Enfamil Vs Aptamil (A Complete Buying Guide 2024)

If you’re practicing exclusive breastfeeding or thinking of weaning off your baby soon, you may have a hard time deciding which formula is best for your baby at the time.

Considering the different brands and products in the market, you can’t just pick off any formula from the shelf to feed your baby.

This is why Enfamil Vs Aptamil is a comparison that will make it easier for you to choose which formula to go with and why.

Table of Contents

Enfamil Vs Aptamil Baby Formulas

Enfamil and Aptamil are formulas that have become popular among formula sellers and manufacturers.

They’re both available and in high demand. Still, no two products are the same, especially regarding baby food, and because they’re from different brands, the Enfamil Vs Aptamil comparison is valid.

While both brands are pitched against each other, remember that one can’t be placed above the other for everyone because what may work for one baby may not be the same for the other.

So as much as the information provided is fact-checked and based on popular opinions from parents who have used it, it will be much more rewarding if you can quickly check your baby’s preference and which formulas will best satisfy him.

Enfamil Vs Aptamil: Everything You Need To Know

Manufacturing baby formula aims to assist mothers in feeding their babies well and providing them with the nutrients they need for their growth.

When choosing a formula for your baby, ensure that it satisfies the purpose for which it was made to enable your baby’s growth.

Usually, every formula comes with an informative breakdown of its composition and the quantity they present, generally printed on the body of the formula containers or pack.

This information is to help you understand the nutrients present and if there’s any content your baby may react to.

Be it Enfamil or Aptamil, doing personal research by looking at their various compositions will help you know which is better, Enfamil Vs Aptamil.

For parents who are too occupied and might not understand how to analyze the information on the formula composition, here is an individual breakdown of both formulas.


For many, Enfamil baby formula is the go-to when discussing baby formulas.

It is a very popular brand that has gained medical recognition, as many pediatricians recommend it to their patients.

It is known to contain MFGM, an ingredient that perfectly mimics the taste of breast milk and supports a baby’s development.

Not just MFGM, but it has been discovered that most of the ingredients present in Enfamil baby formula are carefully selected and included intentionally to aid a baby’s growth.

Ingredients like DHA, which are the fatty acids that help the development of a baby’s cognitive ability, are also present.

One of the best things about Enfamil baby formula is that it has no extra color, sweeteners, or preservatives that can risk your baby’s health.

In all, Enfamil baby formula is a very safe and affordable option and offers a variety of options to choose from.

It has become a favorite brand for parents interested in giving the best formulas closely related to natural breast milk.

List of Enfamil Baby Formula in the Market

It is no wonder that Enfamil baby formula is an all-time favorite for many parents and is even recommended by medical professionals.

It does not just offer healthy baby food to sustain your baby’s growth and development, but it provides a variety of them and gives you a chance to decide which product is best for your baby at a particular time.

List of some the products from the brand;

  • Enfamil NeuroPro infant: Amongst all the Enfamil infant products, Enfamil NeuroPro infant is the only one containing Omega 3 DHA in the amount required by experts.
  • Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease: The Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease is proven to reduce gassing and fussiness and contains Omega 3 DHA.
  • Enfamil Enspire: This infant formula is the closest in semblance to natural breast milk.
  • Nutramigen LGG infant formula has been proven to manage colic due to cow’s milk allergy within a short period.
  • Puramino Hypoallergenic baby formula: This is the best infant formula for infants and toddlers who are severely allergic to cow’s milk protein. It contains fortified iron and amino acids. You can buy all these products on Amazon.

Key Features:

  • Pediatricians highly recommend them to their patients.
  • All formulas contain DHA, an Omega-3 fat that helps with brain and eye development.
  • They are the first brand to launch a baby formula containing MFGM, a unique ingredient in breast milk.
  • The ingredients used in the formula have been clinically proven.
  • It has no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors


Like every other baby formula brand, Enfamil baby formula has its Pros and cons listed below.

  • It has close semblance with natural milk and contains all the essential nutrients that aid infant development.
  • It offers a variety of suitable products for babies of different ages and covers a wide age range.
  • It doesn’t contain artificial colors or sweeteners, so you’re sure your baby is consuming very healthy food.
  • No-mess tubs to make life easier!
  • They have a wide range of products for babies’ sensitive stomachs, allergies, intolerances, and even fussiness.


  • It is expensive
  • There’s no guarantee that their products are not genetically engineered.
  • It has a more pungent smell as compared to other brands

Read Also: Enfamil NeuroPro infant Vs Gentlease


When it comes to ensuring baby safety with their food, Aptamil takes it quite personally.

With over 40 years of research and numerous quality tests, their products are made to undergo, it ensures that your baby gets quality over quantity.

It offers a range of three products that can cover your baby from infancy through toddler age until he’s ready to start eating other things.

Regarding reliability, you can trust Aptamil with their products, which have the strong backing of about 250 scientists, constantly ensure quality control of their products.      

List of Aptamil Products in the Market

Standard Milks Range

  • Aptamil is the first infant milk suitable for babies of 0 days old.
  • Aptamil follows on milk, suitable for between 6 to 12 months old.
  • Aptamil growing up milk, suitable for 1 to 2 years

Profutura Milks Range

  • Aptamil profutura 1 can be taken from birth.
  • Aptamil profutura follow-on milk is suitable for babies between 6 to 12 months.
  • Aptamil profutura growing milk is suitable for toddlers ages 1 to 2 years.

Specialists Milks Range

  • Aptamil Hungry infant milk. Suitable from birth.
  • Aptamil anti-reflux is suitable for 0 to 12 months.
  • Aptamil Comfort is suitable from birth.
  • Aptamil is Lactose-free and suitable from birth.
  • Aptamil pepti 1, suitable from birth
  • Aptamil pepti 2 is suitable for 6 to 12 months.

Key Features

  • It contains a healthy blend of GOS and FOS, both found in breast milk, and helps boost the baby’s immune system.
  • It contains iron for cognitive development.
  • It contains vitamins A, C, and D, which support the immune system.
  • Their specialist range help babies suffering from allergies, intolerances, or feeding problems. There’s a formula whether your baby suffers from colic, constipation, reflux, or lactose intolerance.
  • It contains omega-3 LCPs, which helps supports normal visual development.
  •  It has no artificial sweeteners; lactose sweetens the taste.


  • Its taste and texture are closely related to that of natural breast milk.
  • It comes both in liquid and powdered form, allowing you to decide which one is more convenient for you to use.
  • You can use it from birth.
  • It contains natural prebiotics, which support a baby’s development and growth.


  • It is not a certified brand.
  • It is not organic.
  • It is expensive.
  • Not all their products are suitable for vegetarians

Read Also: Enfamil vs Similac vs Nan Pro

Enfamil Vs Aptamil: Parent’s Verdicts

What Parents Have To Say About Enfamil Baby Formula

Enfamil has almost a 4-star rating on all its products. This is what online reviewers have to say about Enfamil products:

  • Parents of babies suffering from gas problems or constipation love Enfamil Premium Gentlease. As soon as they switched to this baby formula, these problems began to ease, and regular bowel movements began to occur.
  • Parents who had tried other brands noted that their children would get gassy and have sore bottoms, but Enfamil seemed to be better tolerated.
  • Another parent called it “liquid gold” and loved how to ease it to carry around.
  • However, some parents noted that their babies liked the liquid formula more than the powder.

What Parents Have To Say about Aptamil Baby Formula

Aptamil, on the whole, has excellent reviews – their products always rate 4 and 5 stars. 

This is what online reviewers have to say about their experience with Aptamil:

  • Many parents liked how their babies quickly took the formula and enjoyed the taste.
  • Some reviewers claimed that many other brands were making their babies feel sick, but as soon as they switched to Aptamil, it stopped and generally reduced gassiness.
  • One parent raved that Aptamil helped their baby “feed well, bring up wind particularly, and digest regularly.
  • Other users claimed they tried a few formulas initially, but they gave their baby colic and reflux. The switch to Aptamil stage one has solved this problem. It is easy to mix and easy on the stomach, so the formula has no lumps.

In general, both brands have many benefits compared to their cons. They’re both tested and trusted baby formulas that have gained a considerable fan base with moms and dads worldwide.

This new formula uses MFGM, which helps mimic breastfeeding more closely in taste, consistency, and nutritional benefits.

However, Aptamil is still a great brand. There is so much science behind their research, and their ingredients are impressive.

Enfamil’s range of specialist products is vastly superior to theirs, offering less choice than Enfamil.

However, both have great reviews, so you shouldn’t hesitate to trust your instincts and pick the one you think would be best for your baby.

It is more than safe to switch if it doesn’t work out.

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Enfamil Vs Aptamil: FAQs

How do I choose between liquid and powdered formulas?

When choosing what formula is the best for your baby, aside from ensuring that it is safe and can support your baby’s development, deciding between liquid and the powdered formula is a matter of personal preference.

Can I store baby milk in the refrigerator?

Most healthcare experts recommend not preparing milk and storing it in the fridge.

According to the Department of Health, bottles should be made fresh when your baby needs them and used within two hours. Store your bottle in the fridge makes it more susceptible to bacteria growth, which may lead to illness.

Does Enfamil increase baby weight?   

Yes, cow’s milk-based formulas can increase baby weight faster than breast milk. 

Is Aptamil suitable for gassy babies?

Yes, Aptamil Comfort is suitable for feeding problems related to lactose in three-month-olds, such as colic, gas, or constipation. You can also use Aptamil Comfort to feed your baby from birth.

Is Enfamil better or Similac?

Yes. Enfamil is enriched with more natural ingredients compared to Similac. It uses less sugar as compared to Similac. Enfamil has higher iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and more vitamins C, B12, E, and K.

What do GMO and non-GMO mean?

GMO means Genetically Modified Organisms and is generally not considered the best nutrition thing.

A baby formula marked as non-GMO means it contains no genetically modified ingredients, which are ingredients whose DNA has been altered by adding genes from something else to increase the nutritional value or speed up the growth of crops or animals. We recommend you go for non-GMO baby formula every time.

What is MFGM, and what are the benefits?

MFGM, also known as Milk Fat Globule Membrane, is an ingredient in breast milk that aids in developing brain structure and function.

This helps make baby formula taste closer to breast milk, ensuring your baby gets the essential nutrients he needs to grow and develop.


Enfamil Vs Aptamil is not necessarily a comparison that is supposed to create a rift between both brands. Still, it is supposed to give a detailed report on what both brands have to offer to make it easy for parents to decide.

When deciding, remember that every child is different – some may be intolerant, some may be gassier than others, and others may be fussy.

We suggest you don’t panic trying to figure out the perfect formula for your child.

It’s perfectly ok to try out other brands. I did it too. We’ve also written more guides about different baby formulas on our website, so check them out.

But if you are still worried about any other thing not mentioned in this article, do consult with your pediatrician.

We hope this guide has given you in-depth knowledge about these baby formulas. Let us know if you have any questions.

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