Best Formula For Acid Reflux And Gas

Acid Reflux can be quite challenging for both the mother and child. I remember when our second daughter struggled with acid reflux; we kept on looking for the answer for the best formula for acid reflux and gas.

Watching her cry after having reflux was one of the most difficult things we had to handle as parents. This is why we decided to share with you the best formula for acid reflux and a gassy baby.

In this article, we’ll be talking about the signs of reflux and gas and how to deal with them to help your baby cope with eating. We will also discuss the best formula for acid reflux and gas.

What is Reflux?

I remember when our daughter was fussy and spitting up like crazy, we couldn’t understand what was going on at that time then we decided to visit our baby doctor.

We found out that she had reflux which occurred as a result of the valve connecting her esophagus and stomach isn’t working properly.

Since the valve isn’t closing as it should be, so it allows both food and stomach juices to flow back up into your newborn mouth, and this can be quite uncomfortable and painful.

However, this condition is not permanent. This is just a result of the baby’s esophagus not being fully developed yet.

Although some babies can grow out their reflux within a year, for our daughter, she did not, but after a couple of years, she was fine. There are other things besides the maturity of your baby’s esophagus which can cause reflux.

GERD is a bit more serious of a condition where the acid flows backward damaging the lining of the esophagus which could result in serious irritation.

Also, food intolerance for example cow milk could be another reason behind the reflux.

Read: When Do Babies Stomach Mature (When and How it Develops)

How To Choose The Best Baby Formula

Naturally, there’s no wrong choice when it comes to choosing baby formula. Since the entire nutrient contents are technically safe to use, which means that what you put in your cart is your decision, your choice, and your budget.

Before hitting the store or maybe you decide to buy, ask yourself if the brand or type:

  • Can be found easily at a local store or online
  • If it’s budget-friendly
  • Meets your demand for convenience (powdered vs. liquid or pre-portioned form)
  • Is it the perfect fit for my baby’s needs (reflux, gas, prematurity, etc.)

Beyond all these, you should go for the one that works best for you and your baby. It is important to note that most formulas contain 20 calories per ounce. Unless your baby doctor suggests otherwise, always go for a brand that contains iron (although most do) to help prevent iron deficiency anemia in your baby.

Any other added nutrient in the formula, like fatty acids or other ingredients “found in breast milk,” is completely safe for your baby, but they may or may not provide you with all the benefits written on the box label.

Read Also: How To Thicken Baby Formula Without Cereals

Best Formula for Acid Reflux and Gas

leftover Breast Milk

If you’re a parent who’s dealing with infant reflux, don’t panic it is not the end of the world. As a concerned parent, one common change that can help your reflux baby is to change up their original formula.

Although this may take a lot of trial and error purchases, we promise that when you find that right formula it will be worth the money.

Picking the best formula for acid reflux and a gassy baby can be a little stressful at first, but we hope that this list will set you down the right path!

Some of these formulas can be a little bit pricey, so once you’ve found that perfect one for your little one, we recommend you buy them in bulk.

Best Baby Formulas:

  • Best baby formula for reflux: Enfamil A.R. Infant Formula
  • Best baby formula for gas: Enfamil Gentlease Infant Formula
  • Best baby formula for colic: Gerber Good Start SoothePro Powder Infant Formula
  • Best baby formula for constipation: Enfamil Reguline Infant Formula
  • Best baby formula for supplementation: Similac for Supplementation
  • Best baby formula for preemies: Similac NeoSure Formula
  • Best baby formula for allergies: Enfamil Nutramigen with Enflora LGG Powder Infant Formula
  • Best organic baby formula: Earth’s Best Organic Sensitivity Infant Formula
  • Best plant-based baby formulas: Gerber Good Start Soy Powder Infant Formula, Earth’s Best Non-GMO Plant Based Infant Formula
  • Best budget baby formulas: Kirkland Signature ProCare Non-GMO Infant Formula, Up&Up Advantage HMO Infant Formula, Parent’s Choice Tender Infant Formula

You can find these formulas in three forms. For powdered and liquid concentrate ones, it is recommended you mix with water before feeding your baby.

You must follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on how to mix the formula. Avoid mixing the formula with too much water; this is because adding too much water will decrease the nutritional value of the formula while adding too little water can affect a baby’s delicate organs.

Best Baby Formula for Reflux

Are you worried that your baby spit-up is becoming more than just a laundry issue in your home? As you may know, formula-fed babies have a higher rate of reflux than breastfed babies. These problems usually peak around the 4-month mark.

Fortunately, we have formulas that can help decrease the frequency of spit-ups with no long-term safety concerns. You can get these formulas easily in the market or online.

Enfamil A.R. Infant Formula

 Key features

  • Just like other thickened formulas, Enfamil says that their A.R. infant formula meets reflux guidelines set by the AAP (The American Academy of Pediatrics).
  • R infant formula contains rice starch which helps to thicken and settle better in the baby’s stomach. In the year 2003, the A.R infant manufacturers supported research that showed it can reduce infant spit-up issues by up to 50 percent.
  • It is enriched with DHA for baby’s brain development
  • A bit pricey
  • It is also easy to mix and tastes very good.


Always consult your pediatrician before introducing thickened formula to your baby.

While many parents swear that this formula helped reduce infant spit-up episodes, others share a different view on it saying it didn’t help their baby’s spit-up issue enough.

Best Baby Formula for Gas

Enfamil Gentlease Infant Formula

Key Features

  • This formula is specifically formulated for infants to reduce gas, fussiness, and crying in babies in just one day.
  • It is also enriched with a high amount of DHA to help nourish and develop your baby’s brain.
  • A bit pricey


The majority of the parents that used this formula found it helped relieve gassiness in their baby. Some parents only had a few complaints about the formula packaging and also that the formula leaves behind an oily residue in the bottle after feeding.

Remember, that severe gas can also be a sign of allergy or other health issues. So, if introducing formulas doesn’t help, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Best Baby Formula for Colic    

Gerber Good Start SoothePro Powder Infant Formula

Key Features

  • This formula has the “gentleness of breast milk” and can help reduce excessive crying episodes to fussiness and gas.
  • The formula is enriched with 30 percent lactose which may help relieve the baby’s gastrointestinal system.
  • It is also fortified with a mix of prebiotics and probiotics.
  • It tastes good so your baby isn’t likely to reject it.
  • A bit pricey


Generally, parents like this formula a lot, but some complained that it can be a bit clumpy and difficult to dissolve in the bottle. A few complained that the formula smells bad which prompts their baby to refuse to drink it occasionally.

Keep in mind that there’s no scientific proof to suggest that a certain formula will make your baby better. Colic in babies tends to ease up once the baby clocks 4-6 months of age.

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Also, colic formulas like the Gerber Soothe Start may not help if your baby has an allergy. This is why you should always consult with your pediatrician to ensure everything is alright with the baby.

Best Baby Formula for Constipation

Enfamil Reguline Infant Formula

Key Features

  • Introducing this formula to your baby will help the baby poop more comfortably within a week of use.
  • Enfamil Reguline is fortified with iron and a special blend of probiotics that help with digestion. Like other brands, this formula is gentle enough on a baby’s sensitive stomach that it can be used every day.
  • A bit pricey


A huge number of parents that have used this formula are divided on whether or not this formula is a magic fix for constipation. A few reviewers stated that their baby’s stools turned dark green after introducing the formula to their child. While others complained that it gave their babies diarrhea and more gas.

It’s very important to note that, there are not many formulas specifically marketed to ease constipation in babies.

Generally, formula-fed babies are more prone to constipation than breastfed babies, this is because breast milk is easier to digest.

Don’t be worried if you notice your formula-fed baby passes stools between 2-3 times a day before starting solid food and two times a day after starting solids. Your baby might be going through a different normal.

But if notice your baby to be straining and passing hard stools or suddenly taking a long time without a dirty diaper, a good chance is that he or she may be constipated. In this situation, it is best advised to try a different formula and talk to your pediatrician about other ways to get things back on track.

Best Baby Formula for Supplementation

Similac for Supplementation

This formula was specifically designed for supplementation just like any other kind of formula.

Key Features

  • The formula provides a gentle introduction to the baby’s stomach. It doesn’t cause gas or constipation.
  • Similac is enriched with an OptiGRO blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E along with all vital nutrients found in breast milk.
  • Its probiotics content is higher than any other type of Similac formula on the market.
  • A bit pricey


A good number of reviewers share positive reviews after using this formula. But some parents say that the formula gave their babies loose stools and other digestive problems, like gas.

Best Baby Formula for Preemies

Similac NeoSure

Breast milk is the perfect choice for preemies, however, it may not always be available. Babies who are born prematurely require additional support nutritionally.

As a result, formulas for preemies like the Similac Neosure focus on higher calories which are usually 22 to 24 per ounce versus the standard 20 to help promote weight gain, long-term growth, and development in babies.

Key Features

  • Similac Neosure includes additional calories as well as vital nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to help with a baby’s growth in their first year.
  • This formula is specifically formulated to help premature babies “catch up” in growth better than they would with other standard term formulas.
  • A bit pricey


While many reviewers explain that this formula did help their babies catch up, some parents complained it came at a price of constipation, gas, and other digestive problems. This formula is sold online as it isn’t available at all stores, so it is best to order it online if want to give it a try.

Do not forget to talk with your pediatrician about whether to use formula with additional calories and how long to continue using it. Some parents recommend switching to term formulas after a few months.

Best Baby Formula for Allergies

Enfamil Nutramigen with Enflora LGG Powder Infant Formula

Some babies may be allergic to cow’s milk protein and may benefit more from hypoallergenic formula particularly, one where the protein has been partially broken down.

These formulas are specially formulated for babies who can’t digest milk or soy-based varieties. They’re also called protein hydrolysate formulas.

Key Features                            

  • Enfamil Nutramigen is free of lactose and sucrose.
  • This formula helps to relieve colic in babies faster. Almost all the parents that introduced this formula to their babies experienced relief from their symptoms within 48 hours according to Enfamil’s
  • According to Enfamil-sponsored research, this formula may help ease future allergy issues by up to 50 percent.
  • Very affordable


It is very important to note that Nutramigen may not help your baby if their problems aren’t caused by an allergy. Some reviewers complained that the formula smells and tastes bad and is too pricey.

Another unique feature of this formula is that you can find it in a liquid concentrate form. What this means is that you’ll have to mix the liquid with water for bottles instead of using a powder which is quite convenient.

Best Organic Baby Formula

Earth’s Best Organic Sensitivity Infant Formula

Key Features

  • It contains zero synthetic pesticides and
  • Earth Best Organic is free from artificial flavors and colors, growth hormones, preservatives, and other additives.
  • It is formulated with 95 percent less lactose than standard formulas. This means the formula can be digested easily by babies who are sensitive to lactose.
  • The dairy ingredients of this formula are organic, originating from grass-fed cows.
  • It also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, lutein, and prebiotics which help to boost a baby’s immune system.
  • Taste similar to breast milk.
  • A bit pricey


Some reviewers explain that the formula was very beneficial for them, just that it can be inconsistent from batch to batch (some foamier, for instance).

Other parents said that they like the taste of the formula, but a few of them complained that they’re unhappy with the high corn syrup solids content (also known as maltodextrin) which is a common ingredient in most infant formulas.

Best Plant-Based Baby Formula

1. Gerber Good Start Soy Powder Infant Formula

Key Features

  • This formula is specifically formulated to help ease the fussiness and gas babies experience with cow milk allergies.
  • Gerber Good Start Soy Powder includes soy protein, vitamin D, DHA, and added calcium to aid growth and development in babies.
  • It contains zero lactose and cow’s milk protein and maybe better digested by some babies with certain health issues.
  • Very affordable


Some parents who used this formula complained that the formula made gas and colic issues worse with their baby. Other reviewers stated that the powder is lumpy and difficult to mix.

Interestingly, about 25 percent of all formula sold in the US is soy-based. Do not forget to consult with your pediatrician before switching to soy.

2. Earth’s Best Non-GMO Plant-Based Infant Formula

Key Features

  • It is lactose-free
  • It does not contain any genetically artificial ingredients, like colors, flavors, or pesticides.
  • The formula is made from organic soybeans and contains both DHA and ARA which are the two important fatty acids found naturally in breast milk.
  • A bit pricey


According to some reviewers, they say that this formula is difficult to find at local stores, and ordering it online can be a bit tricky. While other parents say the formula made their babies constipated more than other soy brands.

Best Budget Baby Formulas

1. Kirkland Signature ProCare Non-GMO Infant Formula

Key Features

  • It contains 2′-FL Human Milk Oligosaccharide, which is a prebiotic naturally found in breast milk to help boost a baby’s immune system.
  • The dairy-based formula comes from cows free from any artificial growth hormones.
  • Very affordable

Key Features

Some reviewers who used this formula said that the formula is a bit more chalky and foamy than Similac. With older infants, this new non-GMO formula may cause them to become gassy.

Key in mind, that you can only buy this formula if your registered member of the Costco club. If there is no Costco near you, you can always join the club and purchase this product online.

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2. Up&Up Advantage HMO Infant Formula

Key Features

  • It contains 2′-FL Human Milk Oligosaccharide.
  • The formula is non-GMO dairy formula enriched in DHA, lutein, vitamin E, and choline.
  • You can get this formula cheaply in-store or online.


Many reviewers that use this formula stated that the formula was very easy to mix and it did not upset the baby’s tummy. One parent found some brown clumps in the bottle after mixing. Be aware that some of the online reviews you see online are part of a promotion program.

3. Parent’s Choice Tender Infant Formula

Key Features

  • It contains prebiotics and DHA
  • Contains no artificial growth hormones or genetic engineering.
  • The formula may help with constipation in babies and it is very affordable


Some reviewers that use this formula stated that it has a cheesy smell that isn’t appealing. While a few parents complained that the formula made their babies gassy.

Read Also: Best Formula For Picky Breastfed Babies

Tips On How To Use Baby Formula

After choosing the perfect formula that is right for your baby, you’ll want to ensure you prepare it safely.

  • The first thing must do is to wash your hands with mild soap and water before picking up bottles and preparing your formula. While doing this, make sure your bottles are clean, sanitized, and in good working condition.
  • Always check the date of manufacture and expiration before introducing it to your baby to avoid offering your baby spoiled formula. Also make sure you inspect the formula box/container for breaks in the seal, rust signs, leaks, and other things that may indicate that the formula may be compromised.
  • Make sure the water you’re using is coming from a safe source. Alternatively, you can boil the water for a minute and cool it before mixing bottles too. If you feel that your tap water is not safe to use, you may want to buy bottled water.
  • Gauge the water first before pouring powdered or liquid concentrate. It is best advised to follow the guideline on the box for how much water you’ll use. Adding too much water or too little water to the formula can lead to serious health complications for your baby.
  • If you decide to warm your baby feeding bottle, you can warm the bottle by putting it in a pot of warm water on the stove. Avoid using a microwave to heat the formula.
  • Any formula prepared should be consumed within 2 hours or should be stored right away in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Discard any leftover formula that your baby didn’t finish after mealtime.
  • Make sure you feed your baby in an upright position and burp the baby frequently to help ease symptoms of colic.
  • If your little one is under the age of 3 months, was born prematurely, or has other medical issues, your baby doctor may have other helpful additional guidelines for preparing formula.

Read Also: Baby Drinks Bottle Too Fast (Tips T0 Help You Cope)

What Are The Signs That Indicate My Baby Has Acid Reflux

acid reflux

There are a few signs that may indicate that your little one may have infant reflux. Note! I am not a doctor but if you feel worried about your baby’s condition do not hesitate to your baby doctor!

They’re in a better position to help work you through what’s normal and what might be responsible for the symptoms in your baby.

1. Spitting Up

This is usually normal in babies. Newborns can spit up anywhere, for example in a car seat, on your favorite shirt, and down your shoulders where you won’t notice, so you shouldn’t take this symptom seriously.

You should always be concerned when it seems like the act of spitting up is causing them much pain or coming up with a greenish or yellow liquid. It can also be a concern if the situation continues to happen past 12 months after meals.

2. Baby Becomes Grumpy During Meal Time

Sometimes our newborns are just grumpy, but mealtime should be fun, comforting, and should always be something they look forward to.

If you feel mealtime is always a battle then something is not right, you should visit your baby doctor to get it checked out. If it turns out that your baby has reflux then the grumpiness is a result of their stomach or throat being irritated.

3. Refusal or Difficulty Eating

When babies begin to associate their uneasiness caused by reflux with eating, chances are that they may begin to refuse food entirely. Food rejection for an extended time can be a cause for concern and you should contact your pediatrician.

4. Failure to Gain Weight

Failure to gain weight in babies can be likened to difficulty in eating. Another reason why you shouldn’t hesitate to visit your pediatrician is if you found your baby is not gaining weight or meeting the required markers they should.

5. Frequent Gagging or Choking

The stomach contents pushing backward to your baby’s mouth can cause some gagging and choking.

If you notice that your baby is experiencing this often, try placing your baby in an upright position during feeding and for a little bit of time afterward to allow the food to digest. This may be a sign of reflux if it happens frequently.

6. Wet Hiccups

I know that now you’ve heard the word hiccups you are probably concerned, but be aware that hiccups are not supposed to be wet, and if you notice they are then it’s likely a sign of reflux causing food particles to push back up.

7. Hard Time with a Sleep Routine

A lot of things that can make your baby find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, but if this is combined with some of these other symptoms we indicated then their sleep troubles are likely related to infant reflux.

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What Else Can I Do To Ease The Acid Reflux?

Switching to formula best for reflux like the Enfamil A.R. Infant Formula will help your baby, but it still might not help when it comes to reflux issues.

In my situation, Enfamil A.R. Infant Formula was very helpful but my daughter needed a little more to help ease the pain. Here are a few practical things to try

  • Add more frequent feedings while lowering the amount of food
  • Always burp your baby between every 2 or so ounces
  • Place your baby in an upright position for 30 minutes to an hour after each feed
  • Ensure you put the baby to sleep on their back on a firm mattress. Always consult your doctor first before putting them in an incline position or a seat
  • Talk to your doctor first before giving your baby any medications to help with reflux
  • Get a good licensed newborn chiropractor
  • You can also massage your little one’s tummy in a clockwise motion to help relieve gas


We hope this article has given an in-depth knowledge to answer the question of the best formula for acid reflux and gas along with other formula relation questions. As you may know, there are a lot of formula options to choose from.

Your milk is always recommended as the first and perfect choice for a baby’s general growth and development, but most baby formulas meet the recommended nutritional needs the baby requires.

If you’re still having conflicting ideas on the best formula for acid reflux and gas, then I’d suggest you consult your pediatrician. Your baby doctor will be in a better position to guide you on what’s best for your baby based on your child’s health history.