How To Clean Squishy Toys (5 Practical Steps)

Are you wondering how to clean squishy toys? A squishy is a soft toy made of specially formulated soft polyurethane foam that gradually returns to its original shape after being squeezed.

These toys are safe for children ages three and up and adults 150 and under. They’re soft, huggable, cuddly, and all-around awesome. Each squishable is about 15 inches tall.

This article will discuss some practical ways to clean squishy. Keep reading…

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Why Keep Squishy Toys Clean?

Children, and babies, in particular, have a developing immune system, which makes them more susceptible to various diseases.

Especially babies who begin to take objects to the mouth or crawl on the floor are the most likely to have infections acquired by contact with surfaces.

Several studies carried out in nurseries and pediatric units of hospitals, where several children interact, show that toys are very easily contaminated with different microorganisms. Thus toys, balls, and dolls are vehicles for transmitting microbes among children.

Maximizing the hygiene of the house areas that will be in contact with the baby, especially his highchair and the changing table is essential.

Read: How To Make Squishy Toys Not Sticky

How To Clean Squishy Toys

Squishable toy

What You’ll Need:

  • A container big enough to wash one or more squishy toys.
  • A mild detergent.
  • Warm water enough to make sure they’re germ-free and pleasant for you to clean but not too hot for them to melt.
  • Cornstarch or Talcum powder, but be careful if you choose to powder the toy with Talcum because it can be easily inhaled and cause serious health risks. If you decide to use corn starch, it is safer.
  • A disposable glove if you are allergic to Talcum powder or something.
  • A small flannel or tissue to dry your squishy toys with after washing.

How To Clean Squishy Toys: Practical Ways To Follow

  1. Fill the container with warm water and mild detergent, and place your squishy toys inside. The dirt should float upward or detach from the squishes.
  2. Be careful of washing too hard if the decorations come off quickly- they’re only decals or paint.
  3. Next, dry each squishy toy carefully.
  4. When they are completely dry, sprinkle some Cornstarch or Talcum powder on them and rub it in with a finger or two.
  5. Finally, carefully get rid of any excess powder on your desk or worktop.

Remember, for squishable toys; it is better to avoid using a washing machine. Squishable fabric can’t stand high heat, and it’s hard to get them dry.

However, if you’ve got a real messy Squishable or need to disinfect it for some reason, you can use a machine so long as you do the following:

  1. Tie your squishable inside of a clean cotton pillowcase to protect the fur.
  2. Wash with cold water only.
  3. Machine dry (still in the pillowcase!) under the lowest heat setting possible. This might mean doing several dryer cycles.

Hint: if you’re squishable feels unusually heavy, he’s still wet inside; give it another dry cycle to avoid getting mildew inside!

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Washing you’re squishable can be daunting without the proper tools and guidance. However, following the steps carefully or improvising with your information will ensure your toys are well-cleaned with minimal damage.

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