How To Make My Child Love Studying (15 Helpful Tips For You)

Asking yourself this question How to make my child love studying? Is a typical question to ask as concerned parents?

It means you are genuinely interested in your child’s academic success and want to get involved in your child’s life.

As kids get older, sometimes a good number of them lose their initial vibes and sparks, making them struggle with studying, and sometimes their love for studies and study times may degenerate.

Your utmost duty as parents is to get involved in your child’s life, ensuring that the degenerating sparks in your child’s academic endeavors are rejuvenated.

In this article, we discuss tips on how to get your child to study so to help your child cope during the learning process.

How To Make My Child Love Studying

If you want to help your child make their favorite study time and fun-filled activities, follow the steps listed below, and you will be surprised to see the magic.

1. Discover the Obstacle

If you want to curb a problem, you need to find out the underlying cause because if you don’t, relapses will be high.

When you discover the obstacles to your child’s studying habits, you can help your child make study time a time they eagerly long and wait for.

When you probe your child, he may not want to tell you anything or the root cause, but you can persistently ask your child, and sure your consistency will pay off.

It is only when you discover what is stopping your child from studying that is when you can help as a parent.

Your child may be struggling with comprehension of the study material, or the work may be less enthusiastic, maybe due to not being challenging enough, or not suited for their learning style, or maybe due to school anxiety or low self-confidence.

2. Make Study Time Easier

Study time should be adequately planned so that it is fun-filled for your child and that they know you mean business.

A space for your child should be provided for study and situated in a quiet place conducive to reading.

Ensure your child isn’t hungry during study time because it will make them lose focus.

Avoid giving them heavy food so your child does not feel too tired or heavy and may turn study time into sleeping time. Instead, light foods like snacks and plenty of water can do the trick.

3. Encourage Open and Sincere Communication

Allow your child to voice his opinions about what’s going on in his education.

Let him express his likes, dislikes, or concerns in an open atmosphere. Don’t be afraid to validate his feelings if you disagree with his opinion.

It’s easier for children to disengage from learning when they feel their opinions don’t matter or feel stuck.

The excellent learner knows their opinion matters and feels reassured that they can discuss their experience without being judged, put down, discouraged, or ignored.

4. Create a Study Time Together

Research has shown that children do well with structure, primarily when guided by a schedule suited for their age. Such a schedule will help keep them on track.

To achieve this, do not lord a schedule over your child so that they don’t feel compelled or forced to do something they don’t want to do.

Instead, make the child see it as their brainchild, encourage them to voice their concerns, and consider them while the both of you plan the schedule together.

The plan should be feasible and fun-filled, there should be time for short breaks and snacks, and you will see your child eagerly observing study time.

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5. Make Sure Your Child Is Psychologically Balanced

Take your child’s mental health seriously because good mental health would help foster reading and studying habits quickly.

If your child is stressed, help your child relieves stress because stress may make studying difficult for your child.

Ensure that your child has enough time to de-stress before study time, as this will help make him stay organized and study time attractive.

Disorganization is widespread among young school-age children, leading to a feeling overwhelmed when studying.

6. Prioritize Learning To Performance

The grade shouldn’t be the ultimate; instead, you should focus on learning.

You want to get your child to cultivate reading and studying habits, then work on the reading and studying habits.

Please encourage them to learn something new daily and work on civic responsibilities.

By doing this, you’re providing your child the opportunity to put into his own words his lesson and solidify what he has learned.

7. Encourage Your Child To Set Small Goals

Make your child see the need to set small, feasible academic and studying goals.

It helps direct the child on what is necessary and needs to be done. This sense of fulfillment comes when a child accomplishes their goals.

You can encourage your child to set goals like reading a chapter of an assigned text or even getting you a summarized work of their favorite novels.

8. Focus on His interests

Learning becomes fun and engaging when children are involved in areas and subjects of interest.

Please encourage your child to explore topics and subjects that fascinate him. Find engaging and exciting books about dinosaurs if he likes them.

After that, have him name five favorite dinosaurs and explain why they are his favorites.

9. Let Him Lead

Many children experience control, control, and more control regarding education.

A child who feels out of control when it comes to their education will often withdraw from learning.

It’s important to guide children throughout the learning process, but it’s just as important to let them choose how they want to learn.

During the learning process, please provide your child the ability to have direct input into their learning choices.

You can do this by providing your child with lots of options. For example, when assigning a writing project, allow the child to choose their topic.

Children should also be allowed to choose their extracurricular activities. When you give your child more control and input regarding their learning environment, activities, and style, they will become more engaged and motivated to learn.

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10. Share with Them Your Enthusiasm for Learning

When it comes to learning new things, enthusiasm rubs off. When your child sees you’re genuinely interested in learning, they are likely to be interested in learning.

No matter what he is learning, whether history, science, reading, writing or even math, let him know that learning is a journey of discoveries. Take every opportunity to discover new information with him – without being overwhelming or overbearing.

The more your child sees how much joy and excitement learning brings to your life, the more he will share your enthusiasm for learning new things.

11. Employ a Game-Based Learning Technique

Game-based learning is not new for most parents or caregivers. It’s been around for ages.

This method can be quite advantageous for many reasons. In addition to providing opportunities for deeper learning and the development of non-cognitive skills, games as a teaching tool motivate children to want to learn.

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When a child actively participates in a game, their mind enjoys learning a new system.

This is true whether the game is classified as “entertainment” (e.g., a video game) or “serious” (e.g., a military simulator). Entertaining games have the additional benefit of motivating children to want to participate in the learning process and learn more.

This method is also an effective motivator for team-based learning, which can be especially beneficial for students in the classroom.

12. Create a Reward System

Children are always enthusiastic about activities filled with rewards. Rewards have a way of motivating kids. Who wouldn’t take anything seriously that has a reward attached to it?

It mustn’t be too weighty; permission to watch a TV program after completing a task can be a reward.

An outdoor outing can also be a reward; you can also use little gifts as rewards, at least at the initial stage, until studying becomes habitual for your child.

13. Focus on Strengths

When your child struggles academically, it can be challenging to focus on their strengths. Regardless, focusing on your child’s strengths is critical to their healthy emotional and academic development and progress.

Focusing on your child’s strengths is another type of positive reinforcement that will encourage him to continue learning.

Focusing on your child’s flaws only leads to discouragement, distress, and a lack of desire to learn. Sam, did you fail your math test?

So, in addition to getting him extra help in math, make sure to congratulate him on how well he’s doing in science class.

14. Try Different Techniques

There should be a need for evaluation to see if the study technique adopted by your child suits them.

If you notice that the study technique doesn’t suit your child, do not hesitate to introduce a different one you feel will be okay for your child and test run it with them.

There are seven basic learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Verbal, Physical, Logical (mathematical), Social and Solitary. For example, children who are visual learners learn best by seeing how things work.

Children who are auditory learners, on the other hand, learn best by listening to things being explained. It is beneficial for young children to investigate and employ various learning styles.

15. Make Every Day a Learning Day

Turning every day into a learning day may seem daunting, but it isn’t if you approach it the right way.

Encourage your child to explore his surroundings, ask questions, and make connections.

Assist him in categorizing, classifying, and thinking critically about what he sees and experiences.

Making every day a learning day helps your child develop internal motivation to learn either in the classroom or at home.

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We hope this article has given in-depth knowledge on how to make my child love studying.

Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step; you need to be determined, show genuine interest, and not relent or give up until your child develops deep love and affinity for study time.

Not all the steps will apply to your child because every child is unique. You just need to explore the various techniques and use your discretion to know which one works for your child.