12 Signs a Woman Has Not Made Love for a Long Time

Humans are sexual beings and by the term human, it simply means men and women, a woman may decide on a life of sexual abstinence or that of a sexually active life.

Sexual abstinence or temporary celibacy may be intentional or sometimes unintentional probably as a result of one being locked up in one’s shell that she may forget that she hasn’t been laid in a long time.

Are you looking forward to knowing the signs a woman has not made love for a long time? then flow with me as characteristic signs of a woman who hasn’t made love in a long time will be discussed in this article.

12 Signs a Woman Has Not Made Love for a Long Time

Wondering on the signs that suggest that a woman hasn’t been laid for a long time, then pay close attention to the person and look out for the following signs as they are indications that the person hasn’t been laid for a long or hasn’t made love for a long time.

1. Lingering in Hot Acquaintances’ Hug

A hug isn’t a bad idea but the abnormal lingering in a hot acquaintances’ hug might be suggestive of a sexual break in a woman’s life.

She might not have noticed that she is craving for a man’s touch, warmth, or feel but the hormones in her might give her away through the lingering especially when it involves a man she is having a fantasy of or someone who is her spec.

2. A Large Collection of Sexual Toy

A large collection of sex toys in a woman’s dwelling place might be suggestive that she is not sexually active or that she has not made love for a long time.

It is not wrong for a woman to own sex toys but the abnormal collection or a great collection of sex toys could be an indication that she is lacking that warmth a masculine body can give.

It could be an indication that her sexual urges or drive hasn’t been satisfied in a long while by the masculine gender hence the derivation of sexual satisfaction from the use of sexual toys.

3. Bad Memory

There hasn’t been substantial research on this particular sign but it is still growing up. A few research available shows that sex has a good effect on memory since it does affect the brain neurons aiding in their functions.

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So a bad memory may be an indication of sexual abstinence as the benefits the woman is supposed to derive from sexual intimacy as regards her memory is missing.

4. Lack of Creativity

Sex has a way of releasing happy chemicals that makes one happy and also keep one motivated and assertive, some hormones like opioids offer a feeling of transcendence and the hormone oxytocin increases the trust you have in people around you.

Reports have shown that people are creative and imaginative in both careers and personal lives as a result of the combination of the hormones that emanate from sexual intimacy.

A study conducted in 2013 published by researchers in Maryland deduced that sexual activity led to improved cognitive function and hippocampal function (the Hippocampus is a part of the brain largely responsible for memory).

When one is not sexually active, these beautiful benefits may be missed, and then creativity slacks and drops down.

Lack of sexual intimacy might not be the causative factor of lack of creativity but it can sure be a predisposing factor to lack of creativity and when this happens, your suspicion on a choice of sexual celibacy may heighten.

5. Formation of Cobwebs on Her Condom Stash

Visiting a woman or a lady’s place and seeing cobwebs formed on her condom stash is a sign that she hasn’t touched her condom’s stash in a long while and it could be a pointer to sexual abstinence.

If a woman is having frequent and adequate sex, she would be frequenting her condom stash; hence there won’t be the formation of cobwebs on her condom stash.

The formation of cobwebs is a sign and an indication that there hasn’t been human activity on that part of her room and it is an indicator that she hasn’t been laid for a long time.

6. Signs of Excessive Stress

Everyone on the face of the planet earth undergoes stress but when it becomes excessive and lingers for a very long time, then it is an indication that the sexual life of the person in this case a woman is suffering.

A beautiful night spiced up with great lovemaking makes one feel refreshed and relaxed because that sleep that comes after lovemaking is nerve relaxing and can relax the stress an individual is feeling.

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If one misses out on this superb benefit of lovemaking due to abstinence then the woman would have to be dealing with a lot of stress and it would become so obvious that she’s constantly under stress.

Research has proven that lovemaking help manages stress because the endorphins released during sex helps in mood management.

7. Poor Rhythm during Sex

Remember the old cliché that says if you don’t use something that you lose it.

If a woman hasn’t made love in a long while, the next time she is being intimate with her partner, trust me it is going to be crap, it wouldn’t be pleasurable.

Sometimes navigation through the erogenous zones of the body might be pretty confusing because they have not been used for a long time.

Other Possible Signs

  • When her Incognito Window on your browser is getting more use to sex sites than ever.
  • When she could barely remember the last time you shaved
  • When watching Magic Mike with your friends and she gets overly into it and awkwardly cheers louder than everyone else during the dance scenes.
  • When she’s gotten so good at using her hands to pleasure herself.
  • When she could no longer remember what the weight of another human on top of her feels like.

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I hope this article has given in-depth knowledge to answer the question of signs a woman has not made love for a long time.

The display of the signs mentioned above doesn’t necessarily mean that sexual abstinence is the cause but that it could be a pointer in some of the cases and may be an indication that a woman hasn’t made love for a long time.

So the next time you are worried or suspect that a woman hasn’t made love for a long time, watch her closely for the display of one or more of the characteristic signs to be able to ascertain if she hasn’t made love for a long time.