When Did You Start Wearing Maternity Clothes

I remember my mom being overwhelmed with my lots of questions during my first pregnancy, especially when I threw the question when did you start wearing maternity clothes when you had the twins?

Well, on rounding off our conversation she made me understand that every woman’s pregnancy journey is different; and most women start wearing maternity clothes when they begin to feel uncomfortable in their regular clothes.

There are some specific things to consider when deciding whether or not it’s time to take the plunge. Although there are no guiding rules, serious changes can come serious fashion and comfort issues but don’t worry we have the answers to all your questions.

Now let’s look closer at why this is the most common experience, and at what stage you may need to start wearing maternity clothes.

When Did You Start Wearing Maternity Clothes During Pregnancy?

The simple answer is, most women start wearing maternity clothes when they begin to feel uncomfortable in their regular clothes. What stage in the pregnancy this will be is based on your individual needs and clothing style preferences.

This point will come at different stages for every woman; you get to decide when to buy maternity clothes. Some factors will influence your specific timing to start wearing maternity clothes.

Size Of The Growing Uterus

The one thing that will be growing for all women is the uterus! Understanding the uterus typical stages of growth during pregnancy will help you analyze where you are and what will make you the most comfortable. Here’s a detailed guide of where your uterus should be typically at given times.

  • By 12 weeks, at the end of the first trimester, the uterus just reaches the top of your pubic bone.
  • At 14 weeks it reaches about 2 inches above the bone.
  • At 16 weeks it is halfway between your pubic bone and your belly button.
  • At 20 weeks it is at your belly button.
  • After 20 weeks your upper belly will progressively get bigger which will determine your clothing style.

As your uterus grows consider the following

  • Your belly may start to round and protrude slightly and your clothes become uncomfortable during the first trimester, as there is a natural chance for fat deposition on your abdomen that starts early in pregnancy.
  • At the 14 weeks, you may begin to be aware of the uterus in your lower abdomen, though not evident to others yet. Your regular wear may start to get tighter around your waist. This is a common period for women to start wearing maternity pants as they tend to be more comfortable and provide a better suit so you look pregnant, rather than looking like you are gaining weight.
  • While some women don’t begin to show until about 16 weeks as the belly protrudes more from the growing uterus and extra fat deposits. Many women will switch to maternity clothes.
  • By 20 weeks most women will put on maternity fashioned clothes.

Differences In Weight And Body Shape

maternity clothes

Due to the differences in body shapes, pre-pregnancy weight, and pre-pregnancy maternity clothes styles, some women may not begin to feel uncomfortable until after 16 weeks of pregnancy. Women bellies come in all sizes and shapes in pregnancy as they do before.

To short women, you may find that your abdomen protrudes earlier because of your shorter belly, while if you are overweight or you tend to carry more weight around your belly; you may not show as early as someone with a thinner torso.

However, overweight women tend to gain more weight than thinner women during pregnancy due to their eating habits. Therefore, knowing your body type will aid you predict the changes it will go through, although you’re bound to get some surprises along the way.

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Bloating And Weight Gain

During pregnancy, certain women will gain more weight than others, sometimes regardless of their pre-pregnancy size. Whether your pre-pregnancy weight is normal or overweight, if you gain a lot of weight early in pregnancy, it is expected that your clothes might get tighter before the second trimester.

In this instance, your pregnancy weight gain may become the deciding factor in how soon to get new clothes, not the size of your uterus.

  • Distribution of the weight gains also varies from woman to woman. Some women distribute more fat on their belly than others during pregnancy and this might be a determining factor in your need for maternity clothes.
  • Weight gain from water retention may cause you to feel uncomfortable in your regular clothes from the first trimester because you can’t endure anything around your waist. This is one of the reasons many women start wearing maternity pants.
  • During pregnancy, the female hormone (progesterone) slows down the bowels, and women can get constipated and feel bloated from gas. This could also lead to a need to wear maternity clothes from the first trimester of your pregnancy.

Breast Growth

While your uterus is growing your breast is also growing as well. Under the influence of increased estrogen and progesterone hormones in your body, your breasts will get heavier and larger.

Based on the rate of your breast growth, you may start needing increasingly larger cup and bras sizes, and larger tops from the first trimester. Luckily, maternity bras have multiple rows of hooks for extending the width as your chest circumference grows.

Number Of Babies On Board

Your uterus will become larger each week if you have more than one baby on board than if you have a single baby. It is expected that your clothes will get tighter earlier and you will begin to show earlier.

Primigravida Vs Multigravida

Every pregnancy is special. Sometimes you may gain more or less weight in a subsequent pregnancy (multigravida) than you did in your first (primigravida). Though a first-time pregnancy is likely to show later than your next pregnancies, so get ready because your need for maternity clothes may come sooner or later than your first.

Morning Sickness

Hyperemesis gravidarum is an extreme form of morning sickness that causes severe nausea and vomiting can lead to weight loss early in the first trimester. The belly might be flatter because of less fat deposit so the need to get maternity clothes may come later in the second trimester.

Maternity Clothes And Sizes

Maternity cloth sizes allow for a growing abdomen. The sizes generally follow a non-pregnant size. So if what you wear is size 8 clothes, expect to wear the same sizes in pregnancy, unless you gain a lot of weight during pregnancy.

After 20 weeks, when your uterus rises above your navel, you may find that you may have to go up a size or two depending on your weight gain.

However, there are plenty of maternity styles to choose from, including professional clothes and clothes for the evening and formal occasions.

Alternatives To Maternity Clothes

Some women are not ready to wear maternity clothes in the first trimester for one or two reasons. While some throughout their pregnancy choose to wear larger or looser regular clothes, rather than maternity clothes. Certain styles can help changing size needs from the first trimester to term, such as:

  • A-lines dresses that flare from the top.
  • Empire waist dresses that are not fitted around the waist.
  • Pleated dresses that flare at the waist.
  • Sheath style dresses with stretchy fabrics that go around the waist.
  • Stretchy pants or skirts, particularly those with elasticized waist can be worn around, below, or above the waist as the case may be.
  • Go up a size or more in your non-maternity clothes in the late second and the third trimester.
  • Oversize shirts in the first trimester will accommodate increased breast size and are also good options to accommodate as you get into the second and particularly the third trimester.
  • Flared, billowy shirts will be comfortable to both your growing breasts and abdomen in the late second trimester and particularly in the third.
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Tips On How To Get Fashionable Cheap Maternity Clothes Without Breaking The Bank

When did you start wearing maternity clothes during pregnancy

There are lots of nice and flattering maternity wears available for expecting mothers, different from what some of our mothers had to wear. Here are some tips to save some money while building that fashionable maternity wardrobe.

Borrow From A Friend

Do you have a friend or relative that is around your size? If so, you may borrow as many or all the maternity wears you need. Maternity clothes are a bit more forgiving, even if you don’t wear the same pants size you may both wear a size M, for instance.

Buy Used

Most used maternity wears are usually in good condition since they are worn for a few months and also because women give away maternity clothes more frequently than regular clothes since they are most likely to still be in style.

Buy Items That Grow With You

When you are shopping for maternity clothes, keep in mind that the size you are now is not the size you will be at 34 weeks. So, make sure if you’re going to buy maternity cloth that will grow with you while your body is changing. I’m sure you don’t want to buy several pairs of jeans at 20 weeks and have to turn around and buy more at 30 weeks. Try to select materials that will expand or stretch as you expand and stretch.


You can get lots of maternity clothes at online sites like eBay. The entire lots are sold at one price. Here the seller usually takes pictures of many of the items, though not all of them. In the end, if you only like 80% of the maternity clothes in a lot sure you’re still likely to get a good deal.

Old Navy

You can also get some nice maternity clothes cheap if you look at Old Navy. Here you’ll need to buy them online but don’t worry maternity clothes are easy to size and usually fit a variety of body types, so go on and get your regular size in S, M, L, etc.

Wind Up

Bear in mind that your pre-pregnancy weight, your body shape, your growing uterus and breasts, and your pregnancy weight gain are some of the main factors that can influence when you might choose to start wearing maternity clothes.

Being comfortable in your clothes throughout your pregnancy journey will be a good guide in making your own decision about when to start and what to wear. Notwithstanding, it’s a good idea to shop for maternity clothes as soon as you can because you are less likely to get stuck buying something expensive or ugly simply because you need something to wear.

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