Enfamil Nutramigen Vs Enfamil Sensitive (2024 Review)

Are you confused about the choice of formula for your sensitive baby, and are you pondering on the best formula that suits your baby?

It is usually not easy choosing formula for your newborn baby. Babies have sensitive stomachs, and you must be careful about what you feed them.

If your baby is an Enfamil fan, you may be at sea on which of the Enfamil product to go with. 

Introducing your baby to a baby formula may have you contesting between Enfamil Nutramigen Vs Enfamil Sensitive. Although both products are from the same brand, their contents are not the same.

That is why a comparison of Enfamil Nutramigen Vs Enfamil Sensitive provided in this article will guide you on which product is most suitable for your baby.

Table of Contents

Enfamil Baby Formula

Enfamil is regarded as the leading baby formula brand readily available in the newborn nurseries of hospitals. Although a little bit more expensive, it is still a good choice.

This baby formula is specially formulated to cater to your baby’s nutritional needs, especially as they journey through life, especially during their first year on the surface of planet earth.

There are different versions for different infant and toddler ages in the Enfamil brand, and they include:

  • Newborn stage: 0-3 months
  • Infant stage: 0-12 months
  • Toddler stages 2 and 3: Enfagrow 9 months-3 years.


  • It contains Choline
  • It contains Omega-3-DHA
  • It contains a blend of two prebiotics
  • It contains MFGM (Milk fat globule membrane) and Lactoferrin


  • Rich in vitamins
  • Excellent source of minerals 
  • Laden with nutrients that promotes growth
  • Supports brain development
  • Nourishes the body


  • The product is expensive.
  • Has GMO versions
  • Packaging quality issues when delivered by mail.

Enfamil Nutramigen Vs Enfamil Sensitive

Enfamil Nutramigen and Enfamil Sensitive are examples of formulas containing the necessary nutrients for the baby.

However, babies require certain nutrients in more significant quantities at every stage of their life, and some formulas contain these nutrients while others do not. Because of this, certain formulas are unsuitable for babies of a particular age.

Before comparing, let’s look at each product individually to determine how they differ.

Enfamil Nutramigen

Enfamil Nutramigen is regarded and applauded by many parents because of its suitability for babies suffering from lactose intolerance, fussiness, gas, colic, cow’s milk protein allergy, and other food allergies.

It is a hypoallergic, non-dairy formula containing broken-down milk proteins and lactose-free and soy-free.

Key Features

  • It is formulated especially for babies who are hypersensitive to cow’s milk or allergic to formulas containing it.
  • There is a presence of casein hydrolysate in both. 
  • Modified corn starch is used for a thicker formula.
  • Contains linoleic acid content
  • It is a fast-acting formula.
  • It aids in easing colic.
  • It contains soy oil.
  • It is hypoallergic
  • It contains DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that can promote healthy eye and brain development.
  • It contains ARA (Arachidonic acid), an omega-6 fatty acid sourced from Mortierella Alpina oil, and it helps improve your baby’s immune system.
  • It contains highly processed vegetable oils.
  • It lacks artificial growth hormones.


  • It lacks lactose
  • It doesn’t contain artificial growth hormones
  • It doesn’t contain table sugars or sucrose


  • It had a recall
  • There is the presence of palm olein and other vegetable oils that can interfere with nutrient absorption.
  • It also has soy oil
  • It is costly

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Enfamil Sensitive

This formula is designed for babies with a sensitive stomach and lactose sensitivity.

This formula contains easy-to-digest proteins and is formulated based on your baby’s specific issues and needs.

Research has shown that MFGM in this formula supports cognitive development and motor and language abilities and builds a positive behavioral pattern due to their good health, hence its pediatrician approval. 

The product offers complete nutrition for babies through 12 months, and the protein constituents are easy to digest.

The product contains probiotics, Vitamins C and E, with Selenium for immune support.


  • It contains DHA, which helps in the building of brain
  • Contains vitamin C
  • Contains vitamin D
  • Contains vitamin E
  • It contains mineral like Selenium that helps in boosting the immune system of your baby
  • It has minimal lactose since it is designed for babies with lactose intolerance or lactose sensitivity
  • Available in powder
  • Contains easy to digest proteins
  • It contains milk and soy


  • Sucrose is not used as a carbohydrate source
  • It is a safe and well-tolerated source of nutrition
  • It contains DHA that supports cognitive and visual development
  • It is beneficial for long-term cognitive function until at least age 5
  • Non-GMO
  • It is formulated for lactose sensitivity
  • It is designed to reduce frequent spit-up in 1 week
  • It is a trusted brand for proper brain development and immune support
  • It is pediatrician recommended formula for cow’s milk allergy


  • It is not for infants with galactosemia
  • You may find a trace amount of genetically engineered material in the product

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Enfamil Nutramigen vs Enfamil Sensitive: Similarities & Differences

These two brands of the baby formula Enfamil are usually recommended by a pediatrician for babies with feeding issues. The formulation of these formulas is adequate to take care of your baby’s nutritional requirements for the first 12 months.


  • Both are suitable for babies from 0-12 months
  • Both are suitable for tummy troubles
  • Both occur in powdered form
  • Both contain DHA
  • Both contain ARA
  • Both contain Choline
  • Both contain Inositol
  • Both contain Iron
  • Both lack lactoferrin
  • Both lack LGG
  • Both lack prebiotics
  • Both contain vitamin D


  • Enfamil sensitive is for sensitive tummies, while Enfamil Nutramigen is for babies with cow’s milk allergy and colic.
  • Enfamil sensitive contains MFGM, while Enfamil Nutramigen lacks MFGM
  • Enfamil sensitive doesn’t contain ARA, while Enfamil Nutramigen contains ARA

Wind Up

Hopefully, your question on Enfamil Nutramigen vs Enfamil sensitivity has been answered.

Both formulas are good and specific. These formulas are meant for babies with sensitive tummies.

The pediatrician usually recommends these two brands of the baby formula Enfamil. Both formulas are recommended for babies with feeding issues, and their formulation is adequate to take care of your baby’s nutritional requirements for their first 12 months.

On the other hand, comparing Enfamil Nutramigen vs Enfamil sensitive, taking a middle ground will be a safe answer, and this verdict is based on your baby’s needs and demands. 

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