How To Clean Chicco Pack And Play (2 Easy Ways)

Have you been wondering how to clean Chicco pack and play to make it look neat and germ-free look for your little one?

Regardless of whether your baby’s Playard is brand new or has been used by a few babies before, regular cleaning can help maintain it to not only last longer for the next baby (if you plan to have another) but also keep it safe for your baby’s leisure time.

When thinking of cleaning a pack and play, it is good to consider the weather outside, you don’t want mold growing on your baby’s Playard due to lack of proper sun drying.

Be it a deep cleaning, wiping off a spill, or a quick scrub, the weather is a major factor to consider in such times. Read on as we share with you easy ways on how to clean Chicco pack and play.

How To Clean Chicco Pack And Play: Easy Steps

Depending on how dirty your baby’s pack and play get, choosing to deep clean or just scrub and dry can both be effective enough to remove the dirt whenever there’s a need to.

Materials You’ll Need

  • Baby safe detergent
  • Cold or hot water
  • ¼ cup of vinegar
  • ¼ cup of baking soda
  • Laundry detergent
  • Clean towel

Hot water will work faster in soaking up the dirt at once during deep cleaning but if you decide to go with using cold water, you may have to repeat the procedure a couple of times to effectively wash off the dirt.

Deep Cleaning a Chicco Pack and Play

  1. Take out the mattress from the pack and play to avoid getting it soaked with water.
  2. Fill the bathtub halfway with very hot water. You should fill the water halfway because you don’t want the water spilling out when you soak in the pack and play.
  3. Pour the required amounts of your cleaning agents and use a spatula to mix it well. Be careful not to get burned with the hot water while mixing.
  4. Fold the pack and play into a size that can fit into the bathtub and soak it into the solution you’ve created. Allow it to soak for about 45 minutes or even an hour. If your pack and play don’t get immersed in the water, you may have to turn it over after some time to get it soaked up properly.
  5. While the pack and play are soaking, use a brush or sponge, deep it a few times in a bucket of the same mixture of warm water, vinegar, baking soda, and detergent, and scrub it thoroughly. Keep it in a position that can allow for free ventilation. You may want to make use of two stools which will suspend it to let air pass through and dry well.
  6. When you’re done with the mattress, use a bristle brush to scrub the pack and play gently but firmly to wash it clean.
  7. By this time, the water must have turned into a disgusting mix, drain in and rinse.
  8. Use a detachable showerhead to rinse off the soapy water.
  9. Use a clean dry towel to mop the water and allow it to dry in the sun for a few hours to prevent mold build-up.
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You can do this in your house if you don’t mind water getting on your tiles or carpet. If otherwise, wash it outside on a lawn or where you don’t mind getting wet.

But if there’s not enough space to do it outside, you can put some thick towels on the floor of the house to soak up the water while you wash.

How To Scrub Your Pack and Play

When the time does not permit you to deep clean and the weather is also not on your side, the best way to clean your baby’s Playard without soaking it is by scrubbing. Here’s how to do it properly

  1. To scrub your pack and play, take out the mattress to prevent it from getting wet, fill a bucket with warm water in this case since you’re scrubbing straight away, you don’t want to get burned with hot water.
  2. Add a ½ cup of baby-safe detergent; agitate the water to get all the ingredients properly mixed.
  3. Scrub with a bristle brush or a towel submerged in the solution. While scrubbing, be careful not to get the mesh soaked with water.
  4. Use a warm towel to mop off the soap and air dry it outside or somewhere around the house with proper ventilation. Air drying can take a long time especially when it’s not too sunny but it will still serve.
  5. Use a hose to rinse if you don’t mind getting the mesh soaked with water and allow it to dry in the sun.

Read Also: How To a Clean Pack and Play with Bed Bugs

Other FAQ’s

How Do I Keep A Pack and Play To Last Longer

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When you don’t want to let your baby pack and play get too dirty, it is better to clean it as often as it requires to be cleaned whenever there’s a stain or spill on it.

  • Soak the spill as soon as they occur. Spray a good amount of your surface cleaning spray.
  • Place a wet towel over the spill to get the soaked spill off as much as possible before cleaning.
  • Use a bristle brush, a wet towel, or a paper towel to clean up any stain or spill on the pack and play as soon as possible, do not allow it to remain over time. That way, it is easier to keep it looking clean always.
  • Scrub the mattress cover regularly.
  • When not in use, fold up the pack and play and keep it in a safe place to prevent it from getting unnecessarily used or even getting the mesh torn by your older kids.

Can My Baby Sleep In A Pack And Play?

Yes, your baby can sleep in a pack and play with an adult watching over him. Babies sleep half the time during the day, it is unfair to prevent your baby from sleeping off during his playtime.

And since the pack and play is a safe area for your toddler to enjoy his playtime at any place and time of the day, it can also be a safe area for a quick nap.

It has a mattress and a protective mesh that can keep your baby from falling and sustaining an injury during playtime so why not?

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Wind Up

As parents, the safety and health of our baby is a priority, thinking of the best methods of keeping them safe even during playtime can raise questions about how to clean Chicco pack and play.

If as a parent, you’re wondering how to clean Chicco pack and play effectively, this article should be a guide to getting it done in a few steps.

In any method, you choose to go with, be mindful of the weather and the type of detergent you use to clean your baby’s Playard, be sure it is baby safe. Also, allow it to dry in the sun properly to prevent any mold from growing on it.