Do Guys Get Turned On By Breastfeeding (Explained)

The breastfeeding experience is naturally made for a baby and the mother. It’s not wrong if your partner asks to taste your breast milk and try breastfeeding during this experience.

This feeling may be physical, emotional, psychological, and sensual. Some people consider breastfeeding arousal to be a taboo subject, but it cannot be ignored. If you’ve ever felt arousal during breastfeeding, you’re not alone.

Here, we discuss the question “Do guys get turned on by breastfeeding”, what it means, and how to deal with it.

The Breastfeeding Experience

We all know that breastfeeding is naturally made for a baby’s consumption. A lot of guys are interested in breastfeeding, and they’re still sexually interested in the breasts even when their spouse or partner is producing breast milk.

This breastfeeding experience may be simultaneously physical, physiological, emotional, social, psychological, sexual, and sensual for him. Your guy or partner may feel jealous of his baby who is the center of the mother’s attention (Walker, 1994).

This can make him feel excluded from this relationship. Seeing how much his baby and the mother enjoy each other during breastfeeding can get him turned on or make him feel frustrated or distant.

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Do Guys Get Turned On By Breastfeeding

Yes! Some men can get turned on seeing the mother and child enjoy each other. For some of them, this can be sexually exciting. Wilkerson & Bing in 1988 noted that leaking breasts may be a sexual “turn-on” just as they may be a sexual “turn-off” for some men.

While other men may feel that lactating breasts are not an erogenous zone and are not to be sucked on or touched at all costs. The mother may agree or this area may be very erogenous for her.

This asynchrony could become a challenge in the couple’s sexual relationship. Some men enjoy the taste of breast milk and need to be convinced that this enjoyment is normal. The partner should also know that the flavor of breast milk varies according to the type of food the woman consumes.

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Some men enjoy the spray from milk letdown on their bodies, and some couples use the milk to rub all through their bodies against, leading to sexual ecstasy. Conclusively, there are several combinations of responses of a couple to the addition of lactation to their sexual experience.

Read Also: Do Mothers Get Turned On By Breastfeeding

Impact Of Breastfeeding On Husbands

Gamble and Morse (1993) studied the impact of breastfeeding on husbands. The report stated that many fathers experience negative feelings but they still manage to find ways to improve their situation and to support breastfeeding.

According to Lawrence, 1989, p. 463 “The conflict in some adult men over their role regarding the nursing mother’s breasts is usually a result of guilt or background.

In the United States, and some other parts of the Western world, breasts are “basically sexual … women’s breasts are defined primarily as sex toys and as a center of eroticism” (Dettwyler, Rodriguez-Garcia, & Frazier, 1995, p. 263).

They both continue by stating, “I am not suggesting that it is bad or immoral to experience sexual pleasure from the breasts as a part of sexual experience. I am saying that we recognize this as learned behavior, learned in a particular cultural context” (p. 263).

Read Also: Can I Breastfeed My Husband During Pregnancy?

How To Deal It: Things Your Husband Can Do To Feel Involved

Breastfeeding My Husband

Naturally, breastfeeding is a natural biological process, and through perinatal education, men can understand and also learn to gradually change their behavior towards the symbolism of breasts and willingly explore their role in the breastfeeding experience.

Husbands are encouraged to spend a considerable amount of time nurturing their partners and their infants. They may find satisfaction or relief in these activities, which may compensate for alterations in their sexual relationship with their lactating partner (May, 1987).

The father can try to involve himself with the baby by bathing the baby, learning child massage, changing diapers, burping, and/or taking care of domestic chores like cleaning baby toys and other baby stuff.

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He should cuddle and hug the lactating mother gently and persistently. Words of affection, soft teasing, and soft non-sexual caressing will surround his partner with a net of security, and boost her sense of importance, and worthiness to him.

If you’re not aware, showing a great sense of humor can help reduce any tensions or conflicts that may arise during this time of transition in your life.

Because welcoming a newborn baby is a major change in any couple’s relationship. Husband needs to aware that he has to go back almost to the beginning to re-woo and re-court her wife, always starting in a non-sexual manner.

The husband must make his presence noticeably both physically and emotionally. No greater or potent sexual stimulus is greater than the constant, steady love and attention from the partner for a new mother.

The mother benefits from that feeling of being a woman to her husband, then the mother of his child.

In response, the wife’s words of encouragement, appreciation, and praise can be like sweet honey to the husband. Starting with this form of asexual support in the postpartum period can eventually help partners rediscover each other and re-establish that intimacy and sexual expression.

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I hope this article has given an in-depth discussion to answer the question “Do guys get turned on by breastfeeding? Now you’ve known the impact of breastfeeding on guys and how to deal with it.

Why not share this article with your friends whom you now might be asking the same question. Still need to learn more? Read 6 Reasons Why You May Want Your Husband To Breastfeed