Are you wondering how to get yellow poop stains out of baby clothes? Has your breastfed baby ever had such a huge diaper blowout that poop was up to his back, and a diaper change turned into bath time? Don’t worry. This article is for you.
Yes, your baby had on those cute white baby pajamas you love seeing him on.
Now, they’re covered in poop stains, and the next thing that comes to your mind is how I can get these yellow poop stains out of my baby clothes.
Don’t worry. It’s possible to remove stubborn poop stains to get your cloth diapers, baby clothes, and even your carpet (yes, this happens) looking like new.
In this article, we’ll discuss the most effective methods, safest products, and six practical guides on getting yellow poop stains out of baby clothes.
How To Prevent Poop Stains
Cloth diapers are parents helping hand at preventing poop blowouts because of their shape and elastic gussets around the waist and legs. Even if you like the comfort of disposable diapers, you must invest in cloth diaper covers to protect the disposables.
Investing in cloth diapers will prevent you from changing your baby’s outfit each time he poops, or get him in the bathtub after every poo explosion.
If you use cloth already, cut up fleece liners for your diapers to grab the poop and prevent stains. The poop comes easily off fleece liners, especially once your baby is on solid food.
Walmart sells fleece covers for next to nothing, and you can cut up around 30 liners from one cover. You can use one of your cloth inserts to get a sketch for the cut-out.
Viva paper towels can also do the job just like liners, so they may not be as environmentally friendly as you’d like. Fleece liners are cost-efficient as they can be washed and reused when necessary.
Here is a video showing you how to make your Fleece Liners from a Walmart Blanket
How To Remove Stubborn Poop Stains From Baby Clothes
By applying these steps, moms should be able to salvage their newborn clothing. Here are some practical tips to apply to remove stubborn poop stains from baby clothes.
Step 1: Don’t Let The Stain Sit
Address the spot as soon as you can. Discarding the stained item into Sunday’s pile on Tuesday will not bode well for getting the stain out.
Step 2: Rinse Immediately In Cold Water
If you can’t wash your soiled outfit immediately, rinse out the stain carefully with cold water from the opposite side of the fabric so you’re not pushing the stain into the fibers.
Step 3: Scrub With Dish Soap
You a dedicated scrub brush to avoid wearing down the fabric. However, if you don’t have a dedicated scrub brush you’re willing to use, use your fingers.
Yes, disgusting, right? I know. You can do this. Just scrub that stain thoroughly with dish soap, then rinse and wring out the water.
Step 4: Pretreat
Do use a stain pretreatment after rinsing. Try OxiClean. This is one of my favorites.
Step 5: Allow The Stain Pretreatment To Sit For Some Time
Don’t throw the item right into the wash. Let the pretreatment sit according to instructions. The stain remover gets washed off if you launder immediately.
Step 6: Take The Damp Fabric In The Sun To Dry
Don’t dry until the stain is gone. The sun will set the stain. Sunning your stains works whether it’s raining or if the sun isn’t out since UV rays (always present) bleach the stain out.
However, if you can get the fabric in direct sunlight (even if only through a window), you’ll probably have the foremost(or at least the quickest) success.
Read Also: Best Stain Remover For Baby Poop 2021
How To Get Yellow Poop Stains Out Of Baby Clothes: The Complete Guide

Sunning alone works great as a natural bleacher for most stains. However, this isn’t an option for those living with dreadfully cold winters or in an apartment without space to hang clothes outside.
Additionally, there are always those stubborn poop stains in need of an extra technique to go off. Here is what we recommend.
1. Remove The Poop Immediately
Rinse off poop from cloth diapers and garments immediately, do not let it stay.
A cloth diaper sprayer we snared right to the toilet saved our sanity! If you’re dealing with poopy carpets, try to pick up the poop as much as possible (using a plastic bag or rubber gloves), so you don’t mash it into the floor.
2. Soak In Water
Soak the poop-stained fabric in warm water. Use a spray bottle to soak the affected area for cloth diapers and carpets.
Since spray bottles are cheap and easy to find, buying a few spare bottles to keep around your home is best advised.
3. Use Stain Removers
Choose one of these stain removers laundry products, depending on whether you prefer natural or synthetic products.
Natural Stain Removers
- Buncha Farmers Stain Stick: Rub the Buncha Farmers Stain Stick right on the wetted down stain. Alternatively, fill a spray bottle with hot water, and finely grate some of the stick into the bottle. Mix before spraying.
- Lemon Juice: Squirt a tiny bit directly on the wet stain or mix ¼ cup lemon juice with 1 cup water in a spray bottle and spray the affected area.
Synthetic Stain Removers
- OxiClean White Revive: Pour a small amount directly on the poop stain.
- Shout Stain Remover: Spray on the stain.
Read Also: How To Whiten Baby Clothes Naturally Without Bleach
Homemade Stain Removers
- Dawn Dish Soap, Hydrogen Peroxide, And Baking Soda: Dawn dish soap isn’t natural, but these three combination works like magic. Mix two parts peroxide with one part Dawn and one part baking soda. Two cups of peroxide and one cup each of Dawn and baking soda make a large batch you can store for later use.
4. Scrub And Let Sit
After applying a stain remover, scrub the affected area using a soft toothbrush. You can use old or new toothbrushes. Allow it to sit for at least 10-15 minutes after scrubbing.
5. Wash Thoroughly
Wash the fabric or diapers as you usually would or throw cloth diapers in the diaper pail until your next laundry.
Ensure that your laundry detergent is mild and baby-safe (using cloth diapers). For carpets, rinse using a spray bottle containing cool water to wash off stains. Then use a cloth or towel to pat dry or place a fan over it.
6. Dry In The Sun
If you can, hang the wet fabric and diapers out to dry in the sun after washing. Do not hang colored clothes or clothes with print on the outside to avoid fading. Hang cloth diapers “hot dog style,” to prevent stretching out the elastics.
Alternatively, here is a video showing you how to get yellow poop stains out of baby clothes
Safe Laundry Products For Cloth Diapers
If you are trying to remove stains from cloth diapers, use a mild laundry detergent and stain remover.
There are online laundry detergent indexes to check the safety level of your cleaning agents. All the stain removers listed down below have been approved as cloth safe.
- Tide Original (Powder Only)
- Allen’s Naturally (HE compatible)
- Charlie’s Soap (HE compatible)
- Rockin Green (HE compatible)
- Sensi-Clean/Sports-Wash(HE compatible)
- RLR Laundry Treatment
- Country Save
- Mountain Green Baby Free & Clear
- Purex Free & Clear
- Seventh Generation
- Arm & Hammer Free
- All Free and Clear
Related Posts:
- How To Prevent Diaper Blowouts
- How To Remove Baby Poop Off Your Carpet
- How To Wash Baby Clothes Without Shrinking Them
- 12 Best Laundry Detergent for Babies With Sensitive Skin
We hope this guide has given you great ideas on getting yellow poop stains out of baby clothes. These stains remind us every day how messy and daunting motherhood can be.
But, with these safe household products and applying our cleaning guide above, you’ll have those baby clothes, cloth diapers, and maybe even your carpet looking new!
If you have any questions or any other tips that worked for you, feel free to share. If you found this article helpful, share it with your other mommy friends!