Are you trying to figure out how to make a pregnancy test positive with soda for your upcoming prank?
Some women think such pranks are fun, especially if their partners are not offended by such humor.
Making a pregnancy test positive with soda is possible. This method can check if you are pregnant without buying a pregnancy test kit at a pharmacy or visiting a doctor for a checkup.
You can also use this method to prank your partner, especially if you’re sure your partner will be ok with it.
Spicing your fun life with a false positive pregnancy test using soda might be thrilling. So I will teach you how to make a pregnancy test positive with soda.
Baking Soda Pregnancy Test
If one is to mention one of the traditional means of determining pregnancy, then the baking soda method comes to mind, and the beautiful thing is that it is one of the DIY pregnancy tests.
The pregnancy detection method has many advantages that make it highly sought after, like simplicity, low cost, and convenience.
It is a home-based method to detect HCG hormone (pregnancy hormone) in the urine.
How Does It Work?
Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, is present in the urine during early pregnancy.
One of the things that you can use to test for its presence is baking soda.
The reaction baking soda gives to urine helps determine whether HCG is present in the urine sample.
If the reaction indicates that HCG is present, you are pregnant.
Understanding Pregnancy Tests
There are many brand pregnancy test kits in the market, and the key is that they have different ways of displaying positive and negative results.
Some have a strip. While others have a positive sign as proof of pregnancy, even some might have the word pregnant appearing on the small screen.
You must be at home with the see reaction of the particular brand of kit you want to use if you want to prank your husband or partner.
Some brands will not turn positive with any substance that is not urine, while others do.
However, pregnancy testing kits contain an enzyme that reacts with urine hormones, hCG.
How to Make a Pregnancy Test Positive with Soda

The first thing you need to do is to source a pregnancy testing kit that you know will work with the soda.
Depending on the kit’s method, you can use a dropper to drop a few soda drops on the testing kit or go through an alternative route of pouring some soda into a cup and dipping the kit inside.
If you want to do some pranking on your partner, then the other types of soda come in, specifically the drinks, and you must follow the steps below.
Step 1: Plan ahead
This is the first thing to do if you want to prank your partner.
Even if you wake up one day and show a pregnancy test without any prior symptoms, people close to you are more likely to believe you if they already believe the idea. Here are what you need to consider.
You should start faking the common pregnancy symptoms, which include – Late periods, vomiting, nausea, mood swings, and swollen boobs.
You can tell your partner that your period is late, though it is not something he should be concerned about, as it could result from stress or a change of environment.
This will keep your partner guessing whether you’re pregnant or not. The following morning, fake the morning sickness part.
Thankfully, with modern technology, some phone apps can produce the sound of vomiting if you cannot achieve that.
Also, do not forget to fake mood swings and breast soreness.
Step 2: Get a pregnancy testing kit that you know will work with the soda
You must have a few extra pregnancy testing kits instead of relying on just one.
Use one, so the results do not fade over time, especially when you want to dip the stick into the soda for hours or minutes before your partner or loves arrives.
Step 3: Get a can of soda
When choosing soda, Pepsi or Cola is usually the best for this type of prank.
One is encouraged to use either of the two as a choice for soda because some ingredients used in making these sodas are great at mimicking the same pregnancy hormones that turn a pregnancy test positive.
Pour some of the soda into a clean cup or plastic container.
Step 4: Use a Dropper to pour drops
Depending on the kit’s method, you can use a dropper to drop a few soda drops on the testing kit, or you can go through the alternative route of dipping the testing kit inside the cup or plastic container which holds soda.
Always use a thoroughly cleaned dropper, do not give the excuse that you just bought it.
Ensure it is cleaned well to remove dust and other particles that might alter the results and ruin your prank.
Step 5: Sit back and wait for the results of the test.
The long-awaited results should be in a few minutes, but everything depends on the manufacturer’s design.
Always check the user manual to be sure of the duration one has to wait for the results.
The time ranges from 3 to 10 minutes. Sometimes it can even show the results sooner.
Use a kit whose results do not fade over time, especially when you want to dip the stick into the soda some hours or minutes before your partner or loves arrive.
You must also keep the results of your prank for a while and show off or prank others.
Using Soda To Test For Pregnancy When It Is Not A Prank
If you want to use soda to check for pregnancy when it is not a prank, then you have got to follow these steps to test for pregnancy:
What you need for the test
For this DIY pregnancy test, you would require the following:
- Baking soda
- Two dry cups, indicate them as cup A and cup B
- A sample of fresh urine
1. Collect urine in cup A. You may directly urinate into it
2. Take cup B and add a spoon of baking soda
3. Now add the mixture of cup B into cup A
4. Wait for a few minutes to notice the reaction
Note: hCG is easily detected in the urine when it is fresh. Health experts recommend taking a pregnancy test with the first-morning urine since it has the most concentrated hCG levels.
Interpreting the DIY Pregnancy Test Results
A fizzy or bubbly reaction in the cup indicates a positive result, while an absence of reaction in the cup indicates a negative reaction.
If it is positive, you are pregnant; if it is negative, you are not.
Sometimes, there are chances of false-negative results when the actual outcome is positive if you do it at the wrong time.
Is The Baking Soda Pregnancy Test Accurate?
No clinically proven evidence exists to show that the baking soda pregnancy test is accurate.
Sometimes the result could be correct, while sometimes, it may not. Thus far, the accuracy is rated 50%.
A home pregnancy test with baking soda is not entirely reliable. Regardless, other people claim that the test gives correct results.
Read Also: How To Hide a Pregnancy for 9 Months
Alternative Ways To Fake A Positive Pregnancy Test

1. Use a fake pregnancy kit
You can purchase a joke pregnancy kit if you want something quick and easy to fake a positive pregnancy test.
These pregnancy kits look real but will always be positive, even if you dip them in tap water or other liquid.
2. Contaminate with soap
A pregnancy test works effectively by testing the level of HCG hormone in a urine sample.
But if you want to test to come out positive, no matter the reality, add a little soap or detergent to your urine sample.
3. Use the urine of a pregnant woman
This may sound weird. But if you know any pregnant woman, you could use their urine sample to dip your test in.
A woman’s HCG level is very high after six weeks into the pregnancy, which will make a pregnancy test return positive.
4. Use a hairdryer
Take your pregnancy test and set your hairdryer on high heat. Allow the pregnancy test to run under the hairdryer for 5-10 minutes. You’ll get a positive test result.
This positive result will last about three to four days. This gives you enough time to get your plan in motion.
5. Use a marker to draw on the test
You could go DIY and grab a marker the same color as the
lines on the test box. Allow the test to air dry after urinating on it, then grab something sharp and open the case.
You’ll need to use the marker you chose to make the test
positive, close the case, and all done.
6. Use an old test
Out-of-date tests often give false positives. You could ask friends if they have any that need to be updated. But they are scarce as you will not find them in any stores.
7. Take the test during your monthly period
People believe that blood can cause a positive pregnancy
test by contaminating the urine sample.
This is why it may be possible to prank your partner with a fake positive pregnancy test during your monthly cycle.
8. Use the evaporation lines
Evaporation lines are always next to the positive ones and get darker after drying out. It looks similar to a positive test.
Carry out the test and allow it to dry for a day or
two. This will give you your fake-positive result but be quick because the results will start to fade.
9. Use an Ovulation Predictor Kit
The last trick you could try will depend on how intelligent the person you are trying to trick is.
It is possible to do an ovulation predictor test, which most people cannot distinguish from a pregnancy test due to their appearance.
To ensure the method works effectively and you get a positive result, do the test between the 12th and 14th day of your ovulation cycle.
Read Also:
- How To Use a First Signal Pregnancy Test
- How To Discreetly Buy a Pregnancy Test
- 9 Places To Get Free Pregnancy Test
How Can You Fake a Positive Pregnancy Test?
Blood or protein in your urine can cause a false-positive result. Certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, hypnotics, and fertility drugs, can also cause a false-positive result.
Can You Fake a Pregnancy Test with Apple Juice?
Yes. Aside from soda, you can fake a pregnancy test with apple juice. Dipping the kit in the drink will produce a false positive.
You can discreetly buy a fake pregnancy test online, but ensure your partner does not see it when the mail arrives.
Can Drinking Soda Affect a Pregnancy Test?
This depends on the pregnancy test you intend on having.
For instance, consuming too many liquids before doing a pregnancy test can affect the accuracy of the test results if it’s a home-urine-based test.
The hCG levels may be diluted when you drink soda or any beverage before a pregnancy test, which may skew the results, especially if it’s a home urine test.
Health experts recommend taking a pregnancy test with the first-morning urine since it has the most concentrated hCG levels.
On the other hand, drinking water or soda won’t affect hCG levels in a blood-based pregnancy test.
Can Putting Water on a Pregnancy Test Make it Positive?
If you reuse a strip wet with water or urine, you may still get a false positive even after it has dried. This is because as an HPT dries, an evaporation line appears.
Are Toothpaste Pregnancy Tests Reliable?
No, the toothpaste pregnancy test is not accurate and reliable.
Take the toothpaste pregnancy test for fun and experimentation, but don’t rely on the results.
Instead, it would be best to rely on the recommended pregnancy tests to learn about pregnancy.
Wind Up
I hope this article has answered your question about making a pregnancy test positive with soda.
The first thing you need when thinking of how to make a pregnancy test positive with soda is to source a pregnancy testing kit that you know will work with the soda.
Depending on the kit’s method, you can use a dropper to drop a few soda drops on the testing kit or go through an alternative route of pouring some soda into a cup and dipping the kit inside.
If you want to do some pranking on your significant other, then the other types of soda come in, specifically the drinks, and you must follow the steps below.