How To Relieve Sore Nipples Breastfeeding (10 Natural Ways)

Sore nipples are, unfortunately often a rite of new motherhood, especially if you’re breastfeeding. It can be anything from general breast tenderness to your milk coming in, to something more severe such as a breast infection.

The good news is most breastfeeding problems are usually temporary, and there are few practical things you can do to make it less of an annoyance.

In this article, we will be discussing the most common causes of sore nipples and breastfeeding pain, how to relieve sore nipples breastfeeding, and Tips for relieving sore, cracked nipples when breastfeeding.

What Causes Nursing Breast To Hurt?

breast pain during breastfeeding

1. Breast Engorgement

What does it mean? In those first few days after you’ve delivered your baby, your breasts probably won’t be much bigger than they were during pregnancy. Don’t get too used to it.

Once your transitional milk comes in on about the third or fourth day after delivery, your breasts will change from heavy to humongous as they fill with fluid and swell.

This is an indication that your breasts are filling up with milk, the pain and swelling are also a result of blood rushing to the site, ensuring that the milk factory is in full swing.

How To Relieve Breast Engorgement: 

Fortunately, breast engorgement lasts only a few days to a week. But it can make your breasts so hard and swollen that the nipples may be flat and difficult for your baby to feed on, making breastfeeding testing.

You can help ease engorgement by applying warm washcloths to the areolas towards the beginning of each nursing session, which will stimulate letdown. After nursing, place ice packs or chilled cabbage leaves in your bra to help the process.

Always remember, the more frequently you feed, the less engorgement you’ll experience, and the faster you’ll be able to nurse pain-free.

2. Milk Letdown

What does it mean? During the nursing hour, you may notice a strange pins-and-needles sensation in your breasts.

Not only is this normal, but it’s also a fundamental part of the nursing process – a sign that milk is being released from the ducts that produce it. It’s usually more severe in the early months of breastfeeding.

How To Relieve Painful Milk Letdown

Relaxation techniques similar to the ones you may have used during labor can help. Ensure you use good positioning techniques: your back, arms, feet, and elbows should be well-supported, and your shoulder and neck muscles should be relaxed so you’re not stressing or leaning over your baby. Although, this usually resolves as the baby gets older.

3. Clogged Milk Ducts

What does this mean? Breast milk is produced in your breast and moves through milk ducts out the nipple. When one of those ducts becomes clogged, milk can back up and cause a tender lump.

How To Fix Clogged Milk Ducts

A plugged duct can lead to a breast infection if not treated. Before you feed your baby, place a warm compress on the affected breast to improve milk flow.

Make sure you empty the breast thoroughly at each feeding and switch breastfeeding positions (from cradle to football to crossover) so all milk ducts get stimulated equally.

More so, you can try a mini breast massage, where you apply gentle pressure to the plugged duct both before and during each feeding. Don’t stop breastfeeding, this can worsen the situation since more milk will back up and compound the clog.

4. Mastitis

What does it mean? Mastitis, or a breast infection, occurs when bacteria from the skin’s surface or your child’s mouth enter the breast through a crack in the nipple or one of the milk ducts.

This can occur at any time during breastfeeding but is most likely to happen within the first 6 weeks and this usually affects only one breast. Some of the symptoms may include swelling, pain, and redness, a breast that feels warm to the touch, and a fever.

How To Treat Mastitis

See your physician immediately for a diagnosis. Oral antibiotics usually get the job done; by clearing the infection and making you feel better much faster.

Call your doctor again if your situation does not improve within a day or two after starting the antibiotics. You should continue nursing, as it can help clear your breast infection.

Read Also: Breastfeeding Tips For First Time Mothers

What Causes Sore Nipples When Breastfeeding?

sore nipple

Sore, tender, cracked, blistered, and even bleeding nipples are common challenges for first-time nursing moms. Fortunately, you’re not alone, and that eventually your nipples will heal and toughen up. Here are probably the most common causes.

1. Nipple Sensitivity

Nipple sensitivity is one of the most common complaints by first-time mothers. This usually increases during pregnancy and increases rapidly at about 4 days after giving birth.

You’ll observe a pins-and-needles feeling when your baby begins to feed that lasts for about 30 seconds.

How To Improve Nipple Sensitivity

This normally resolves on its own by the time your baby is about a week old. If it concerns you, use warm or cool compresses before and after feeding. However, you can take acetaminophen  (an over-the-counter) pain reliever to relieve discomfort.

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2. Poor Latch

For you to have a successful breastfeeding session you’ll need a proper latch. Just make sure that the baby and breast hook up just right. You’ll know a baby isn’t latching correctly if you have nipple pain due to your baby chewing on your nipple instead of gumming the areola.

The same if you hear clicking noises, which shows a baby’s not latched on properly (and is likely only sucking the nipple).

Other indications include your baby fussing, chewing, rooting and gaping, or even turning red because he’s so frustrated.

How To Fix Poor Latch

In other to fix the poor latch, you need to get into the right breastfeeding position, then compress your areola between your fingers.

Tickle your child’s cheek to stimulate the rooting reflex, which gets him to open wide, then bring your baby right up to the breast.

When he latches on, his mouth should cover the nipple and the areola, allowing his chin and nose to touch your breast with his lips flaying outward. If you’re still having difficulties, reach out to a lactation consultant.

Read Also: 7 Best Breastfeeding Positions For Large Breast

3. Thrush

This is a common yeast infection that thrives on the lactose in milk and can affect both your nipples and your baby.

The indication includes nipples that are pink, itchy, crusty, and/or burn. Check the inside of your baby’s cheeks or tongue for a curd-like coating to enlighten you regarding whether he might have thrush, too.

How To Treat Thrush 

If you and/or your baby have thrush, use a prescription antifungal cream to treat the problem, or you’ll keep re-infecting each other.

Good hygiene will also play a huge role, so take steps such as proper hand washing, keeping separate towels for each family member, and wearing a neat cotton bra. You don’t have to stop breastfeeding during treatment. You should expect to feel much better within seven days.

4. Milk Blebs Or Blisters

What does a milk bleb mean? A milk bleb or blister means a blocked nipple pore. This normally happens when a milk duct becomes clogged, causing milk to back up. As a result, breast milk becomes thick and hard, which blocks milk flow near your nipple opening.

At times, a small amount of skin can grow over the bleb, preventing it from healing. It may appear like a tiny white or yellow spot on your nipple, similar to a whitehead pimple.

How To Treat Milk Blebs Or Blisters

Normally, milk blebs resolve on their own within 48 hours. However, you can apply moist heat like a warm wet washcloth for 10 to 15 minutes.

During feeding, try positioning the baby so that her chin is near the plugged area because this positioning can help open the blister and drain that area. If this method doesn’t work, see your doctor.

5. Teething

What does it mean? This is the pressure your baby feels from his first baby teeth poking through. Symptoms can begin as early as 3 or 4 months of age. That discomfort is often eased by biting and chewing, including on mom’s nipples. Ouch!

How To Fix Painful Teething

Before you feed your child, offer him/her a teething toy or frozen wet washcloth. These may help numb his gums, allowing him to latch and settle into the feeding.

If the baby does gnaw your breast, break the suction as soon as possible and carefully (using a phrase like “no bite”) and give him the cold washcloth again. This will help him understand actions and consequences.

6. Dry Skin

Very dry skin or contact dermatitis (from nipple creams or soaps) can cause sore, tender, or painful nipples.

How To Treat Dry Skin 

Express breast milk and then gently rub it into your nipples, or apply pure lanolin (Brand name Lansinoh or PureLan) sold at most drug stores.

When taken a bath or shower, don’t use soap on your breasts or nipples; just plain water is fine. Also, you may have heard that you should dry your sore nipples with a hairdryer, do not do that! This can dehydrate your skin and worsen dryness.

7. Eczema

What does this mean? Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is often considered a childhood disease, but it’s estimated to affect over 7% of all adults, according to the National Eczema Society.

You may see a red, scaly rash in little hiding spots like the backs of your knees and elbows, as well as around your eyes and yes, even your nipples.

How To Treat Eczema

Your doctor may recommend a prescription topical steroid that you can apply to your nipples after feedings. (Top it off with a good thick hypoallergenic moisturizer to seal in the medicine.) Make sure you rinse off your nipples thoroughly before your baby nurses again, so he doesn’t get a mouthful of ointment.

8. Nipple Blanching And Vasospasm

Nipple blanching happens when you finish feeding and your nipple pops out of your baby’s mouth whitened and in a funny shape practically like the tip of a brand-new lipstick.

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This normally happens because your baby bore down a little too hard on your nipple while he was snacking. As a result, your nipple gets compressed.

Vasospasm is when the blood vessels around your nipple contract abnormally, bringing about excruciating feelings or pain.

Women who are suffering from Raynaud’s disease, a rare disorder that causes blood vessels in the fingers and toes to narrow when they’re cold or stressed are often more susceptible.

How To Treat Nipple Blanching And Vasospasm

Blanching itself relates closely to a poor latch, so working to fix that with a lactation consultant often solves the problem. Treating vasospasm can be more challenging.

If you notice that your vasospasm gets worse when you’re cold, try breastfeeding in warm environments, wear warm clothing and put a warm washcloth on your breasts before nursing.

Avoid intake of nicotine and caffeine, as they can exacerbate the problem. If you still experience pain, try to apply a gentle massage on your areola (the ring of pigmented skin that surrounds your nipple) with olive oil.

9. Pain From Pumping Equipment

Why does this happen? Over-vigorous pumping (from using too high a suction setting) and too much friction (caused by pulling and rubbing from improper flange positioning or size) can cause sore nipples.

How To Fix Pain From Pumping Equipment

Make sure you use the right flange size and suction settings on your pump. To do this properly, your nipple should be centered in the breast flange (breast shield) tunnel and move freely during pumping without excessive areola being sucked into the tunnel.

10. Yeast Infection

If your breast pain is burning or stabbing and does not lessen as the feeding goes on, it is likely due to a yeast infection known as candidiasis (Caused by a bacteria known as Candida albicans)

Yeast thrives in warm, dark, moist places, putting nursing nipples at risk. To prevent candidiasis, use washable cotton breast pads rather than plastic-backed disposable brands; change and wash them, as well as your bra, frequently.

Keep the area as dry as possible by exposing your breasts to air between feedings.

Hold a hairdryer; adjust to a cool setting, approximately 10 inches from your breasts to dry the area before putting your bra back on.

Note; Never use soap on your breasts as rubbing aggressively when washing or drying them can lead to cracked nipples, which in turn can invite problems.

11. Ankyloglossia

This is also known as tongue-tie. This is a general condition in which the frenulum, the bit of tissue that binds the tongue to the floor of the mouth, is too short to allow for good tongue movement. This can contribute to sore nipples.

Check to see if the tip of your baby’s tongue is heart-shaped or if you experience difficulties fitting your finger between his tongue and the floor of his mouth.

If so, your baby may be tongue-tied; talk to your pediatrician. This condition can be fixed by snipping the tissue in a simple office procedure.

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10 Ways On How To Relieve Sore Nipples Breastfeeding

how to relieve sore nipple breastfeeding. 10 ways

If you’re concerned about experiencing cracking, bleeding, or painful nipples while breastfeeding, or if you’re recovering from a painful scene of cracking or blistering and want to keep it from recurring, good news:

There are ways to prevent sore nipples and cracking.

1. Ensure Your Baby Is Latching On Well

A good breastfeeding latch is one of the keys to effective breastfeeding and helps prevent sore nipples.

When your baby latches onto your breast properly, he will have your whole nipple as well as some of the surrounding areola in his mouth. Your nipple should all be swallowed inside your baby’s mouth.

If your baby only latches on to your nipple, his gums will press down on it as he tries to get breast milk. As he sucks on just your sensitive nipples, it can cause nipple pain.

This can lead to an always hungry and fussy child since your baby won’t be getting much breast milk if he isn’t latching on well and squeezing the milk ducts under your areola.

You can help prevent sore nipples by learning how to latch your baby on properly right from the first nursing.

And, if you are not sure whether or not your baby is latching on and breastfeeding well, talk to your doctor, a lactation consultant, or a local breastfeeding group as soon as possible for guidance.

2. Breastfeed Baby In A Good Position

A decent breastfeeding position will be comfortable for both you and your baby; hence encouraging a proper latch. The cross-cradle hold and the football (clutch) hold works perfectly when you’re first starting since both of these positions give you a better view of your nipple and your baby’s mouth.

Using a nursing pillow and a nursing footstool may also be helpful too. These breastfeeding embellishments lift your lap and bring your child up to the level of your breast.

Getting into a good breastfeeding position when you raise your baby is simpler since you don’t have to lean over. Leaning over can be very uncomfortable, it can strain your back, arms, and neck.

You can also switch the breastfeeding positions you use at each feeding. When you breastfeed in the same position, your baby’s mouth is continually putting pressure on the same spot on your nipple.

Rotating through the different breastfeeding sessions can prevent one area of your nipple from getting all the rubbing pressure of your baby’s latch.

3. Soften Your Breasts So Your Baby Can Latch On Well

Breast engorgement is normal during the transitional stage of breast production that you’ll most likely experience within the first few weeks of breastfeeding.

However, your breasts can also become engorged if you miss a feeding or if you have an excess supply of breast milk.

It is difficult for a newborn to latch on when your breasts become engorged and hard. To make it easier for your newborn, remove a little bit of breast milk before each feeding to ease the tightness and soften your breast tissue.

It’s much easier for your baby to form a good seal on your breast when it is softer. And, as mentioned earlier, a good latch helps to prevent sore nipples.

4. Breastfeed Your Baby At Least 2 To 3 Hours Everyday

Babies have tiny stomachs, and they digest breast milk quickly and easily. So, it’s not a surprise that they need to eat always.

The longer you wait to breastfeed your baby, the hungrier he will be. Bear in mind, when a baby is very hungry, he can have a more aggressive suck.

If you wait too long between feedings, your breasts can become engorged making it hard for your baby to latch on well. Hence, the combination of these two (Poor latch and an aggressive suck) can quickly lead to sore nipples.

You can reduce the chances of engorgement and an aggressive suck, by breastfeeding your baby on demand at least every 2 to 3 hours, and before he becomes too hungry.

5. Keep The Skin Around Your Breasts And Nipples Clean And Healthy

It isn’t that hard to care for your nursing breasts. There’s not much you need to do since your breasts are made to breastfeed.

Interestingly, little pores on your areola called the Montgomery Glands moisturize and protect your breasts and nipples.

However, you can help to keep your skin healthy and prevent sore nipples by doing a couple of things.

During bathing, wash and rinse your breasts with warm water, avoid using any harsh soap that can dry out, irritate, and crack the skin on your breasts and your nipples.

Also, it’s not important to use creams, ointments, or lotions to prevent nipple problems before they start. Many over-the-counter products are not helpful. They can worsen the situation.

If you already have dry, cracked nipples or live in a dry environment, you may benefit from a nipple moisturizer.

There are some products sold at most drug stores, such as medical-grade lanolin or Dr. Jack Newman’s All-Purpose Nipple Ointment, that are friendlier and soothing. If you think you might need a nipple moisturizer, consult your doctor.

Read Also: How To Increase Nipple Size For Feeding (10 Practical Tips)

6. Stay On Top Of Leaking Breasts And Change Your Breast Pads Always

It may be difficult to do, especially if you’re one of the numerous women who experience a lot of leaking, but try to keep your breasts, bra, and breast pads clean and dry.

Put on a clean nursing bra every day, and change it whenever it gets wet or messy. If you wear breast pads, try not to use any products that have plastic or waterproof liners since they hold in the moisture.

Instead, use washable, reusable breast pads made from natural materials, or disposable nursing pads that are breathable, retentive, and comfortable. Whether you prefer reusable or disposable nursing pads, always change them.

If by any chance you leave wet breast pads on your skin for a long time, they can provide the perfect environment for bacteria or fungus to grow.

The growth of these microorganisms can cause your skin to break down and lead to sore nipples, thrush, or a breast infection.

7. Be Cautious When You’re Removing The Baby From Your Breast

When your child latches on properly and breastfeeds, he creates a strong seal between his mouth and your breast.

Towards the end of a feeding, he may release the seal and let go of your breast on his own, or he may stay attached to you even if he falls asleep.

If your child does not let go of you on his own at the end of the feeding, don’t pull him off of your breast. Doing this can cause pain and damage to your breasts and nipples especially if you do it often.

To prevent damaging your nipples, take the time to learn the basic procedures for removing your child from your breast. By gently placing your finger into the side of your child’s mouth, you can safely break the suction of the latch.

Once you break that seal, you can then hook your finger around your nipple to protect it from being bitten on as you remove your breast from your baby’s mouth.

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Here is a video showing you how to carefully remove a baby from your breast

8. Be Gentle With Your Breast Pump

Whether you’re exclusively pumping, or just pumping occasionally to ease breast engorgement or increase your supply of breast milk, it’s necessary to use your breast pump correctly.

Pump flanges (pump shields) are available in various sizes, so don’t expect the ones that come with your pump to be right for you.

Check whether your pump manufacturer makes alternative sizes or look for a product like Pumpin’ Pal Super Shield Breast Pump Flanges so that you can be sure that your pump flanges fit you correctly and comfortably.

Another normal pump issue is setting the pump suction too high.

Many mothers believe that pumping at a faster speed and higher suction level will lead to more breast milk more quickly. Sadly, it’s more likely to lead to more pain and possibly less breast milk.

Therefore, to prevent nipple pain and breast damage from your breast pump, use pump flanges that fit properly and begin with a lower, slower level of suction.

Read Also: How To Properly Pump And Store Breast Milk

9. Use Your Breast Milk To Heal Cracked, Bleeding, Or Blistered Nipples

Express a little milk onto the nipple and leave it air-dry there. Know that using lanolin or other topical creams, if you do have some thrush present, these creams can encourage it to grow. Also, prescription ointment (such as Dr. Jack Newman’s All-Purpose Nipple Ointment) can help you heal.

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10. Relax And Breathe

Relaxation will encourage milk letdown, which means your baby (or the pump) won’t have to work as hard and your nipples will thank you. Apply a 5-minute meditation or a couple of yoga poses right before a feed to get you into the Zen zone.

13 Natural Home Remedies On How To Relieve Sore Nipples Breastfeeding

Sore nipples are a condition that can be treated easily while at home. The following is a list of natural remedies to treat sore nipples due to breastfeeding:

1. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. After nursing your baby, dip a cotton ball into the mixture and wring out the excess liquid.

Gently spot it over your nipple and areola. This combination will kill any bacteria and keep the nipple clean. After that, take one tablespoon of raw coconut oil and rub it on your nipples. This will make the nipple not get dry and cracked.

2. Tea Tree Oil  

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with cool water. Soak a cotton fabric into the mixture and gently apply it to your nipples. Allow them to dry, afterward rinse with clean water. This is an effective and soothing approach to treat sore nipples.

3. Ice Cubes

Cold compresses can be useful to soothe painful sore nipples. Apply some ice cubes in a cotton fabric and gently rub it against your nipple for around 10 minutes. You can apply this method regularly for relief.

4. Olive Oil

Mix one drop of tea tree oil and one tablespoon of olive oil in lukewarm water, then soak the mixture into a cotton ball and dab it on your nipples. Allow it dry naturally, rinse off with clean water and pat dry. This method will help ease the soreness of your nipples.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is popularly known for its soothing. Just cut open the leaf of an aloe vera plant and scoop out the gel inside. Then apply it to your nipples gently and slowly.

6. Tea Bags

Soak some chamomile tea bags in steaming hot water for some time. After that, remove them out of the water and let them cool to a comfortable temperature.

Wring the teabags to take out excess water and dab them on your nipples. This creates a soothing effect. Make sure you wash your nipples before feeding your baby.

7. Basil Leaves

These leaves are known to cure many skin infections and have great healing properties. They can help ease the soreness and cracking of your nipples. To do this, just wash a cup of basil leaves with water.

Grind them to form a paste, then add one teaspoon of honey to this paste. Apply the mixture to your nipples for 30 minutes and wash it off before breastfeeding your child. Apply this 3-4 times a day for the desired result.

8. Hygiene

Observing proper personal hygiene is very important for the prevention of sore nipples. Always put on clean and soft bras and change your bra every day. It is best advised to use only a mild detergent while washing your bras and not harsh ones which might irritate your nipples, causing soreness.

9. Vitamin C

An increase in your vitamin C intake can help prevent sore nipples. You should eat more vegetables for example broccoli, parsley, bell peppers, kale, and fruits such as oranges, papaya, guava, kiwis, melons, Amalaki fruits.

10. Alcohol

Applying alcohol on sore nipples can also provide a level of relief. To do this, simply soak a small sponge in some alcohol and rub it over your nipples. Ensure you wash it off before breastfeeding.

11. Calendula Flowers Or Oil

Calendula flowers are known to offer relief to sore and cracked nipples. To do this, simply grind 1-2 calendula flowers well and make a paste.

Then rub it on your sore nipple and let it dry on its own. You can also mix equal amounts of olive and calendula oil to create a mixture or apply calendula ointment onto your nipples.

12. Hot Oil Compress

Oil helps keep your nipples moisturized and reduces nipple dryness. To do this, simply take any oil of your choice and heat it. Massage it onto your nipples 3-4 times each day for relief, but make sure to wash it off before breastfeeding your baby each time.

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Can I Breastfeed With Sore Nipples?

Sore nipples will make you uncomfortable but it will not affect the baby. However, if your nipples are cracked and bleeding, ensure the blood does not get into your baby’s mouth. If it does, you should inform your doctor.

However, sore nipples can also indicate improper breastfeeding which could leave your baby hungry and not properly fed.

Your baby may not put on weight for this reason. In such cases, always speak to your doctor as it may be a warning sign.

Sore nipples cause discomfort and irritation, so you should take adequate measures to prevent and/or treat them. Always put on clean bras and use mild detergents to wash them.

Whatever home remedy you use, remember to wash it off before breastfeeding your baby. Natural home remedies are always preferred over store-bought ointments or creams. Once you get the positioning right during breastfeeding, you won’t need to stress over sore nipples.

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When Does Latch On Pain Go Away?

If you experience soreness when a baby is latching during the first couple weeks of breastfeeding, know that you’re NOT alone! Research shows that most first-time moms (as many as 90%) experience some level of nipple pain initially.

It’s unsurprising that you and your baby are learning a new skill! Therefore, before we answer the question, we need to know this…

How Intense Is The Pain?

Usually, minor latch discomfort resolves itself normally, but extreme pain requires attention and perhaps helps from an expert if it’s ever going to improve.

Ask Yourself This Question: 

On a range of 0-10, how much does the latch hurt?

0 = pain free 10 = toe-curling/wanting-to-scream/can’t-stand -it-any-longer

Normal discomfort is 0-4 on the range. Abnormal pain is 5-10 on the range.

Normal Discomfort

Latch pain will most likely disappear within a couple of weeks. Some nipple soreness can be expected which is perfectly ok at the beginning of feedings for the first 2-3 weeks postpartum.

It’s not even actual pain, but more soreness of the nipples and usually doesn’t signify a problem. This type of latch discomfort usually spikes around the third day after birth.

Within a week or two postpartum, nipple sensitivity is expected to go away completely and breastfeeding should feel like a slight tug at the nipple and nothing more.

The following is all normal:

  • Pain that lasts no more than 30 seconds into the feeding.
  • It doesn’t continue through the entire feeding.
  • No pain between feedings.
  • No skin damage (cracks, blisters, or bleeding of the nipples).
  • Your nipples should look the same before feeding and immediately after feeding your child(not flattened, creased, or pinched).

Remember, normal postpartum nipple discomfort during breastfeeding should not be severe, tolerable, not last throughout the entire feeding session, and be gone within a couple of weeks.

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Abnormal Pain

You need to fix the underlying issues before things will improve. Latching that extremely hurts is something to be worried about and requires change. Investigate your latching and positioning immediately and speak to a skilled lactation for help if it doesn’t improve.

Breastfeeding in the first two or three weeks is like breaking in a new pair of shoes – a little bit uncomfortable initially, but you wouldn’t walk around with bleeding feet!

Breastfeeding is an amazing experience and isn’t supposed to be painful. So if your nipples are hurting, bleeding, stinging, or burning talk to your doctor immediately.

Below are all abnormal latching experiences postpartum:

  • A tenderness that doesn’t disappear after 30 seconds of feeding.
  • Toe-curling pain.
  • Pinching.
  • Pain between feedings.
  • A sensitivity that stays on beyond the first couple of weeks.
  • Skin damage (cracks, blisters, or bleeding of the nipples).
  • The shape of your nipple changes after a feeding (sort of resembles the tip of lipstick).

We hope this article has provided you indebt ideas on how to relieve sore nipples breastfeeding without stress.

However, if you have any other suggestions or any natural tips that have worked for you, kindly share your experiences with us by dropping your comment. We would love to hear it.