There are lots of baby shower games and as time goes on, new ones keep evolving this makes the occasion fun-filled and thrilling.
A baby shower is a party of gift-giving that is aimed at celebrating the delivery or expected birth of a child or the transformation of a woman into a mother.
Do you want to make your guests comfortable and scintillated at the occasion? I’m sure you would want games that will keep them active and at the same not bored.
You would want to be abreast with the modern baby shower games and that is what I intend to serve you in this article. So let’s get going
What’s Baby Shower?
A baby shower is a party of gift-giving that is aimed at celebrating the delivery or expected birth of a child or the transformation of a woman into a mother. Baby shower activities include gift-giving and playing of themed games.
The baby shower is typically arranged and hosted by a close friend of the expectant mother rather than a family and the reason is not farfetched.
In some cultures, it is rude for families to beg for gifts on behalf of their members, while in some cultures, it can be hosted by family members, especially the baby’s maternal grandmother.
Baby Shower Games
These are fun-filled activities that enable the close friends who attended the baby shower to bond with the expectant mother.
It also serves as an avenue for the new family to say thanks ahead of time, figuring out who is willing and able to help them with their challenges.
These games vary and sometimes may include standard games like bingo, and pregnancy pregnancy-themed games like “Guess the Mothers’ measurement” or “Guess the Baby”.
Sometimes the host makes a game of opening the gifts brought by guests, as it is expected that guests bring small gifts for the expectant mother and they sometimes include diapers, blankets, baby bottles, clothes, and toys. As you may know, it is common to open gifts during the party.
22 Modern Baby Shower Games You Should Try 2021
Here are some lists of modern baby shower games that can help keep the guests intrigued and avoid boredom, and sure they spice up the shower much more than the traditional ones that can be boring. They include
1. Blindfolded Diaper Changing

This game involves the ability of the guest to pull off a diaper with their eyes closed.
The guests are put to the test by handing them a blindfold, doll, and diaper, and then they race to see who can change a diaper the faster as the game begins.
2. Name the Baby Products
Each guest is given a pen and a paper, they are then asked to list as many baby products as they can recall in the shortest possible time, usually for two minutes.
A prize is given to the guest with the highest number of products and also the most questionable items; remember it is not a do-or-die affair it is just for fun.
3. Name the Baby Animal
This is a very fascinating game and brainstorming one. It involves creating a list of adult female animals with a blank space next to them, the guests are asked to supply the names of the baby animals example Lion = Lioness, Pig= Piglet No cellphone, please.
4. Guess How Many
This game tests the guest’s sense of judgment and discernment, usually, it involves filling a big bottle with candies, ensuring that an accurate count is gotten before the competition begins, and then the guest writes their best guess and drops them in a bucket.
At the end of the party, a prize is given to the guest with the closest guess.
5. The Name Game
This game helps the baby’s parents find a beautiful name for their baby. Index cards and pens are passed, and guests suggest baby names using the first letter of both mom and dad’s names (one for each gender if not known).
The mum picks her favorite bunch to determine the winner of the game.
6. Mother (And Father) Know Best
Parenting is can be difficult, no one is a repository of knowledge, guests are asked to share useful parenting tips.
Those who aren’t parents yet can also share what they loved and admired most from the parenting style employed by their parents while they were growing up.
These ideas are jotted down in a decorative book or in index cards that will later be compiled into a keepsake book with pictures from the shower.
7. Pin the Pacifier On The Baby

This fun baby shower game is similar to the game pin the tail on the pony. Ask your guests to take turns and try placing the pacifier in the baby’s mouth with their eyes blindfolded. Get the game here.
8. Diaper Bag Game
This fun game involves your baby shower guests try guessing what’s in the diaper bag just by feeling the outside of the bag. Guests are required to guess what’s inside the bag.
9. Old Wives’ Tales
Everyone would love to predict whether or not the expectant mom is having a boy or a girl. But, how many of them know the actual Old Wives’ Tales that a lot of people use to try to predict the sex of a baby without a scan?
Here are some popular Old Wives’ Tales that people say to predict whether the expectant mother is having a boy or a girl.
- The expectant mom-to-be has morning sickness, it’s a Girl.
- The expectant mom-to-be is carrying her baby low, it’s a Boy.
- The expectant mom-to-be is craving sweets, it’s a Girl.
- The expectant mom-to-be dislikes orange juice during pregnancy, it’s a Boy.
- The expectant baby’s heart rate is over 140, it’s a Girl.
Make a list of 10-20 Old Wives’ Tales and give your guests about 2 to 4 minutes to answer the questions. As soon as the timer goes off, the one with the most accurate guesses wins.
Read: 40+ Baby Shower Prize Ideas To Keep Your Guests Engaged
10. Baby Paparazzi
This game involves putting your celebrator knowledge to the test. This involves creating a sheet with pictures of babes of famous parents and guests are given five minutes to write the correct name of the celebrity parents beneath each photo.
The reward is given to people or guests who can decode or write the names of the kid. Also to enable a tie-breaker if there is a tie, have a few extra celeb baby pictures handy.
There is also another side of the game which is to have crazy baby names and have the guests match the crazy baby names to a celebrity.
Read: 21 Fun Baby Shower Ideas For Couples
11. Who’s the Baby
This fun game helps break the ice and get your guests to mingle. Ask your baby shower guests to bring or send in an old baby picture of themselves. Then place the pictures on a board and guests will try to match the baby pictures with the correct guests.
12. Would She Rather
This fun baby shower game involves the guest testing their knowledge on how well they know the mom-to-be.
13. Pass the Bottle
This is another easy and fun baby shower game that creates a little competition. Divide your guests into two teams/groups, and get them to use their necks and shoulders to pass a baby bottle down. No cheating! No hand is allowed, the fastest line wins!
14. Make a Toilet Paper Baby Diaper
This is another easy and fun baby shower game that creates a little competition. Divide your party guests into teams/groups. The best-looking homemade diaper wins a prize.
15. Baby Shower Musical Chairs
This game works quite well for both adults and children. Just prepare 1-4 chairs depending on the number of guests. Play the music, while you have your guest walk around those chairs.
When you stop the music, your guests have to fight for their seats. The game becomes more fun as you remove one or more chairs. The last guest sitting wins.
16. My Water Broke
This fun game will make your guests giggling and laughing. To do this, fill ice cube trays with these mini plastic babies. Allow it to sit in the freezer all through the night.
As soon as the shower starts put an ice cube in each guest’s drink. The person, whose ice melts first, needs to shout “my water broke” and then wins a prize. So fun!
Related Post: 18 Zoom Baby Shower Games and Activities to Entertain Your Guests
17. Love Notes
For most parents, the weeks following the birth is usually challenging, especially for parents who are first-time parents, so dropping them a line to offer support is ideal and beautiful.
It is done by handing each guest a card with a number on it that corresponds to weeks after the baby has been born. Guests can write a little wish, encouraging poem, or thought for the new parents related to that week.
The host collects all the cards and mails them during the corresponding weeks after the baby has arrived, at least it helps the parents know that they are loved and being cared for.
18. Animal Gestation Period
This fun baby shower game is quite easy for any guest to participate in. All it requires is your guests will have to guess the gestation period for each animal.
19. Guess Who Said

20. Who’s Watching The Baby
This fun baby shower game ensures that your guests are paying attention! Each of your guests owns a small baby and is responsible for it during the shower.
If they drop it unconsciously, another person can snatch it up and claim it as theirs. You can get the complete game at an affordable price here!
21. Baby Shower Word Search
This is another easy and fun baby shower game that creates a little competition. Just print out this free baby shower word search and see how quickly baby shower guests can figure out the baby-related words.
This game is perfect for a group of people who don’t want to move around much, or something fun to keep themselves busy while the expectant mom opens gifts!
22. Mommy’s Cravings
Usually, pregnancy comes with strange cravings. Have guests try to predict what the expectant mom cravings have been!
To do this, each guest needs to get a pen and paper. The expectant mom can describe 6 to 8 pregnancy cravings that she had without actually saying the food.
Her Guests will write down what they think the expectant mom is describing. The guest that got the answer right wins.
23. Matching Candy Bars
Being pregnant and going through labor is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced!
In this free candy bar matching game, match the correct candy bar to the pregnancy or baby-related term. Print this out and show it to all your guests to make them laugh at how wonderful it is to be a mother.
24. Guess the Candy Bar
The baby shower game “Guess the Candy Bar” is well-known. Some people adore it, while others prefer to avoid it. In any case, it’s probably one of the most amusing baby shower games ever devised.
Diapers, a variety of mini-chocolate bars, and a pen and paper for each guest are all you need. After that, melt different types of mini-chocolate bars and pour one on each diaper.
Then, have your guests sniff (or even dip a finger into taste) the chocolates and guess which type is on each diaper.
Whoever correctly guesses the most chocolates wins.
25. Guess the Baby Food
Who among you has the most sensitive nose? (We’re guessing the expectant mother—pregnancy has a way of heightening your sense of smell.)
This entertaining baby shower game puts people’s noses (as well as their food knowledge) to the test.
All you need are unlabeled jars, pureed baby food, and paper and pens for each guest. Then, before the game begins, fill each of your unlabeled jars with a different type of baby food (and keep track of it!).
Distribute paper and pens to your guests as the game begins, and then ask them to smell each jar of puree and jot down which foods they believe are inside.
You can even spice up the game by blindfolding your guests.
26. Emoji Anagrams
Are you looking for modern baby shower games? Well, this baby shower emoji game modernizes the traditional anagrams game by using emojis instead of words.
You only need a list of emoji anagrams and a pen for each guest. Then, before the party, print or order lists of emoji anagrams for each guest.
Then instruct each guest to try to guess the (baby-related) words or phrases written in emojis and fill out the sheet with their answers. The guest who guessed the answer right wins.
27. The Price Is Right Game
We’ve all heard that having a baby is costly, but how much do baby supplies cost? With this spinoff of The Price is Right, you can find out which of your guests is a savvy shopper. It’s one of the most well-known modern baby shower games.
You only need paper, pens, and a computer with a printer or copy machine.
Then, before the party, make a list of baby items and specific quantities (for example, a box of 88 Pampers Swaddlers) on a sheet of paper, and make enough copies for all of your guests.
Related Post: How To Know The Sex Of A Baby Without Scan
I believe that your question on modern baby shower games has been answered and with our exciting and mind-blowing games suggested for you, you can have a fun-filled baby shower. Enjoy the gift of parenthood!