from suckling in the pacifier fully into his or her mouth. Suckling the pacifier fully into the mouth can cause a choking hazard.

When choosing a pacifier choose one with a big shield that can prevent choking from happening. A good measure is that the guard should be 1.5 inches or bigger.

Read: Pacifiers Turning Yellow? Here is Why

The Best Baby Pacifiers Of 2021

Here are the 10 best baby pacifiers brand currently on the market

1. The First Years Gumdrop Newborn Pacifiers (Best for Breastfed Babies)

Key Features

  • This type of pacifier comes in a package of two and is usually designed to fit well under your baby’s nose, allowing them to breathe easier when using their pacifiers.
  • These are pacifiers free of BPA, phthalates, and latex.
  • They are usually designed for babies up to the age of three months, though new designs for larger babies are now commercially available


  • This type of pacifier is usually soft, and it is made up of silicone with no detectable odor or tastes that may displease your baby
  • There is this safety of a one-piece design.
  • The open nose area that lets the baby breathe freely is an added advantage.
  • It is affordable.
  • When using this type of pacifier, a strong relationship between the mother and child is a strong bonus.
  • The rounded shape of the GumDrop nipples has the tremendous benefit of lessening the potential for nipple confusion, making it one of the best pacifiers for breastfed babies.
  • This pacifier has received a positive review from Savant Magazine for being completely safe from all sorts of hazards because it features a very innovative design that is also compatible with most pacifier attachments out there.


As the saying goes, anything with an advantage sure has a disadvantage, here are some of the cons of our GumDrop Newborn Pacifiers.

  • There has been a complaint of the baby’s fingers getting stuck in the holes of the pacifiers.
  • The silicone tends to be tougher than that of other newborn pacifiers which some babies may reject.
  • Hairs tend to stick to the pacifier.

2. NUK Newborn Orthodontic Pacifiers (Best for Babies with Colic)

This is usually one of the best pacifiers for babies with colic, as the pacifier is endowed with the virtue of soothing them.

Key Features

  • Its shape was designed to fit naturally into a baby’s palate, helping with proper dental development.
  • Usually comes in different packages, usually for a baby boy, for a baby girl, and gender-neutral pacifiers.
  • The shield is designed like a heart, dipping under the baby’s nose which allows more room for breathing.
  • Its manufacturing materials are also of silicone origin and are BPA-free.


  • This pacifier is specifically designed just like the mom’s nipple to ensure a smooth transition from breast to pacifier and back.
  • The nipple shape helps exercise the baby’s tongue and jaw.
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  • Some babies usually experience a slight squeaking when they suck on them.
  • They may not be appreciated by all babies because of their heavy feel.

Read Also: How To Clean a NUK Pacifier

3. MAM Newborn Start Pacifier (Best for Newborns)

 Key Features

  • MAM pacifiers are uniquely manufactured for babies at the age of two months old and come in a set of two.
  • They have a curved shield that allows for better airflow. The pacifier is designed in such a way that it has big air holes in the shield which helps ensure your baby can easily suck and breathe at the same time.
  • The convenient button on its end helps both the mother and baby to easily grab onto the pacifier.
  • Another beautiful thing about this pacifier is that the button allows you to attach a strap that clips to your baby’s clothing to keep it from getting lost. So you don’t have to worry about your pacifier getting lost.
  • The nipple material is made up of silicone
  • This pacifier is soft with an anti-slip surface that prevents the pacifier from falling out.


  • They’re small, lightweight, and 100% silicone soother for newborns.
  • Ideal for newborns and particularly tooth-friendly.
  • The night MAM pacifiers glow in the dark.
  • Extra thin and super soft.
  • Comes with a sterilizing case.
  • Perfect start for newborns.
  • It is ideal for oral development. The nipple fits perfectly to the baby’s mouth, hence ensuring the pacifier is always in the right position.


  • Moisture can easily get trapped inside the nipple.
  • Some moms are usually faced with problems of sterilizing containers melting in the microwave.

4. Philips Avent Soothie Pacifier (Best for Down Syndrome)

This is pacifier brand is known to used in hospitals nationwide, it is usually used by medical experts to calm newborns Orthodontic. This brand is one of the best baby pacifiers to choose from because it respects the natural development of a baby’s teeth and gums.

Key Features

  • Its one-piece design is perfect for a newborn’s mouth and also it follows the APP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommendations.
  • Designed to comfortably suit baby’s mouths to calm and soothe without inhibiting normal oral development.
  • It is also BPA-free, dishwasher safe, and can be sterilized.


  • It is transparent, tasteless, and odorless.
  • The nipple is quite durable and smooth and resists becoming sticky.
  • Even after being used for a long period, this pacifier won’t become discolored or misshapen.
  • The Soothie Pacifier can be sterilized easily.
  • Dishwasher safe.
  • Made with hospital-grade silicone.
  • Can be used with pacifier clips.
  • It has no wrong right or wrong side and can easily be popped in at any angle.


  • The babies’ finger tends to get stuck inside the holes.
  • Some babies may prefer a softer nipple; thereby resist the usage of this type of pacifier when introduced to it.

Read Also: How To Clean Avent Pacifier

5. Wubbanub Brown Puppy Pacifier (Best for Cleft Palate)

 This is a very creative form of a pacifier. This brand is one of the best baby pacifiers to choose from because it comes with an attached stuffed toy so babies can hold it in place more easily. The weight of the stuffed toy also helps babies who are finding it difficult to keep their suction going.

Key Features

  • The unique style of the original WubbaNub Pacifier makes it possible for it to remain close to the mouth of your baby.
  • It is made with a medical-grade silicone pacifier. The manufacturing material is free of latex and BPA, PVC, and Phthalate-free.
  • The durable one-piece construction of the pacifier means no germs hiding between cracks.
  • It is also easy to grasp, nearly impossible to lose, and may assist the baby to self-soothe. WubbaNub is also distributed in hospitals, NICU, and well-baby units nationwide.


  • It is latex-free hence reduces the risk of latex allergies.
  • It is usually difficult to lose this type of pacifier because of the attached animal.
  • Easy for your baby to grip.
  • It is BPA, PVC, and phthalates free.


  • It is quite expensive than traditional pacifiers.
  • It is harder to use with squirmy babies.

6. Natursutten Natural Rubber Pacifier (Best One-Piece Pacifier)

Key Features

  • The product is made from 100% natural rubber, made from the tree Hevea Brasiliensi, a natural rubber known to be softer than silicone and doesn’t leave marks on a baby’s face after usage.
  • Its hygiene is top-notch, made of a one-piece design with a single rod that connects directly to the shield which blends into a rounded nipple perfectly.
  • The pacifier does not have joints or cracks where dirt and bacteria can build up and it’s uniquely made in Italy.
  • The product contains No BPA, nitrosamines, PVC, phthalates, chemical softeners, or artificial coloring.
  • Assessment of the product shows that it agrees to pacifier-safety requirements as determined by European standard EN1400 and CPSIA.


  • Its unique, one-piece design offers multiple benefits.
  • It is made of all-natural rubber that’s soft and supple.
  • It stimulates the feel of your breast.


  • Its all-rubber design emits a strong, rubbery scent when it’s warm.

Read Also: How To Keep Pacifier in Newborn Mouth

7. Philips Avent Orthodontic Pacifier (Best for Lip Tie)

Key Features

  • Specifically designed for older babies and toddlers with a variety of cute colors and prints.
  • The bigger-sized nipple of the Philip Avent Orthodontic pacifier makes it easier for babies with a lip tie or tongue tie to hang on to.
  • The silicone nipple is BPA-free.
  • You can pop it in the dishwasher. This saves time for busy moms who worry about germs and bacteria.
  • Philip Avent Orthodontic pacifiers also come with a cap you can snap on to keep them clean between uses.
  • Zero smell or taste, they work perfectly for babies who are breastfeeding.


  • More affordable than many other brands of pacifiers.
  • Its ring-style handle design makes it easy for babies to grab.
  • Its shield includes air vents to prevent a too-tight seal.
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  • Its soft nipples nature crack easily when older babies chew them.

8. MAM Clear Orthodontic Pacifier (Best Orthodontic Pacifier)

Key Features

  • Its specially designed orthodontic nipple helps protect your baby’s developing teeth and jaw.
  • The soft silicone that comes with the nipple makes it feels more like the real thing.
  • The shield has a textured surface and several openings which helps air to circulate and reach your baby’s nose. This helps stop your baby from getting hot, rash, or sweaty face when used during the summer.
  • The pacifier also has a knob on the back which makes it easier to grab.
  • The pacifier is suitable for newborn babies to six months babies, and it comes in a set of two.


  • Can be easily used with a pacifier clip.
  • Comes with a sterilizing case.
  • It doesn’t leave marks on your baby’s face.


  • Difficult to clean as moisture easily gets trapped in the nipple.
  • The shield is a bit too big for smaller newborns.

9. NatureBond Baby Fruit Feeder and Teether (Best for a Fussy Baby)

Key Features

  • The NatureBond Baby Fruit Feeder and Teether are meant for more than sucking, unlike other traditional pacifiers. Usually, babies and toddlers that teeth love the wide nipple design, which is made for chewing, rather than suckling.
  • The compartments open so the nipple can be filled with bits of baby food or frozen breast milk to soothe sore gums and stimulate the baby’s urge for solid food in a safe manner.
  • The NatureBond Baby Fruit Feeder and Teether are easy to wash, easy to dismantle, and is dishwasher safe, ensuring every compartment is fully cleaned.


  • This pacifier soothes and delights both fussy babies and toddlers.
  • Easy to dismantle for easy cleaning.
  • Free of BPA, phthalate, latex, and lead.
  • Won’t gag toddlers and smaller babies.


  • Best for feeding and teething than soothing babies to sleep.

10. Philips Respironics Wee Thumbie Pacifier (Best for Preemies)

Key Features

  • Specifically designed to comfort and soothe babies less than 30 weeks of gestational age.
  • Philips Respironics Wee Thumbie Pacifier was designed to be the size and shape of a preemie’s thumb for a natural sucking experience.


To ensure your baby is safe and secured make sure you maintain good hygiene. The company recommends you replace your baby’s pacifier every four weeks. If your baby is an older preemie, you don’t need many replacements. But if you have a younger preemie, you can be replacing it three times before your baby outgrows it.


  • It fits tiny preemie mouths.
  • Free of harsh chemicals.
  • Assists preemies learn important sucking motions which are usually learned before the baby is born.


  • Must be sterilized before first use.
  • Needs to be replaced often.
  • More expensive than standard pacifiers.

Read Also: Pacifiers Alternative (For Babies and Toddlers)

When Can Baby Start Using Pacifiers?

The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends introducing pacifiers to your baby once your baby gets the hang of breastfeeding, and once you have settled into a nursing routine.

You can start around 3 -4 weeks,  according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), if pacifiers should be used, it should be newborns under the age of 1 but preferably it should not be started until around 1 month when feeding is established.

When Should Pacifiers Be Replaced?

Pacifiers can be worn out due to continuous use and potentially become a safety risk, especially when your baby begins chewing on them instead of just sucking on them. It is high time you changed your baby’s pacifier if you observe any of these

  • The nipple is beginning to tear.
  • If there’s any cracked, broken off, or loose part on the pacifier.
  • The nipple is sticky.
  • The pacifier is discolored.

Read Also: Practical Rules To Explore When Using The Pacifier

Advantages of Using Pacifiers

As parents, one of the reasons why you should use a pacifier is that it could potentially save your little one’s life.

Research has shown that babies who use this item while they’re asleep are at a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome known as SIDS. Other advantages include

  1. They soothe and divert the baby’s attention during vaccinations.
  2. Pacifiers help a crying baby fall asleep easily. It also helps babies learn to soothe themselves, especially breastfed babies that are used to mom’s comfort during breastfeeding.
  3. Perfect during traveling. Pacifiers help babies feel relaxed on the airplane during travels. The sucking activity helps their ear pop, which reduces crying.

Disadvantages of Using Pacifier

When your baby continues using the pacifier past his or her second birthday, there might be some dental implications that may develop over time and are usually known as pacifier teeth. Other disadvantage includes

  1. Babies often drop their pacifiers which can make their pacifiers come in contact with germs and bacteria.
  2. Weaning a baby from a pacifier can be difficult since both the baby and parents are too reliant on it.
  3. According to some studies, heavy pacifier use can lead to a high risk of ear infections. It is best advised to limit your baby’s use time when they’re trying to get sleep and take it once he or she is asleep.

Read Also: How To Sterilize Pacifiers (5 Easy Steps)

How Many Pacifiers Do I Need?

Pacifiers are easy to lose, so it’s best advised to have more than one on hand. it is better to have more of a baby’s need than to have less, so having 3 or 4 pacifiers your baby prefers will be a good start.

Wind Up

Having gone through this review article “best baby pacifiers” I believe that justice has been done in the evaluation of the different pacifiers and their pros and cons. The ball is now in your court, go for the one you feel will be good for your baby, and also do not forget to ensure that your baby is comfortable using it.