How To Clean Graco Pack And Play Mattress (3 Easy Methods)

Are you thinking of how to clean Graco pack and play mattress? The answer is easy.

As you know, when a new baby is coming, the first thing most new parents search for is the right baby mattress.

Most soon find out that many options are available, and one of the most versatile is a packed-n-play mattress.

These mattresses are very convenient. They are the ultimate safe place to help you keep your baby safe while doing a few chores.

As with most toddlers’ toys and accessories, you must learn how to clean Graco pack and play mattress. Here are easy methods to get your Graco pack n play mattress clean.

  • Scrubbing method
  • Deep cleaning method
  • Spot cleaning method

The Complete Guide On How To Clean Graco Pack And Play Mattress

There are three main procedures to clean and sanitize your Graco pack-and-play. Therefore, if you choose to go with just one method or switch between them is entirely up to you, but it’s good to have options.

Different Cleaning Procedure

1. Scrub It Down

What You’ll Need:

  • A warm water
  • 1/2 cup of baby-safe washing detergent
  • A soft-bristled scrubbing brush

This procedure is one of the most obvious ways to clean your Graco pack and play and it can be done quickly and easily.

The most important thing about cleaning your Graco pack-and-play mattress thoroughly is the timing and the best time to do this is when the weather is sunny.

 How To Wash

  • Firstly, take your Graco Pack and Play outside to an area where you do not mind getting wet.
  • Once in your area, remove the mattress from the Graco Pack and Play and follow the instructions according to what the mattress is made from.
  • For the rest of the Pack and Play, you need to use the solution you mixed, and using your scrubbing brush, scrub the entire Pack n Play, trying not to soak the material.
  • When it is clean enough, rinse it with warm or cold water.
  • Finally, leave it out in the sun to air dry before using it again completely.

This method is best applied when your Pack n Play is not very dirty but needs a little freshening up as they usually do.

2. Deep Clean Wash

What You’ll Need:

  • 1/2 cup of baby-safe detergent
  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup of vinegar
  • Bathtub

This is the best procedure to clean a Pack and Play that is very dirty. If your Graco Pack and Play have been in storage for a while, this will be a great way to prepare it for a new baby.

 How To Wash

  • Firstly, fill your bathtub with warm to hot water and add the above solution ensuring that it is mixed in well.
  • Then take out the mattress from your Pack n Play. If the material can be safely submerged, place it in the bathtub.
  • Fold up your Graco Pack and Play mattress and place it in the tub, ensuring it is covered in water and solution. Then allow the mattress to soak for an hour at least. The longer you leave it, the better the result you get.
  • Finally, take it outside. Then rinse and leave to air dry in the sunshine.
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If you have submerged your Pack n Play mattress, please ensure that it is laid completely flat while it dries to prevent it from losing shape.

Here is a video showing you how to fold your Graco pack and play mattress

3. Regular Spot Cleaning

What You’ll Need:

  • A spray bottle
  • A baby-safe cleaning solution
  • White vinegar

This procedure is the best way to ensure that your Graco Pack and Play look fresh and feel like new.

How To Wash

  • Firstly, make up a solution of 1 part white vinegar to 1 part water in your spray bottle. This can be used to treat some stains that often occur when you have little ones.
  • Then spot the stains in your Pack and Play, which happens very often, especially as your baby gets older.
  • Dab the spot to soak up as much of the liquid, and then spray it with the white vinegar and water solution.
  • Allow soaking for a few minutes, then dab the area again. You can also spray with a safe cleaning solution (Babyganic baby-safe cleaner) for your baby.
  • Allow to air dry completely.

What To Do About Bad Smells After Washing Your Pack and Play

You can clean the mattress at least twice with detergent, baking soda, and warm water. If it still smells bad after deep cleaning, you can leave it in the sunlight for a while. 

If the smell persists, you must throw the mattress away, and the Pack N Play unit must be soaked in warm water with detergent for an hour. Brush away the stains, and the smell will be gone.

How To Get Mold Out of Graco Pack and Play Mattress?

Mold can cause serious health issues for your child. You can easily remove mold from your child’s Pack and Play mattress in five easy steps.

Here is how to do it.

  • Take the mattress outside to prevent mold from spreading in other parts of the house.
  • Create a solution using vinegar or isopropyl alcohol and water. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray it on the mold stain.
  • Wipe clean using a clean cloth. Ensure you wipe away all residue from the mattress.
  • Pat it dry with a cloth.
  • Leave it outside for the sunlight to get rid of the remaining spores.

How To Get Spit Up Off the Pack and Play Mattress

To remove spit-ups from your pack n’ play mattress, you need three items: two bowls, three rags, and soapy, warm water for one bowl and normal water for the other. 

Follow these easy steps to get spit-up stains off your mattress.

  • First, use warm soapy water and a rag to clean the spit-ups. Do this vigorously.
  • Get another rag and clean the soapy water with normal water.
  • Since the second rag is damped, get a third rag and clean off the mat’s excess water.
  • Finally, please leave it to air dry or in front of the sunlight to kill the germs.

Why It’s Important To Keep Your Pack And Play Clean

pack and play

Some parts of your Pack and Play are more prone to getting dirtier than others. One of these is the mattress.

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Generally, we all understand that we cannot keep our children from all dirt and germs, no matter how much we try.

Special care like regular cleaning of toys and baby equipment like a pack-and-play mattress can ensure that they are kept safe from the bacteria that can cause them to become sick and unwell.

Read Also: How To Clean A Pack And Play With Bed Bugs

Do’s and Don’ts To Employ While Cleaning A Pack and Play Mattress

Before cleaning any pack-n-play mattress, here are some Do’s to follow.

  • Always clean your pack-n-play mattress with a clean towel, rag, or cloth.
  • Read the instruction manual carefully before cleaning.
  • Use a mild soap or gentle cleaning agent to wash the mattress.
  • Ensure you air dry the mattress properly before placing it in the Pack n Play.

Some of the Don’ts to follow while washing the Pack N play mattress include

  • Never submerge the mattress in water, as it will lose its shape.
  • Do not machine wash the mattress.
  • Never use harsh washing chemicals or bleach to remove stains from the mattress.
  • Avoid using a hard brush, as it will break the mesh off.


How Can I Get Stubborn Stains Out of a Pack and Play Mattress?

Repeat the deep clean method two or three times to remove tougher stains. 

Alternatively, add more vinegar and less water to make the solution concentrated. Use a rag, don’t use a brush, as it will damage the mesh.

You can avoid tough stains on your pack N play mattress by covering it with a waterproof sheet. 

In this case, you can throw the sheet in the washing machine if it gets stained.

How Often Should I Clean My Graco Pack N Play Mattress?

You should wash baby mattress sheets twice a week. Blankets and comforters should be washed twice a month in a machine washer using hypoallergenic detergent.

For your baby’s pillowcases, wash them once a month to keep dirt and dust at bay, and change them twice a week.

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Final Thoughts

Pack and Plays are a fantastic invention that offers new parents convenience, portability, and a haven for their little bundle of joy.

However, keep in mind that your kid spends most of his time there, so to ensure that your baby is safe from possible infection, you must learn how to clean Graco pack and play mattress the right way.

We hope that this simple, practical cleaning guide I have provided can help you keep your Graco pack-and-play clean at all times so you can protect your baby from harm. Did you enjoy the tutorial? I hope you did!

If ever you have some other suggestions to share or questions to ask, drop them in the comments section!

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