What Happens To Sperm in a Pregnant Woman? Everything You Need To Know

During your teenage age, you probably got a talk about the birds and the bees. After all, every teenager needs to learn how babies are created at some point!

One thing you might be taught in your sex education class is what happens when you continue to have sex while one partner is pregnant.

Will you conceive another baby when you’re already expecting a baby? Is it safe to have sex while pregnant? What happens to sperm in a pregnant woman?

If you’re on this boat and you’re wondering about what regular sexual relations might mean, this article is for you.

Is Sex During Pregnancy Safe?

Yes! Making love with your partner during pregnancy is completely safe. It’s important and highly recommended for these various reasons.

We all know the struggle that goes with having a baby, the massive toll it takes on both the body and mind, and maintaining regular sexual activity with your partner can be hugely reassuring.

This might seem very easy to do because a lot of women experience an increased sex drive during pregnancy, especially in the second trimester after the hormonal surge settles.

However, there are circumstances where a woman may want to abstain from sex during pregnancy especially if the partner gets hit with certain health issues, including but not limited to preterm labor, cervical incompetence, first trimester complications, miscarriage, or placenta previa.

You should consult with your medical provider to find out if you are having any complications during pregnancy that requires ‘pelvic rest before engaging with your partner.

What Happens To Sperm in a Pregnant Woman?

Reasons Why A Pregnant Woman Should Make Love Everyday

A survey which was carried out from2014 showed that 80% of men are concerned that the sperm that’s released during sex will somehow find its way and affect their growing baby, or that they’ll injure their baby from penetrating the mother.

If you’re concerned about this, you can take a deep sigh of relief because she’s not going to get pregnant again. Sperm deposited in the female reproductive organ or birth canal during penetrative sexual activity will not harm the baby. Rather they will simply be discharged from the body through the reproductive opening.

This is achieved with help of the placenta, amniotic sac, and mucus plug that are covering the cervix, your baby has a protection system that’s very particular about what enters and stays out!

In addition to blocking sperm, the baby is also shielded from coming into contact with your partner’s joystick no matter how long or big it is.

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Can A Pregnant Woman Conceive Another Baby?

Now you’re relieved about where the sperm goes in a low-risk pregnancy, you may also be relieved to know that it’s highly unlikely for your pregnant spouse to conceive again.

A pregnancy that begins after another one has already started is usually term Superfetation. Sound weird right? Superfetation usually occurs in a lot of mammals but is highly unlikely in humans for a lot of reasons. No fewer than 10 cases have been reported in medical research.

Firstly, for any woman to become pregnant she must, and the process of ovulation is shut down during pregnancy due to the release of certain hormones.

Secondly, if by any chance a pregnant woman ovulates, sperm would have to get to that egg which will prove difficult because the mucus plug, blocks sperm from reaching the eggs in early pregnancy.

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Although this is not the main purpose of the mucus plug, its bacteria- and infection-blocking properties work perfectly for sperm too.

Thirdly, for a possible pregnancy to take place the fertilized egg has to successfully implant in the uterus and this requires a hormone balance that can’t be found during pregnancy.

With all been said, superfetation is a very rare possibility. As soon as a possible pregnancy is established, your body comes up with its language of a “no vacancy” sign.

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Benefits of Sperm During Pregnancy

dark line in stomach

Some medical experts believe sperm might play a huge role in preventing preeclampsia and cure morning sickness.

You might know some of the advantages of sex during pregnancy here, but are you aware that sperm itself might have benefits for pregnant women? While many of these reports need more scientific backing, here’s why introducing sperm into your birth canal might not be such a bad idea.

1. Preeclampsia Prevention

Preeclampsia is a high-risk pregnancy condition, usually defined by elevated blood pressure and protein in the urine. According to the Preeclampsia Foundation, this condition is usually experienced in 5 to 8 percent of all pregnancies.

This condition usually results in some pregnancy issues like a low birth weight of the baby, placental abruption, preterm delivery, kidney failure, and fetal death.

In 2017 researchers in Denmark released a scientific study linking sperm and preeclampsia. In conclusion, it was discovered that women with greater sexual exposure to their spouse sperm before giving birth had a lower risk of developing preeclampsia.

While women with 6 months or less time of exposure to their spouse sperm had a higher instance of the condition. One medical reason is that sperm contains a protein, HLA-G, which helps to improve the maternal immune system.

And the more women are exposed to the paternal cells in this protein it helps create “immunity” against preeclampsia, so to speak.

2. Morning Sickness Cure

Increased sperm exposure in a pregnant woman could cure debilitating morning sickness says Gordon Gallup, a SUNY-Albany psychologist.

He further stated that a pregnant woman’s body rejects paternal cells in the fetus as a foreign body, according to Slate. And when this happens, the body programs itself in such a way to expel this foreign genetic material through nausea and vomiting.

If this theory is proven, what it means is that the cure for morning sickness may be reduced by a simple act of exposing yourself to sperm through any form of sexual activity.

This helps your body develop a “tolerance” to paternal DNA, thereby reducing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. This exposure should ideally take place before the baby is born and throughout the first few weeks of pregnancy.

3. Labor Induction

If a woman has clocked 9 months, some experts suggest that having sex could induce labor, says Jimmy Belotte, who is an Ob-Gyn in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Part of the reason is that when a woman reaches a climax (uterine contractions) during sex, it releases a hormone that’s associated with labor known as oxytocin hormone.

However, sperm might beneficial too. Human sperm is fortified with a hormone-like substance called prostaglandins, this substance is capable of ripening the cervix, says Dr. Belotte. As you may know, synthetic forms of prostaglandins are used in the hospital as labor induction medications for example misoprostol.

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When’s The “Best” Trimester To Have Sex?

Naturally, sexual urge tends to spike during the second trimester so that’s probably the best time to make love with your partner. As you navigate towards the third trimester, your sex drive tends to slow down due to discomfort although it is still perfectly safe to have sex during this time.

It is wise to say that it’s not uncommon for a pregnant woman to experience some light bleeding after having sex with her partner. Though this is not something to be concerned about.

According to Morales, the surface blood vessels on the pregnant cervix are ‘engorged’ and friable, therefore any slight brownish spotting or tiny clots of old blood up to five days after sex usually common.

However, if you have any questions or concerns about it, do not hesitate to call your healthcare provider and keep them up to date.

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What is The Safest Position when it comes To Sex During Pregnancy?

Whatever position that makes you feel comfortable is okay during pregnancy, but that might mean you’ll have to try out with some new positions as you accommodate your growing baby bump.

Avoid engaging in any positions that put weight on your belly or have you on your back for long just like the Missionary position. A good sex position to try with your partner is

The Side-lying position because it keeps the weight off both your back and your belly.

If you’re experiencing a slight pressure around your lower back, tuck a pillow between your knees and have your partner lie behind you while he penetrates. Another good choice is the Doggie style position because it allows your pregnant belly to hang free which brings more comfort.

What Kind Of Lube Should We Use?

Natural lubricants, like BabyDance fertility lubricant or coconut oil, are recommended according to Salmon. Morales also suggests that silicone lubes are also good. Water-based products are not recommended because they tend to dry out faster, and may not last the entire period.

According to says Morales, sometimes lube might not even be needed because a lot of women naturally have increased sex drive and quicker lubrication during pregnancy. Though, this can change too at different stages in a woman’s pregnancy journey.

Can I Use Sex Toys While Pregnant?

Yes, you can, but you must make sure you keep them clean always.

Wind Up

While it is highly unlikely for you to conceive another baby if you’re pregnant, you must consider other benefits and risks of sexual activity.

At a minimum, pregnancy can affect your sexual urge and which positions suit you the most, so it’s important to have open conversations with your partner to let him know what suits you and the growing baby the most.

We hope this article has given you indebt knowledge to answer the question, what happens to sperm in a pregnant woman. If you have any questions or any other concerns about sex during your pregnancy, do not hesitate to discuss them with your health care provider.